Violet Chic Poppy - a bright home flower


Violet Chic poppy is one of the varieties that has large and vibrant flowers. Despite its beauty, this plant is quite finicky, which is why many do not manage to grow a flower. In this article, every novice gardener can learn all about the violet CM-Chic Poppy, get various tips on growing a flower, propagating it and treating it.

What does violet Chic poppy look like

The flower comes from the Gesneriaceae family and belongs to the evergreens.

For your information! Violet Chic Poppy is not what it is called. This is a common Saintpaulia, which, due to its similar appearance, is called another plant.

This violet was brought out by breeder K. Moreyev, who found a saint party on Mount Kenya. It was he who managed to make the flower magnificent and blooming in a couple of years. But for some reason, the plant was never officially adopted and described in the botanical encyclopedia. For several decades now, it has remained an ordinary senpolia. But, despite this, a huge number of gardeners dream of such a flower in their home.

How violets bloom Chic poppy

Features of home care

Compared to other violets, Chic Poppy is a very picky plant. If this flower does not like at least something, it may stop blooming and begin to rot, and in some cases may die. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the rules listed below.


Home Flower Violet Humako Inches

The most optimal temperature for violets is 20-24 ° C, at which it will bloom faster and more luxuriantly, but a range of 18-25 ° C is also acceptable. It is advisable not to put the pot in a place where there is a lot of sunlight or, conversely, it is too cold and dark.

Important! Violet Red poppy does not tolerate drafts, sudden changes in temperature and frequent movements from place to place.


Despite its dislike of a lot of sun, this plant needs good lighting for good development. With its excess, the leaves of the violet will begin to curl and shrink, and with a lack of it, the petioles will greatly elongate. In summer, it is best to put the pot on the west or east side, and in winter to where there is a lot of artificial lighting.

An example of good lighting for violets


Violets can be sown in two ways:

  • neatly around the edges of the pot. It is very important that the water does not fall on the greens, because of this, the flower can begin to rot and die;
  • The second method is more reliable. It consists in pouring water into the pan from the pot.

Important! An hour later, after the water was poured into the pan, it is important to drain it, since due to stagnation of moisture, the roots of the plant can rot.


Many gardeners do not advise spraying the plant, but instead wash the leaves with warm water. The main thing, after this procedure, to re-wipe the flower only with a dry rag. This should be done for the reason that the leaves of violets do not really like water and can also begin to rot.


In cold weather, the flower does not need a large amount of water; it can be watered once every three days. But during the heat, almost daily watering is required.

Note! To know exactly if the plant has enough water, you just need to touch the ground. Top it should be a little wet.


Soil for violets can be either bought or made independently. What about the first option, the land is perfect for indoor plants or specifically for violets. In the second case, you will need to buy a mix:

  • sheet land, peat and perlite (5: 3: 1)
  • high peat and perlite (3: 1);
  • wick peat and perlite (1: 1).

Top dressing

The flower should be fed during the period when it begins to bloom, or rather, in spring and autumn. The best minerals for this are potassium and phosphorus. You can also feed violets with purchased mixtures in which nitrogen is present.

When and how it blooms

Domestic violet bullfight - flower description

Like any violet, this plant also has its flowering time and flowering period, the description of which is below.


Most often, the flowers have raspberry and pink hues, in rare cases, scarlet. The leaves themselves can be dark and light green, to the edges they turn white. Sometimes you can see a violet with completely white foliage.

Violet with pink flowers and green and white leaves


Violet Chic poppy has large flowers compared to other species. Their size can reach 7 cm. Petals are wavy and slightly folded inward. The leaves of the plant are also not small - up to 15 cm. From the side you can see that they have small white grains of sand resembling white powder.

Flowering period

The first flowering of this variety takes quite a long time. In the first year of life, the petals of the flower, due to their severity, lie over the leaves. After a couple of blossoms, they will grow stronger and begin to grow up.

For your information! After flowering, the violet leaves small bolls with seeds from which new plants can be grown.

How to propagate violet Chic poppy

This flower has several different ways of propagation.

Seed germination

Violet Black Pearl - a description of a home flower

This type of breeding is most often resorted to by breeders, since thanks to it it is possible to breed new types of violets. First you need to take the boxes with seeds that remained after flowering, and a glass with prepared soil. Then take the seeds, mix them with sand and add all this to the soil. Close with glass and put a table lamp next to it.

Important! Once every two days you need to spray on the ground from the spray gun. Watering the plants with water is not recommended because of the great chance of seed death.

Rooting cuttings

Rooting cuttings is the easiest and easiest way. All that is needed for this is to cut off any young leaf on the violet and put it in warm water. After a few days, it will give roots, after which it can be planted in the ground.

Important! Water should not be cold or hot.

Propagation of violets by cuttings

Other methods

Despite the above options, there are two more ways of reproduction. The first involves the separation of a small part from the plant and transplanting it into a new pot. In this case, it is important to carefully untangle the roots so as not to harm the flower. In the second case, you should take a few offspring that grow on a flower and stand them in water until they take root.

Transplant after seed cultivation

Immediately replanting a plant that was grown using seeds is not necessary. This must be done at the moment when the root system of the flower is fully strengthened and ready to move. You can verify this by examining the container: if the roots completely braided the entire glass, you can start transplanting.

For your information! At this point, it is worthwhile to carefully get the plant, clean the roots from the ground and place in a pot with soil. At the end of the transplant, you need to water the violet.

Possible problems in growing

Despite the seemingly easy process of growing this beautiful flower, many gardeners have many problems with it. And they are not always associated with pests. Even due to improper care, the plant may die.

What problems with leaves indicate

Most problems are due to poor care. Most often, the plant may die due to excessive watering or temperature spikes. An equally rare problem is the sun, which simply burns the leaves of violets, which is why they dry out. Also, sometimes violet can pick up the disease due to contact with other diseased plants on the windowsill.

Common diseases

Most often, the plant is affected:

  • powdery mildew. This is an ailment in which leaves become covered with white spots. Most often, it occurs due to an excess of humidity and low temperature. It is necessary to treat plants with the help of ordinary sulfur powder;
  • late blight. It mostly affects the leaves and roots of the plant. Due to late blight, brown spots appear, begin to rot and fall off the leaf. It is advisable to remove all damaged areas during the illness, and with a running illness leave only one cuttings;
  • gray rot. This disease goes on violet from other flowers. It looks like gray dust on top of leaves and flowers. All diseased areas should be removed and treated with a fungicide flower.

Sick violet gray rot



Of parasite insects, violets are attacked by:

  • spider mite. With this disease, the sheets become covered with gray spots, and a small cobweb appears on the flower. The plant itself does not die, but ceases to bloom and grow. It is best to treat the plant with a soap solution and chemicals;
  • thrips. These parasites cause the flowers to fade and begin to crumble. The best medicine is actellik and actara;
  • mealybug. It looks like a cotton-like plaque covering the roots. He sucks the juice from the plant, due to which the violet dies over time. The plant should be treated first with a soap solution, and then with an actar.

Other problems

Many gardeners often wonder why the violet does not bloom. This is a common problem that occurs due to improper care. If the flower does not develop and does not open buds, it is worth changing the temperature, light, amount of moisture and the size of the pot.

Violet Chic poppy is an unusual and rather finicky plant. But, despite this quality, many flower growers are ready to give a lot of time for growing this small, but very beautiful plant. And all due to the fact that the flower has an unusual appearance, which is not typical for the family.


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