Rose Henry Kelsey - Planting and Care


Rose Henry Kelsey is one of the many varieties of roses bred by Canadian breeders in the mid-20th century under the leadership of Isabella Preston. This charming beauty rose got its name in honor of a British traveler who set off on the inhospitable shores of Canada in order to develop rich natural resources. The traveler’s diary, found at the beginning of the 20th century, was full of descriptions of interesting discoveries and incredible adventures. Impressed by what they read, the breeders decided to give his name a wonderful rose of expressive scarlet or purple.

Description and conditions of detention

All Canadian rose hybrids are highly decorative and have excellent characteristics. Henry Kelsey was no exception. A thorny bush, this rose grows on average up to 2-2.5 meters, beautifully encircling a garden arch, trellis or fence. In a warm climate, where there is no risk of prolonged winter and short night frosts, flower branches can reach 4 meters, covering the front of the house.

Rose Henry Kelsey

This variety of roses is very popular among gardeners. This is because the inflorescences collected in the brush form amazing cascades and look very impressive in the garden landscape, from the end of spring to the first autumn frosts. In addition, flowers, especially in the first wave of flowering, exude an amazing spicy aroma.

Since the rose Henry Kelsey is not a rare variety, it is easy to meet on the shelves of flower supermarkets or the shelves of specialty stores. But you should responsibly approach the choice of planting material, since the survival of the bush depends on this. It is necessary to choose 1.5-2-year-old seedlings that have a well-developed root system and several lignified stems with sleeping buds without signs of damage.

Rosa Astrid Grafin von Hardenberg - planting and care

The root neck of the plant should be at least 8 mm. If the seedling is in a degradable container with peat mixture, then the flower can be planted immediately in the ground with it. This will reduce the survival time, since the roots will not be exposed to any effects.

Important! Transportation of rose seedlings should be carried out, making sure that the roots are well moistened. This is especially important for those seedlings that are sold with an open root system. If for some reason the roots of the flower have dried up, you need to immediately immerse it in water for several hours.

Landing time

The best time to plant prickly Canada in the ground is the end of May, when the danger of night frosts is over. Despite the fact that this variety is considered frost-resistant, a uniform temperature regime is necessary for successful rooting.

Seat selection

Choosing a place to plant will determine the continued existence of roses in the garden. If you plant a rose in the shade, then you will not have to count on fast growth and abundant flowering, since this flower loves well-consecrated places. In addition, this rose should not be planted in open places not protected from strong winds. If the planting site is in a lowland, the air that accumulates in cold, snowless winters will contribute to its freezing.

Seedling Selection

What soil is needed

The soil for Henry Kelsey should be selected loamy. This will allow moisture to linger in it for a long time and, at the same time, not to stagnate. Acidity should correspond to 6.5 Ph. By the way, to determine this indicator, you should use test strips, which can be purchased at any flower shop.

If it turns out that the soil is not acidic enough, then it is not difficult to fix it by adding sawdust or peat to it. If the soil is excessively acidic, then adding dolomite flour, eggshell or ash to the planting site will help.

Landing process

If a rose, rooted in a container, is planted, the hole should be larger than if a stalk with a bare root system was planted. As soon as a pit has been dug for planting, you should spill it well and add a little nutrient mixture of humus, sand and peat. Deepen the stalk into the hole so that the root neck of the rose is deepened by about 2-2.5 cm.

Important! After carefully tamping the earth around the bush, you need to spill the seedling well. Final rooting occurs after three weeks.

After landing care

Caring for a Canadian rose comes down to following simple rules. You should monitor the soil moisture, avoiding both excessive waterlogging and drying out the soil. It is also necessary to trim broken or frozen branches.

Rose Ebb Tide (Ebb Tide or Purple Eden) - planting and care

If fertilizer is applied in a timely manner, then the rose will thank the grower with especially lush flowering. This is done as follows: in the spring it is necessary to make fertilizer containing nitrogen, and in the middle of summer - to feed the plant with potassium and phosphorus.

Interesting! Some gardeners completely refuse any feeding, referring to the good varietal features of the Canadian rose bush.

Top dressing

It is believed that roses of Canadian selection are resistant to various diseases. However, this particular variety is not distinguished by these qualities.

Rosa Red Naomi (Red Naomi) - a description of the Dutch variety

Rose Henry Kelsey is often affected by powdery mildew and black spotting. This can lead to falling buds, and even to the death of the plant. If the first signs of these dangerous fungal diseases are noticed, you must immediately begin to fight them. First of all, from the bush, remove all affected leaves and branches, remove all weeds around the plant and thoroughly loosen the soil around the bush.

Spraying with fungicides is carried out in calm weather, in the early morning or evening. The bush should be irrigated completely, capturing the lower surface of the leaves 2-4 times, depending on the degree of disease damage.

Important! The interval between procedures should be at least a week. Once there are signs of improvement, phytosporin should be used as a preventive measure for relapse.

In many ways, the success of growing a Canadian rose by Henry Kelsey depends on how well the flower will be prepared for wintering. It is believed that this variety of roses is extremely hardy and does not require shelter for the winter. However, young annual bushes should still be covered in winter with non-woven garden material. In addition, snow can be added to the base of the bush to protect the root system.

No less dangerous for this flower may be the winter sun, which can cause serious burns to unprotected branches. If this situation exists, you must necessarily shade the plant with the same garden cloth.

The Canadian climbing rose Henry Kelsey is quite easy to propagate on its own. To do this, you can use healthy faded shoots after trimming the bush. Midsummer is the most favorable time for rooting.

The trim should be about 30 cm long and the bottom cut at an angle. All leaves except the top two should be removed. Before planting in open ground, you need to place the shoot in a root solution for several hours.

The step between the seedlings should be observed. For this sort of rose, it must be at least a meter. After the seedling is deepened into the soil, the rose should be shed abundantly and covered with a plastic cap to create a greenhouse effect.

If the rules of planting have not been violated, then the final rooting of the flower will occur by autumn.

Important! In order for the young shoot to survive the winter, it must be reliably protected from frost by a thorough shelter.

Rose propagation


Seed cultivation

Some gardeners find it special to grow Canadian roses from seeds. However, it should be remembered that it may take several years from placing the seed in the ground to the first bud.

Seed propagation


If the planting material was not purchased in a store where the packaging contains a step-by-step description of the flower growing process, then the following algorithm should be followed:

  1. Stratify the seeds by placing them in the refrigerator.
  2. Disinfect with an antiseptic.
  3. Place them in a container with peat mix.
  4. Abundantly shed.

When the first sprouts appear, a water-temperature balance should be observed. The soil should not be excessively moistened, but soil drought is not permissible. The optimum temperature for seedlings is 20-22 ° C.

The fiery Canadian - the rose of Henry Kelsey - is able to decorate with itself not only a cozy personal plot, but also a respectable park landscape of the city garden.


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