Interesting Articles 2024

Chives: healthy greens or pretty flowers? Both!

Schnitt-onion is a very interesting plant: it can be simultaneously considered as a vegetable, supplying early vitamins to the table, and as a decorative one, decorating the garden with beautiful flowers. Culture is not required to be planted annually. It grows for many years and requires minimal maintenance. Description of the plant Chives in the wild is found in many countries, it can be found in river valleys and well-moistened meadows, where there is no extreme frost.

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Echeveria - trembling stone flower

Echeveria is an unusual succulent of the family Crassulaceae. In the wild, it can be found in Central and South America. Refined "stone roses" of fleshy leaves attract many gardeners with intricate shapes. In everyday life, Echiveria can be seen in flowerpots or wide table pots. It looks great when grown individually or in the company of other similar specimens in a succulent kindergarten.

Peony Felix Crousse - planting and care

Bred in 1881 in France, a grassy peony continues to please the eye today. Peony retains its aesthetic appearance even after flowering ceases. A flower is planted in flower beds or rectangular flower beds, near the house or areas are zoned with it. Peony Felix Krouuss (Paeonia Felix Crousse) - what kind of variety, the history of creation Variety Felix Krauss is one of the most resistant to low temperatures, it fits perfectly into any decorative composition.

Sansevieria Hanni - Home Care

Sansevieria Hanni is an ornamental houseplant, which is commonly called the "pike tail". This is a very unpretentious species, the content of which does not cause difficulties. Perhaps that is why Hanni is the darling of all amateur gardeners. What does Sansevieria Hanni look like, to which family does Sansevieria Hahnii belong to the group of asparagus subspecies.

When to prune apple trees: the right dates for different seasons

To obtain high yields of apples for the tree, proper care is necessary. One of the main agricultural techniques, which allows you to change the appearance of the apple tree and the quality of the fruit, is pruning. To complete the procedure, it is important to know in what time frame to carry it out. When to prune an apple tree Actions aimed at pruning an apple tree must be performed while the tree is in a sleeping state, i.e.

Orchid bloomed what to do with the arrow: options for care and pruning

Orchid bloomed what to do with the arrow - a question that from time to time appears to all gardeners and flower lovers. This article will give an answer to it, as well as an analysis of whether flower stalks need to be cut and whether the plant will die if the flower stalk turns yellow. The essence of the procedure Despite the fact that the orchid is considered a houseplant, it can grow on the street (for example, in the garden).

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On the orchid spots on the leaves - what to do

Orchid is an exotic plant that has recently become popular with indoor flower lovers. With a violation of care, the plant quickly loses its attractiveness. Spots of different colors appear on the leaves of the orchid. To solve the problem, you need to know the possible causes of spots and measures to combat them.

Venus slipper: popular types and conditions of flower care

The flower Venus slipper got its unusual name thanks to the ancient legend of the goddess Venus. While walking on Earth, she accidentally forgot her shoes in the forest. After some time, they turned into beautiful flowers that stand out clearly against the background of other vegetation. Description of flower Venus slipper Venus slipper (Cypripedium Calceolus in Latin) is a perennial herb.

Why was an orange called a “Chinese apple”, what happens and where does it grow

Millions of people have long fallen in love with the tropical fruit of the citrus family with juicy flesh. The delicate taste and specific aroma make the orange the first dessert at any time of the year. Orange juice is healthy at every age, and the zest is used in baking and cosmetology. In our country, citrus fruits are cultivated in the Caucasus and in the Krasnodar Territory.

Florist's lunar calendar for July 2019

If you think that working with flowers is relevant only in the spring, then you are very mistaken. July is a month no less eventful for any lover of indoor greenery. Owners of home greenhouses will not have to be bored: they are waiting for transplanting, feeding and trimming green wards, as well as the fight against diseases and pests.

How to grow a rich pumpkin crop in the suburbs

In the suburbs, pumpkin is one of the traditional vegetable crops. The climate here is favorable for growing many popular varieties. True, a warm summer is not enough to ripen the latest and most delicious pumpkins, but the zoned varieties feel good in the garden: there is no excess heat, and the soil is quite fertile.

Rhododendron Nova Zembla

Rhododendron Nova Zembla is one of the most popular flowering shrubs among landscape designers. Any garden in which a flower garden is created with this plant begins to play with bright colors. Another plus of this particular rhododendron variety is winter hardiness, which makes it a good choice for cold regions.

Rose Orient Express (Pullman Orient Express) - what kind of variety

Rosa Orient Express pleases with plentiful and magnificent flowering. The sophisticated appearance of the bushes fits perfectly into any landscape design. Famous French breeders worked on breeding a tea-hybrid rose variety. Thanks to their painstaking work, the plant species with thorns is not susceptible to diseases and pests.

How to reanimate an orchid without roots

The content of orchids at home scares beginner gardeners because of fear of plant death. With a lack of experience in care, the root system of the flower really undergoes rotting or drying out. And since it plays an important role in the life of the plant, its damage directly affects the state of pseudobulbs, leaves and flowering.

Varieties of ampel strawberries large-fruited and remontant

Strawberry is a groundcover. If you put it in a hanging planter, then after a while a mustache forms and will hang down. Some of the varieties have the ability to let out a long mustache, on which rosettes form very quickly. These sprouts are able to independently bloom and form berries.

How to propagate grapes: techniques available to any summer resident

To plant grapes on a site, it is easiest to buy a ready-made seedling; there is no shortage of them in our time. But where do seedlings come from in the market, how are they grown, from what? After all, having minimal gardening experience, it is very simple to grow a seedling of grapes yourself, at home. The main methods of propagation of grapes Grapes, like almost all shrubs, can be propagated both by seeds and vegetative methods.

Overview of the 7 most popular materials for decorating the facade of a private house

The technology and materials for decorating house facades are being considered at the design stage. The appearance of the building should fit into the landscape, be neat and beautiful. In addition to the decorative function, the decoration of the facade also performs purely practical tasks - it insulates, soundproofes the building, protects the supporting structures from moisture, wind, steam, and temperature changes.