Hydrangea Limelight panicled garden


Hydrangeas are the favorites of those who wish to decorate their plots with long-flowering shrubs. Depending on the species, there are many shades and forms of flowering. They all delight with their beauty for an equally long time: from the end of June to September. Almost all summer, the bush is decorated with a riotous color.

Hydrangea Limelight (in Latin Hydrangea Paniculata Limelight) is the result of the work of breeders seeking to create a variety that can independently hold huge corollas of flowers without bending or breaking under their weight.

The origin and appearance of the plant

The history of hydrangeas originates in Japan. The guests of the country who fell in love with its flowering began to gradually spread processes around the world.

Flowering panicled limelight

Dutch breeders became interested in the properties of the bush and began to develop new varieties that differ in the color of buds, the shape of inflorescences, and frost resistance.

Attention! It is advisable to plant deciduous varieties in the open ground of the northern regions of Russia, because they are more resistant to winter temperatures than evergreen varieties.

Panicle Hydrangea Limelight is a deciduous variety, for which summer residents of the North-West, Trans-Urals, Komi Republic and many other regions with short and moody summers and snowy winters love it. It is a shrub, each tree-like stem of which is densely covered with foliage. With proper care, the height of the bush reaches two, sometimes three meters. Young shoots add 20 cm annually.

Hydrangea foliage is emerald green, has a dense structure and distinct longitudinal veins. The base of the leaf is wide, narrowed towards the end, the edges are bordered by serrations. The maximum possible length is 12 cm.

The root system of the plant is well developed both in depth and in width. In an adult plant, on average, it deepens by half a meter, the horizontal diameter of the rhizome sometimes reaches 1 meter.

Limelight hydrangea inflorescences are similar in description to lilac inflorescences. In botany, such a structure of a complex brush is called a whisk. That is why this variety of shrubs is called panicle - for the shape that the inflorescence takes, resembling a pyramid or cone.

Cone-shaped flowering

Each panicle consists of many four-leaf flowers, painted in the colors of unripe lemon or lime. Hydrangea, under favorable conditions, blooms wildly - in the summer months there is not a single shoot without a panicle. Closer to autumn, the flowers are transformed into pink tones.

Use in landscape design

Hydrangea Vanilla Fraise (Vanille Fraise): panicled, garden

Hydrangea limelight is often used in the planning of green spaces, both in their own personal plots and in government agencies. The most popular way of planting an enchanting shrub is along the fence between neighboring summer cottages. This is due to the fact that the building regulations prohibit a solid fence at the borders of neighboring estates. But since hydrangea has dense foliage and is not inferior in height to the fence, summer residents and gardeners began to survey the land with it.

When thinking about planting, professionals also take into account the density of foliage and the size of inflorescences, which often leads to the following uses of these qualities:

  • zoning of the territory, fencing off a resting place with a bush;
  • longitudinal frequent stands along the edge of paths;
  • symmetrical landing in front of the entrance group of villages or gates of private courtyards.


Designers fell in love with hydrangea for the fact that it needs annual pruning, that is, it can be trimmed figuratively, giving any geometry to the bush. This is especially important when the plant outlines the alleys - with the help of a haircut, you can get a single green massif that will turn into a road of flowers of stunning beauty.

Open transplant

Hydrangea Great Star panicled (Great Star)

To plant hydrangea panicled limelight in open ground is recommended in the spring. At this time, the plant awakens from winter sleep, shoot growth is activated, the root system is rapidly developing.

Important! While the weather is not settled, it’s better to wait a while for a change, waiting for the snow to completely melt and a stable temperature regime.

What you need for landing

Hydrangeas need fertile soil. If the site own land - black soil, you can not make additional components. But in areas with loamy soils, it will be necessary to add drainage, turfy soil and peat to the bush hole to facilitate the clumping substrate and make it suitable for hydrangea.

ABOUToptimal place

In order for hydrangea to have a lemon tint during flowering, there should be little light, since with the active influence of the sun, the petals acquire a snow-white tone.

Additional Information. When choosing a place for planting, it should be borne in mind that this shrub does not like frequent transplants, so you need to strive to plant the plant immediately in a permanent place where it will develop for several years.

Step-by-step transplant process

In order for Limelight hydrangea to take root after transplantation into open ground and bloom violently the very next year, The following algorithm of actions should be followed:

  1. Prepare a hole half a meter deep and wide.
  2. Prepare the plant itself, cutting off the shoots, so that each has 2-3 healthy buds.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole so that the root neck does not deepen under the soil layer.
  4. Fill the pit with prepared fertile soil or natural chernozem.
  5. Water the planted plant with at least two buckets of water at room temperature.

Landing hole

Attention! Some gardeners add sand to the soil to lighten and loosen the soil. In small quantities, it is not harmful to hydrangeas, but if there are too many of them, it can cause diseases or even death of the plant. This is due to the fact that the sand cools much faster than the earth. With sharp changes in temperature during the period of natural anomalies, the earth, unlike sand, will not have time to freeze and keep the roots healthy.


Propagating hydrangea is easy, there are several available methods, including sowing seeds obtained after seasonal flowering. However, it should be borne in mind that it is better to propagate with the seeds a natural variety of shrubs, rather than a breeding specimen, since the seeds are not able to transfer all the genetic material of the cultivated variety to a new plant.

Panicled Hydrangea Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - description

This is the longest method - after emergence, shoots can be dived into the open ground only after they reach the age of three.

The easiest way to get a new Lime Light hydrangea is by dividing the bush. This option is relevant when an adult plant requires transplanting or thinning overgrown areas.

Most often, flower growers resort to the method of cuttings. This requires cutting young lateral shoots from the plant. For rooting, it is necessary to remove the apex of the process, shortening it so that only 3-4 leaves remain on the trunk. It is recommended to put the prepared stalk not just in clean water, but in a solution with stimulants of the development of the root system.

Important! The leaves of the processes should not touch water (solution).

Limelight Hydrangea Care

Hydrangea cannot be called a moody plant. It does not require a lot of attention, although some aspects are worth keeping in mind.

Watering mode

The shrub is moisture-loving, so in the hot months of summer you need to water 2 times a week, based on a bucket per bush. In spring and autumn, the volume of water and the number of irrigations are significantly reduced - up to 1 time in 3 weeks.

Top dressing

To apply fertilizers suitable for all types of hydrangeas, you need 1 time a month during the period of active growth. Do not neglect the instructions and dosages indicated on the package, as improperly introduced substances can burn the roots and destroy the plant.

During flowering

When a plant pleases with its spectacular flowering, it needs to be earthed, loosened the ground so that oxygen can penetrate the soil, enriching it.

Bush division


If it is not possible to carry out regular watering, the area under the bush should be covered with a 10-cm layer of mulch, which will not allow moisture to evaporate quickly.

During rest

During the period of winter sleep, hydrangea does not need to be watered or fed. Limelight variety has medium winter hardiness. This means that the plant will suffer any frosts if it is previously covered with garden material, and the roots are mulched with a thick layer of straw or lapnik.

Winter preparations

Before wintering, the bush is inspected for damaged shoots, they are cut. The earth around the bush needs to be loosened, carry out the last abundant watering this season, after which cover the soil and leave until spring.

Having paid enough attention to hydrangea during the first planting on the site, you can enjoy the beauty of its flowering for several years in a row, without putting almost any effort. Beautifully trimmed and exuberantly blooming Limelight will be a source of pride even for a novice summer resident.


Watch the video: Limelight Hydrangea Spotlight (October 2024).