Varieties of ampel strawberries large-fruited and remontant


Strawberry is a groundcover. If you put it in a hanging planter, then after a while a mustache forms and will hang down. Some of the varieties have the ability to let out a long mustache, on which rosettes form very quickly. These sprouts are able to independently bloom and form berries. It is such a mustache that can be formed in various ways: weaving, ampelous.

The word "ampel" in translation means "hanging vase under the flowers." In order for ampelous strawberries to form, you need to plant several bushes in one flowerpot and wait until a mustache and rosettes form. Most often, for such cultivation, repairing varieties are selected that are capable of bearing fairly long-term fruit bearing rock. Very often, this kind of strawberry is grown as a decoration. Plants that are decorated all year round with flowers, rosettes and berries of varying degrees of maturity look very profitable.

The use of ampel strawberries in interior design

If you plant non-repairing varieties, then the flowering and fruiting period will be short and a person will not have time to enjoy all the beauty of this type of planting.

In addition to the ampel method, the resulting whiskers can be made weaving. This requires garter at certain stages of flowering.

Important! When planting and subsequent formation, it is important that the plant has the correct shape.

Arrangement of pots with strawberries

Among the large-fruited strawberries recommended for cultivation by the ampel method, the following are distinguished:

Strawberry Ampel Rikla

How to care for ampel geraniums at home

The variety is developed for the North Caucasus region. It ripens early, but is not repair. It has a light green color, has a spherical shape, forms a moderate number of processes. The fruits are characterized by scarlet color and conical shape. Peduncles themselves are located at the level of the leaf plate. Berries have a mass of up to 36 grams. Each fruit contains 7% sugar. The variety has a high level of heat resistance and frost resistance.

Strawberry ampelous Elsanta

It is characterized by an average ripening period. Have an average amount of foliage. Large leaves have a small gun, juicy green shine. Increased wrinkling. It differs in thick high peduncles, which are located close to the foliage.

Note! Fruits have a mass of up to 50 grams, cone-shaped. Possess a little sourness.

Strawberry Ampel Tarpan

It is recommended to grow this variety on the street or on balconies. It has bright pink blooms and peduncles of an elongated shape. The weight of berries can reach 35 grams. They have a pronounced strawberry flavor and are very tasty.

Victoria ampel

The variety is quite common and has collected positive recommendations from many gardeners. The bush has a fairly large shape. It is characterized by high frost resistance. However, sensitivity to spring frosts remains. The variety is very stable. Loves plentiful watering. It has a short shelf life. It predominates with high taste.

Strawberry Ampulent Temptation

It has some features that are ideal for growing in the middle strip. One of these characteristics is that fruiting is observed even on those whiskers that do not have a root system. Good for growing on balconies in flower pots or pots. The mass of berries is about 30 grams, have a sweet taste with the aroma of nutmeg. The pulp is juicy and dense. It gives about 1.5 kg per plant, has a high yield;

Strawberry Ampel Delis

It is a novelty of 2016. It gives 1.5 kg of berries per plant. The bush is medium in size and has a very developed root system. Berries have a rounded shape, have a special aroma.

Strawberry ampelous Laurent

Very early begins to bloom and bear fruit. It has an ideal form for growing in a cache-pot. Foliage has a dark green color. Duration of fruiting is from mid-June to frost. The fruits have a conical shape and a dark red tint. Very juicy and sweet.

Important!Each of the varieties has its advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the perfect plant, you need to be guided only by personal wishes.

Varieties of ampel Strawberry

Caring for ampelous geraniums or pelargonium sympathetic: diseases and pests

Florists in pursuit of the beautiful can not only create the perfect composition, but also get some benefit in the form of a chic crop. Strawberry varieties with pink flowers will help them in this.

Note! In combination with white inflorescences, pink will look extremely advantageous and beautiful.

Strawberry varieties with pink flowers include the following:

  • Strawberry Ampel Enchantress. Has large peduncles. It is recommended for cultivation in flowerpots. If it grows in open ground, then the whole summer pleases with fruits. The fruits are cone-shaped, bright red. Very sweet;
  • strawberry ampelous Pink miracle. It is a hybrid. Refers to early ripening. It has long fruiting, high productivity. Fruits are bright red in color, sweetly sweet;
  • ampelous strawberry Pink flamingo. It is a type of home plant. It is often grown in pots and balcony niches. The berry has a bright scarlet color, a dense surface, large sizes;
  • Strawberry ampelous Roman. Has a pale pink color of flowers. Recommended for growing in an apartment. The fruits are a drop that has a rich red color;
  • ampoule strawberries Tuscany is one of the new products on the strawberry market. The plant has a height of 15 cm. The peduncles themselves are light raspberry color;
  • strawberry ampelous Eternity. It has an alpine origin. Designed for amateur gardeners. Differ in early ripening, raspberry peduncles. The fruits are characterized by burgundy color and oblong shape;
  • Strawberry ampelous Tristan. It is characterized by a hybrid nature. Flowers have a bright red color. Leaves are dark green. Very sweet, soft and juicy;
  • Strawberry Ampel Gazana. Peduncles are characterized by a bright raspberry color and are very similar to an indoor plant.

