
Collective Farm Girl: All About Growing A Popular Variety Of Melon

It is unlikely that there will be a gardener who would never see or try the melon of the Collective Farm Girl. Honey taste reminds of childhood. Now many are trying to grow melons in their plots, but successes are far from always successful. Culture, although it belongs to the same family as cucumbers and vegetable marrows well known to gardeners for a long time, is much more demanding in care.

Fortune’s euonymus "Emerald Gold" - application in landscape design

One of the most spectacular and attractive shrubs is considered to be plants of the euonymus family. The optimum height of the plant is ideal for use in landscaping. Fortune eurald gold euonymus. The history of selection and the description of the species The shrub of the euonymus family is low and reaches only 20 centimeters at the peak of growth, therefore it belongs to the dwarf class.

How I planted leek in the Tver region

For some reason, leek is not popular for cultivation in the middle lane. I think this is wrong. It is not only healthy, tasty and gives piquancy to any dish, but also high-yielding. You just need to know which variety to grow and how. I prefer the Karantansky variety (he even wintered in my garden, accidentally stayed), but sometimes for a change I buy the Winner (it grows thicker, but is stored worse).

Indoor nightshade - home care, photo species and varieties

Solanum (Solanum) - a perennial houseplant from the nightshade family. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of 1 meter or more, in a room the bush size does not exceed 30-50 cm. The birthplace of nightshade is Brazil, Uruguay and Peru. The main decoration of the plant are round, brightly colored fruits. On the plant, they hold up to six months.

Crossandra: home care and flower propagation

Florists will only recognize all the charms of such a flower as a cross-roomra. Of the advantages, they note excellent decorative qualities and long plentiful flowering, as well as the longevity of the plant. However, in order to be able to enjoy such beauty, you need to know how to properly care for a crossandra and what conditions for it will need to be provided.

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Green rose - varietal variety, which are

Green rose is a unique beauty plant, the existence of which not everyone knows. Although flowers are now found in any shade, the buds of saturated emerald color will not leave anyone indifferent. What are the distinctive features of rose green, what are the nuances of planting, growing and care - will be described in detail in this material.

Rosa Rumba - characteristics of kliming

For those who want to create a unique landscape design at their summer cottage, the Rumba rose variety will be an excellent choice. Orange-yellow flowers of the plant will decorate any flowerbed in an original way. The uniqueness of the variety lies in the fact that in the process of flowering, the rose changes its color, remaining bright throughout the entire time.

Nepentes - an exotic predator plant

Nepentes is an unusual representative of the flora with a predatory character. In addition to the usual food, he needs insects, which he digests in his jugs. The genus belongs to the family of the same name Pentes. It occurs in tropical Asia and the Pacific basin (from Kalimantan to Australia and Madagascar).

Cumbria orchid: care and maintenance at home

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Rosa Pomponella (Pomponella) - characteristics of varietal shrubs

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Hoya propagation by cuttings, rooting and transplanting at home

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Sinadenium - unpretentious euphorbia on the windowsill

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Anthurium - transplant at home

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