Wild Common Ivy Description - Hedera Helix


Hedera (ivy) is considered one of the oldest cultivated crops. She was planted back in ancient Rome. In those days, the plant personified a successful marriage and immortality. Common ivy can reach the age of 200 years. This is a creeper creeping through the trees, or an evergreen carpet. A detailed description of ivy plants is below.

Ivy - what is it

Ivy is a climbing plant. Under favorable conditions, it reaches a height of 25 m. It climbs on supports and large trees thanks to its additional roots, similar to suckers. The leaves are strong, leathery. In flowering inflorescence plants in the form of umbrellas. The color of the leaves themselves is dark green, but in some species it may be cream or golden.

Evergreen carpet

Popularly known as magpie, serpentine, criminal, diva. In Central Russia there is a name - great. Here it has the status of a weed. Flowers are single and bisexual. Berries are poisonous to humans. Fortunately, they do not have time to ripen, since the plant blooms in August-October, and the fruit ripening period is 9 months after that. At home, it blooms very rarely.

For your information! Ivy berries are poisonous and dangerous to humans, both domestic varieties and wild vines.

Liana is widely used in landscape design. It is planted at the arbors, terraces. The plant is able to completely close the wall, if there is something to cling to.

Also used as an ampel plant. If there is no support, the flower growing in the pot will hang down with a magnificent hat.

Heder can be given any shape. If you use a stand of an unusual shape and pinch it in time, then in a very short time the green figure will please the eye.

Liana is used for a green fence. Designers make lush pillows on the soil from ivy, and use it for decorative garden decorations. Liana decorating a poplar or other tree in a public park looks amazing.

There are also several dozen species of indoor ivy. Such varieties are used in decorating vestibules, office premises.

Pelargonium - relative or neighbor

Pelargonium pelargonium with its leaves is very similar to ivy. It grows mainly as a shrub, but sometimes ampelous. Used as a houseplant. Sometimes it is planted on the street in the summer. Like common ivy, it is an evergreen. Brought from the same countries as the creepers. The nature of those parts is rich in beautiful plants, pleasing to the eye.

Ivy: where it grows

The birthplace of Xedera helix is ​​considered to be Madagascar. In Russia, grows in the Crimea, in the Caucasus. She is also met in Central Asia, as well as Africa and Asia. Hedera chose a subtropical climate for natural growth. There she can crawl even over rocks. Suction cup roots not only help to stay on a smooth surface, but also produce additional nutrition. In a warm climate, the plant reaches a height of more than 30 m.

In the average climate, the heder is also growing. Such sizes, as in the subtropics, of course, does not reach, but feels normal. Ripening berries can only be seen on indoor plants. This happens not earlier than 10 years after planting. And indoor ivy blooms reluctantly.

Room view

Common ivy (Hedera helix) at home

Indoor ivies are popular, they do not require special care, while giving the room a lot of greenery. Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves. He does not like ivy of frequent movements. It is better to water the plant with water at room temperature. It should not be immediately from the tap, be sure to let it stand. Ivy is indifferent to drafts and temperature changes, but its many leaves love a warm shower.

Flower ivy indoor variegated ordinary

In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, and during the growth of potash, but not more than 2 times a month.

Note! Nowadays, ivy is widely used in hydroponics. The soil is replaced with a substrate without fertilizers, some of the roots are always in the water. Feeding is done by adding liquid fertilizers directly to the water.

With good care, the heder grows quickly. It is necessary to transplant the plant at least 1 time in 3 years. A signal for a transplant is the appearance of roots in the drainage hole of the pot.

Reproduction is practiced by cuttings. Curly ivy quickly gives root.

In Central Russia, several types of street ivy take root. With proper care, the plant can reach 25 m, and the leaves of garden ivy - 20 cm. Hedera can be either a vertical decoration or a groundcover. The plant is considered shade-tolerant, so you can plant it under the crowns of trees like a carpet.

The most popular street variety is Professor Seneta. It was bred by breeders and can safely reach 20 m. It is used by local gardeners for both vertical gardening and lawn replacement.

Important! Before planting ground cover ivy, it is better to sow oats, in the spring, dig everything along with green shoots. Thus, the soil for ivy will be fertilized.

Landing is best done in elevated, sheltered from the wind areas. It is best to do this in the spring so that the plant regains strength by winter. The frost resistance of the plant is quite high. The roots of the plant are small, reaching about 20 cm in depth.

When planting, be sure to make a drainage layer in the pit. For good growth, the soil must be loosened periodically and peat or compost added for mulching. Watering should be regular. Without special spraying of the crown, a large number of parasites can settle in the greenery. Pests are very fond of leaves and can cause significant harm to a flower. Processing aids can be bought at specialized stores.


Propagate the garden heder with horse cuttings. Mostly, varietal species are used to decorate the garden, so reproduction by seeds is impossible. Cuttings for the first time can be rooted in a greenhouse. When there is a sufficient number of new leaves, you can transplant to a permanent place.

Another way to propagate creepers - layering. The method is suitable for both indoor plants and garden plants. A strong process with a sufficient number of kidneys is selected, dug into the ground. After the plant takes root, it is cut off from the uterine bush. And then landing in another place is possible.

For your information! Ivy on a tree looks unusual, but over time it grows into the trunk, sucking out all the juices from it.

Medicinal properties

Hedera Helix mix or ivy - home care

In addition to the evergreen crown, ivy has healing properties, which has been proven by scientists. Along with the benefits, we must not forget that its composition includes toxic compounds. But, despite this, do not be afraid of this plant. Many drugs have been developed using components from this plant. Beekeepers celebrate its great honey bearing.

Ivy Pollen Honey


Medicines with ivy components have expectorant, antibacterial properties, and are also used in wound healing. Herbal medicine recommends ivy as a means to enhance immunity. The benefits of ivy infusion in improving the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, gout have long been proven.

Among the people, ivy is used to remove warts, calluses. They treat boils and purulent wounds. The most interesting thing is that with the help of this climbing bush you can fight baldness. Infusions from the leaves provoke the restoration of hair follicles.

Thus, ordinary ivy can please not only with its evergreen beauty, but also with many medicinal properties. In addition, a vine, gifted with proper care, will decorate any garden. And honey, which is obtained after collecting pollen, is quite rare and very useful.


Watch the video: Growing English Ivy Hedera Helix as a Houseplant (October 2024).