Note! Almost all species are characterized by low whimsicality and great endurance.

However, if the plant is grown in a pot, it is necessary to have systematic top dressing, which will allow him to get all the necessary substances.

An important component of proper care is the availability of systematic watering. The first time after planting a plant, it must be watered daily, and twice a day. This mode must be observed for three days, after which the watering time changes. You need to water once every three days. The first flowers that appear on the plant break off. This is necessary so that the root system becomes the most adapted and developed. The number of stepchildren that must be left is no more than five.

Important! For maximum fruiting, the presence of fertilizing with mineral mixtures is necessary.

Methods for combining various types of ampel strawberries

What is the difference between ampelic petunia and cascading

Short daylight strawberries are considered ordinary varieties that bear fruit once a season in the spring and summer. In such plants, the laying of new buds occurs at a time when daylight becomes shorter.

In addition to short day strawberries, neutral and long day strawberries are also distinguished. Even in the classification of plants designate bezosy and ordinary varieties. For a plant that does not let out a mustache, care is much easier, however, such a plant is difficult to reproduce.

Each plant, with proper care, is able to give maximum yield.

Note! Amateur gardeners do not always know how to correctly select a variety, how to plant and propagate it, with what frequency to water.

Agrotechnology growing ampel strawberries

Ampel strawberries in flower pots require special attention. It must be properly watered and fed, as in addition to this nutrition, it has nowhere else to get nutrients from.

The first step from which strawberry cultivation begins is the selection of a variety that is selected based on the personal wishes of the gardener. Some love sugary sweet grades, the second - sour, the third - sour and firm.

After studying the characteristics of certain varieties, the one that you like is selected. Next, a certain set of actions will be performed, which should be performed in strict sequence.

How to plant ampel strawberries

For planting in a pot, it is necessary to prepare fertile soil, which consists of 2 parts of peat, 4 turf land and large river sand, taken in the amount of one part.

Note! For better rooting and plant growth, you can feed the soil itself with mineral fertilizer before planting.

How to plant seedlings

The main condition for planting plants in planters is the amount of nutrient soil per plant. It should be between 1.5 and 3 liters. You can not sit too deep. The main thing is that the growth point is on the surface.

The ideal way would be to: pour the earth into the pot with a cone, place the root system on top of this cone so that the growth point is on top, sprinkle the roots to the top of the pot.

Watering and fertilizer

When watering, you must follow the gold rule: the plant must always be moistened. Neither drought nor overflow should be allowed. When planting, you need to water twice a day, with further growth, one plentiful watering is enough.

Important! To obtain maximum yield, properly observe the irrigation regime.

Planting ampel strawberries in pots

When planting strawberries in pots, you need to correctly select the size of the vessel. If the plant is characterized as tall, it is best to choose a pot of less than three liters. The placement of the pots depends on the desired type of planting. If the plant hangs, it is best to raise the capacity for planting to a height of n less than 30 cm. If, on the contrary, you can put it both on the ground and on the floor on the balcony, the main thing is to correctly carry out the garter.

Diseases and pests: control and prevention

Pests and diseases are integral companions for growing any kind of plant. For strawberries, the most common are the following:

  • strawberry nematode. Represents small worms from 0.5 to 1 mm. Through their fault, the young leaves are curled, and the cuttings become short;
  • mite strawberry. In the presence of this insect, the berries become small, and the leaves are wrinkled;
  • spider mite. It can be recognized by the appearance of cobwebs around the plant.
  • aphid. The sheets curl and dry;
  • late blight. Leaves become marked with necrosis along their edge;
  • powdery mildew. The leaves are twisted with a straw, a plaque appears.

Important! Spraying from all types of diseases and pests should be carried out before flowering and fruit formation.

Types of strawberries by the size of berries


Preparing for winter at home can be done in several ways:

  • transfer the plant to the garden and insulate it with fallen leaves;
  • insulate the plant with straw mats in a cache-pot;
  • transfer the plant pots to the cellar.

Depending on the selected variety and planting method, different care is required. In one case, you need to cut off excess inflorescences and mustaches, in the other, on the contrary, contribute to their formation. The main thing in growing an ampel plant is proper watering and top dressing. They must be performed efficiently and on time. Otherwise, the plant withers and dies.


Watch the video: How to Grow Strawberries in a Basket (October 2024).