Why leaves turn yellow at indoor flowers - what to do


Any florist who grows indoor flowers, wants to get healthy plants, systematically pleasing with lush flowering. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get luxurious home specimens, characterized by variegated green foliage and rapid growth. Often, flower growers are faced with the problem of yellowing of foliage. What can provoke the occurrence of this trouble and how to deal with the problem? The causes of yellowing of the green mass and the main methods of control are described below.

Deprived of experience, flower growers often wonder why the leaves of indoor flowers turn yellow, what to do in this situation. Yellowing the green mass of indoor flowers is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also dangerous. A similar symptom may indicate the development of the disease or the impact of pests, which can cause the death of a decorative culture. Below are the main causes that provoke the appearance of yellowness on the leaves.

Yellowness on flowers

Dry air

The problem of dry air most often occurs in the winter, when the heating system is launched in the apartments. Placed flower pots near the battery may be affected by dry air. The microclimate in the room in this case adversely affects the growth and development of colors. To cope with an unpleasant situation, it is necessary to use humidifiers in the cold season. Also, a systematic spraying of the green mass of flowers will be a solution to the problem. Plants filled with cold water are placed near pots with plants.

Low humidity

A similar problem often leads to the death of flowers. Low humidity is especially negative for tropical plants that require high humidity. To solve this, experienced growers recommend using a humidifier or placing pots with plants on moss / moist claydite.

Lack of lighting

Every plant needs sunshine. The lack of lighting negatively affects the appearance of the decorative culture: growth slows down, and the foliage begins to deform. When detecting a problem, it is very important to transfer flowers to well-lit areas in the room in a timely manner.

Important! The lack of lighting can be made up using phytolamps.

But the lighting should be dosed, because even with its oversupply, flowers can suffer. The resulting sunburns provoke yellowing of the green mass. It is important to place the pots in places where direct sunlight can not get. However, do not put containers in the dark corner of the apartment. If nevertheless there is nowhere to arrange indoor flowers, you can slightly shade the plants with loosely covered blinds, which will help prevent direct sunlight from entering the plants.

Lack of fertilizers and nutrients in the ground

To normalize the amount of fertilizer in the soil, you can:

  • make the necessary dressings;
  • transplant flowers into fertile soil.

When transplanting, the roots of the flowers are thoroughly cleaned of an earthen coma.

Yellow plaque on plants

Infectious diseases and pests

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The leaves of indoor plants turn yellow, what should I do if light and fertilizers are normal? Against the background of excess moisture in the soil, fungal diseases that provoke yellowing of the foliage can develop. To prevent the occurrence of dangerous ailments, experienced growers recommend:

  • organize the correct watering regime;
  • timely make and do not overdo it with top dressing;
  • to grow plants with strict observance of the temperature regime in the room.

Note! If the room has an elevated temperature, it is important to increase the frequency of soil moisture. At lower temperatures, the number of irrigations is reduced.

To cope with a fungal infection, it is recommended that domestic flowers be treated with effective fungicides. Affected flowers are transferred to a separate room. The best fungicides to help cope with fungal diseases are:

  • trichodermin;
  • agate;
  • cineb;
  • abit;
  • phytosporin;
  • gamair;
  • Bordeaux liquid.


Often lacking experience, gardeners wonder why indoor flowers turn yellow. In cases when the plant is affected by pests, its appearance undergoes changes: the foliage turns yellow and withers, flowering may completely stop. Affected plants should be taken out to another room as soon as possible. The foliage is wiped with a soapy solution, and air humidity rises through the use of a humidifier. Then you need to use the effective insecticides presented below.

If the flower was attacked by insects living in the soil, it is necessary to transplant it into pots that were previously disinfected. It is very important to replace the soil in all containers.

Most often, yellow foliage indicates the effect on the plant of the scale. Covering the body of the insect with a shield complicates the fight against it. To clean the pest from the shields, you must use a toothbrush that is richly moistened with a solution of alcohol.

Note! In this case, soap-kerosene emulsion is very effective.

An alcohol solution with the addition of soap will help overcome such a dangerous pest as a scab. To prepare the solution you will need to combine:

  • 20 g of soap (liquid);
  • denatured alcohol - 15 ml;
  • 1200 ml of slightly heated water.

Important! To soft-leaved plants, such a solution can be harmful.

Using an ordinary brush, it is best to apply the solution directly to each pest. If you need to spray the whole flower, it is better to check the sensitivity of one leaflet first. To do this, it should be dipped in a solution and after 20 minutes. monitor his condition. You can also use folk methods to eliminate parasites. It is best to dwell on garlic treatments.

The need for a systematic inspection of home flowers

In case of serious damage to flowers by pests, experts recommend using the following drugs:

  • Actellik. One ampoule is diluted in 1000 ml of water. The resulting solution must carry out a plentiful treatment of the plant. For each m² of plantings, 200 ml of liquid is required. The number of treatments should not exceed four times. The recommended interval between treatments is four days;
  • phosbecide. It is advisable to make flower pots outside for the duration of the treatment. For every 2 liters of water, 4 ml of the drug will be required;
  • in cases where parasites attacked low flowers, it is best to use the actar solution to moisten the soil. This insecticidal agent is able to penetrate the plant through the root system and, for a short period of time, make any aerial organ toxic to pests. After the treatment, it is important to thoroughly wash the window sills or shelves on which the flowers stood. Window panes also need to be washed thoroughly with clean water.

