Interesting Articles 2024


Rosa Wow (Wow NT)

Bright roses always attract special attention: in the store, and at home, and on the site. Today we will talk about a tea-hybrid rose of the Wow variety (Wow HT rose), because its flowers are really juicy, interesting, attracting attention. Next will be a detailed description of the plant, some features and growing rules.

Lupine feed for animals

Not everyone knows what lupine is, why this plant is grown and where it can be used in agriculture. For this reason, culture is not widely popular in Russia. Meanwhile, the plant has high agricultural value. If we consider the fodder species, several varieties that differ in color and in yield are especially popular.

We choose curtains for a garden arbor and a verandah: design secrets

An open veranda or gazebo is a favorite place for spending leisure time for the inhabitants of the country house. At hot noon, roof vaults shelter us from the scorching sun or summer thunderstorms, and in the evenings create an atmosphere that is pleasant for pleasant meetings with friends and relatives. But in order to make the rest as comfortable as possible, and the surrounding space more comfortable, it is worthwhile to design open walls of the structure by choosing the appropriate curtains for the gazebo and veranda.

Thuja Danica (Danica) spherical - description

Thuja western (Occidentalis) Danica varieties - a favorite plant of landscape designers around the world. The form is unpretentious, tolerates the unfavorable winter conditions of Siberia and the Moscow Region equally well, frosts, summer heat and drought, and is resistant to the gas pollution of the urban environment. In the landscape, it can act as a tapeworm and blends well in groups.

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French Florina - an excellent winter grade of apple trees

Florina is a French variety of winter apple trees that has found distribution in the southern regions of Russia, where it is used for industrial cultivation. Gardeners will be interested to know its characteristics, especially planting and growing. Description of variety French variety for winter consumption. Obtained by multiple saturating crosses of apple varieties Jonathan, Rum Beauty, Golden Delishes, Starking on the seedling Malus floribunda 821.

Anthurium at home and care for it

Anthurium - a genus of plants in the form of epiphytes, vines, herbaceous and semi-epiphytes are part of the Aroid family. Homeland - tropical and subtropical zones of Central and South America. Description of the anthurium Translation of the name anthurium - a flower-tail, its inflorescence, in the form of an ears, looks like a tail. It is located on a brightly colored bract (bedspread), which is often mistaken for a flower, but in reality it is a leaf that attracts insects for pollination.

Araucaria: types and tips for care

Araucaria is an evergreen, gymnosperm, coniferous plant, belongs to the Araucaria family. Homeland is Australia, America, New Guinea. Description Araucaria is a rather tall tree, there are species up to 100 meters high. The trunk is straight with a thick resinous bark. Coniferous leaves are flat and very hard, the spiral is located on the branches.

Gooseberry varieties: a description of the best types of red, yellow, green

Gooseberries are one of the most popular garden crops. Its berries are appreciated not only for their pleasant taste, but also for their excellent vitamin composition. Many gardeners are interested in various varieties of gooseberries. And breeders try to satisfy demand by regularly offering new varieties. What are the characteristics of gooseberries? This culture has many varieties.

Pelargonium - a fragrant bush with soft leaves

Pelargonium is a herbaceous plant from the Geranium family. India and South Africa are its homeland, but for several centuries this flower has been grown in our country as an indoor. It is also called geraniums, a small stick and a crane. However, geranium and pelargonium are still different plants. The first is a powerful frost-resistant perennial.

Transplanting indoor plants, how to transplant indoor flower

Periodically, any domestic plant needs to be replanted in new soil so that it can grow further. After all, along with the growth of the plant, its roots also grow, "sucking out" all the useful substances from the soil and resting against the walls of the pot. When is it best to transplant plants? In order to find out when to transplant indoor flowers and whether there is a need for this, you should look at a couple of external factors that can occur if the plant already needs a transplant.

Hydrangea Red Angel - description, planting and care

Hydrangea is one of the most popular plants that is used to decorate landscape design. The shrub is unpretentious in leaving, grows quickly and looks very beautiful. Description of the variety Red Hydrangea hydrangea and its characteristics Before planting a seedling of hydrangea large-leaved Red Angel, you need to study all the characteristics of the plant and the features of its cultivation.

Chubushnik and jasmine - what is the difference

In many garden plots you can see an ornamental shrub, which is covered with snow-white fragrant flowers. Very often it is called jasmine or it is believed that this is a certain type of plant from the same family. In fact, this familiar flowering shrub is a mock-up. The difference between these two plants is colossal.

Gomfrena: description, types and varieties, planting and care

Gomfrena is a dicotyledonous herbaceous flowering plant of the Amaranth family. There are annual and perennial species. It lives in tropical latitudes. Most common in South America. Spherical gomfren is grown around the world as a decorative garden flower. Some species are found in indoor breeding.

Chives: healthy greens or pretty flowers? Both!

Schnitt-onion is a very interesting plant: it can be simultaneously considered as a vegetable, supplying early vitamins to the table, and as a decorative one, decorating the garden with beautiful flowers. Culture is not required to be planted annually. It grows for many years and requires minimal maintenance. Description of the plant Chives in the wild is found in many countries, it can be found in river valleys and well-moistened meadows, where there is no extreme frost.

Monstera - varieties of ampel species

Exotic plants are very popular with modern gardeners. One of them - a monstera - is a guest from South America. Some of its species are climbing vines, they can be grown on the site. Other species keep houses as indoor flowers. However, this exotic beauty is not happy with lush flowering; she attracts attention with the beauty of her cirrus painted leaves.

Strawberry home - growing from seeds or indoor strawberries

Fragrant and delicious strawberries (strawberries) are frequent guests on the summer table. Growing this culture on your own is not difficult. As a rule, they propagate it with a mustache or dividing a bush, but strawberries at home from seeds grow no worse. Growing from seeds Garden strawberry seeds can be purchased at the store or collected independently from homemade berries.