To prevent the appearance of shields on foliage, it is worth abandoning the dense placement of containers with flowers, abundant watering and too shaded places.

Bacterial and viral infections

Any bacterial damage to the plant is accompanied by yellowing of the leaves. To be sure that the cause of such a nuisance was precisely a bacterial infection, it is worthwhile to carefully examine the green mass of plants. An oily greasy spot on the back of the foliage indicates an ailment that affects the decorative culture. In addition, growths can be detected on the stems and root system. Any of chemical methods of struggle will be powerless in this case.

Important! Flowers infected with a bacterial or viral disease should be disposed of as soon as possible. All inventory with which the infected plant came into contact is treated with boiling water.

To prevent the occurrence of viral infections, it is enough to deal with vectors, which are most often thrips and aphids, in a timely manner. Especially often the aphid affects flowers with female happiness.

Below are the most effective methods for controlling dangerous insects. In order to prevent, experts recommend using drugs of the type:

  • acrobat (for every 2 liters of water you will need 8 g of the product);
  • oxychoma (for a couple of liters of water you need 4 g of the drug);
  • HOM (1 liter of liquid - 4 g);
  • Vitaros (for every 3 liters of liquid, 6 ml of the drug).

Using the prepared solution, it is necessary to spray the plants three times. Between each procedure, a break of 9-10 days should be taken.

The cause of yellowing may be an infection

If strong yellow leaves are found, it is recommended to get rid of diseased plants. Indoor flowers are processed:

  • 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid;
  • oxhome;
  • cuproxate;
  • topaz;
  • quadris.

The latter product goes on sale in cans and is intended for agricultural use. However, experienced gardeners noted its effectiveness in the processing of indoor plants (flowers or trees).

Processing is carried out at the first suspicion of a disease. Between each procedure should take a break of 8-9 days. The recommended number of procedures is three times.

Important! During the spraying of flowers with a solution, the lower part of the foliage should be treated as carefully as possible.

Properly caring for indoor plants, you can prevent the occurrence of most diseases and eliminate the likelihood of damage to the ornamental culture by pests. Experts advise systematically inspecting the appearance of indoor plantings in order to recognize the first symptoms as soon as possible and take urgent measures to save the flowers.

How to care for flowers so that the leaves do not turn yellow

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Any grower wants his plant to look good and be completely healthy. To prevent yellowing of leaves in indoor plants, you should adhere to the basic recommendations listed below regarding flower care.

  • The absence of drafts in the room is the key to the health of flowers. A houseplant is not adapted to gusty wind and air movement. In cases when the green mass of plantings begins to turn yellow, and near the flower pot there is air conditioning or a window is open, you should look for a new place for decorative culture.
  • Temperature condition. Sudden changes in temperature negatively affect the health of the flowers. Most often, the plant begins to turn yellow, and its foliage soon falls. To fix the problem, it is recommended to rearrange the pots in a warm room in which the temperature does not drop below 10 ° C.
  • Cold surfaces. A similar situation occurs most often in the winter, when flower growers put containers on the windowsills. The ice window, touching the green mass of plants, promotes hypothermia of foliage. This becomes the cause of yellowing of the tips of the leaves, their further death and decay. It is important to remove the diseased leaflets as soon as possible, and transfer the pot to another safer place.

Proper care is the key to a healthy plant

  • Incorrect dimensional characteristics of the container. When choosing a container for planting flowers, it is worth considering that too voluminous containers provoke moisture stagnation, which can lead to yellowing and dying of foliage. To avoid the problem, experts recommend using drainage holes and picking up pots of a suitable size.
  • Choosing soil for planting flowers is an important process. Not every plant has a universal soil mixture. For a specific decorative culture, special soil will be required. Before planting, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the information on this topic and select the suitable soil composition for your favorite geranium, rose or ficus.
  • The lack of useful elements in the soil often causes yellowing of the foliage. It is very important to timely feed and observe the recommended interval between fertilizer application. It is worth considering that in cases of an excess of fertilizers, the root system of flowers receives chemical burns. The plant in this case dies.

Yellow leaf prophylaxis

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Below are the tips of experienced gardeners who will be an excellent prevention of yellowing leaves.

  • Before you start moistening the soil, you should wait until its top layer dries. This will not let the foliage turn yellow.
  • The frequency of fertilizing should be within the limits that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging of the fertilizer.
  • In winter, it is better to use phytolamps to illuminate.
  • In the hot season, you need to systematically turn on the humidifier.
  • When transplanting, it is recommended to choose the right container size.
  • Indoor flowers should be systematically inspected in order to identify the first symptoms of the disease or evidence of parasites on the plant, and periodically spray decorative plants with insecticides and fungicides.

Important! Properly caring and taking care of your green friends, you can not worry about the problem of yellow leaves. However, do not ignore the need for a systematic examination of the appearance of plants.

Timely treatment will help to cope with almost any disease, which will make it possible to save your favorite flower.


Watch the video: Why Do Indoor Plant Leaves Turn Yellow? (October 2024).