How to plant roses in the open ground in summer


Most flower growers grow a rose on their flower beds - the queen of flowers. According to the rules of agricultural technology, this flower is planted in the garden either in spring or in autumn. However, different situations occur in life, and I really want to have such beauty on my site. And if you know how to plant roses in open ground in summer, then you can do this without losing the decorative properties of the plant.

Planting roses in the open ground

Planting roses in open ground should be accompanied by preparatory work. A landing hole is dug up at least a month in advance. Soil is enriched with all necessary fertilizers.

Blooming roses in the garden

When to do it, is it possible in the summer

According to all the rules of floriculture, these plants are planted either in the middle or end of spring, or in early autumn. Planting roses in the summer in June is possible, but for this you need to know the optimal timing of the procedure and all the rules of agricultural technology. In some regions of Russia, where the climate is harsh, summer planting is the norm, since cold and frost can continue there until June.

Rose planting pit

Recommended Landing Times

Planting roses in the summer months is not the best option. But there are hopeless situations, for example, if the seedling was ordered from a foreign nursery, but sent it late. Experienced gardeners resort to this method when suddenly a rare variety bush appears on the rose market. And to the question whether roses can be planted in June, the answer is yes. But landing in July, the hottest month of summer, will give a minimum percentage of survival. It is better to wait until the end of August to get closer to the autumn landing.

Important! A rose planted in the summer should direct all its forces to rooting and adapting to a new landing site.

Cons and dangers of summer planting

When to plant phlox in the spring in the open ground

The main problems that you may encounter when you want to grow roses planted in the summer:

  • A seedling experiencing extreme stress may simply not take root. This is especially true for bush roses with an open root system. For them, this is the biggest difficulty.
  • When planting a rose in the summer, it is especially worth paying attention to all the rules of planting and further care.
  • Delicate, fragile seedlings that feel uncomfortable can undergo diseases and infections.

Planting roses in summer in open ground is a risky event, but if there is no other option, it is worth a try.

Planting roses in summer

How to prepare for landing

In the process of preparing for planting, you need to choose the right planting material, determine the site and treat the soil.

Seedling purchase

At what distance to plant roses from each other

First of all, you need to choose the right seedling. They are divided into two categories: higher and second. In the first case, young roses are quite bushy, have at least 3 shoots. The second option is 1-2 shoots. In any case, the stems of the plant must be carefully examined for the presence of diseased and damaged leaves and parts of the stem. In nurseries, garden markets and flower shops, you can buy 2 types of seedlings: with open and closed root systems. Most experienced flower growers try to acquire plants of the second group - this will help to facilitate transportation without damaging the roots. An open root system allows you to carefully examine all the roots, and they are cheaper than plants in containers. Some roses are sold in pots in ordinary markets, it is not recommended to purchase them, because the result is not guaranteed. Instead of this variety, you can buy a regular rosehip.

Important! The disadvantage of plants with an open root system is that they can not be stored for a long time, it is necessary to plant them in the soil no later than a day after acquisition.

Roses nursery with a closed root system

Choosing a place to land

The landing site should be sunny, but protected from midday sunlight. There should be a shading at this time. Roses of dark, saturated shades are especially sensitive to the scorching day sun. They quickly get sunburn and burn out. Flowers with light buds are less sensitive to the sun, but shading will also not be superfluous.

Important! Young, only planted in summer plants, it is required to cover on hot days with caps of thin, breathing paper, such as newspapers.

The landing site should be well ventilated, but drafts and gusty winds should be avoided. Groundwater level should not be higher than 1 m.

Roses with an open root system

Soil preparation

An ideal soil is nutritious loamy soil, loose, moisture- and breathable, for example, chernozem. But such soil is found only in some regions, most often it is necessary to work with what is. Possible soil preparation options:

  • Too loose soil add turf and peat. Otherwise, the root system of the flower will freeze in winter, and the plant will die.
  • Clay soil is lightened with peat, humus, sand or compost.
  • A neutral acidity level is preferred. To do this, the soil should be neutralized with ash or lime, and alkaline should be acidified with peat, organic fertilizers or sphagnum.

After the landing pit is dug up (average size 50x50), you need to start preparing the soil: it is thoroughly dug up; make organic fertilizers, ashes and complex fertilizers for roses.

How to plant a rose seedling from a container in open ground, step by step instructions

After the seedling is purchased, the correct planting of the rose from the container in the open ground is ahead:

  1. A layer of expanded clay (or any other drainage) 10 cm thick is poured at the bottom of the landing pit.
  2. For 2-3 hours, the plant along with the pot is immersed in a solution of a root growth stimulator (Korenvin, Epin, etc.).
  3. The seedling is carefully removed from the container without damaging the roots.
  4. In the planting pit, a depression is made in which a young plant is planted along with an earthen lump. The vaccination site should be deepened to the distance that is recommended for a particular variety, for example, spray roses are deepened by 3-4 cm.
  5. The free space is covered with prepared soil. Everything is done gradually, periodically watering parts of the soil mixture so that it sags immediately relative to the cuttings.
  6. The soil around the bush is compacted, spud, watered with a solution of copper sulfate and mulched with any natural material.
Propagation of geraniums at home, when planted, so that it blooms in summer

Initially, after a summer planting over a bush, roses make a kind of hut, which will cover the flower from excess sunlight. Shelter is removed after 2 weeks. The earthed soil is also being cleaned.

Important! If everything is done correctly, after 2-3 weeks the first young leaves will appear on the young plant.

Features of planting roses in pots in open ground

Planting roses from a pot partly resembles planting from a container, but in this case you should be more careful. If the seller is caring, then the root system is covered with a special mesh. If this is not the case, it is better to shake off part of the earth from the roots and carefully examine them. Remove damaged parts. It is also worth holding a flower for a couple of hours in a root growth stimulator. Next, you can apply a little wax on the roots to keep moisture in them for as long as possible. Inside the landing pit, a small mound is created on which a flower is placed, the root system is neatly straightened. The rest - you need to act in the same way as in the case of planting a rose from a container. The main thing is to plant as accurately as possible, without damaging any parts of the plant.

Advice! Cuttings are cut from potted seedlings for propagation in case the flower does not take root.

Plant care after planting

After planting in open ground, the flower must be properly maintained. Monitor the condition of the plant as carefully as possible so as not to miss any negative point.

Watering rules and humidity

Watering is done 2-3 times a week. Both basal and surface irrigation are recommended, i.e. spraying from a spray bottle. This procedure is performed in the early morning or late evening.

Watering young roses

Top dressing

Top dressing is applied several times per season. It can be either ready-made complex fertilizers for roses, or organic, for example, a weak solution of mullein.

Interesting! To avoid diseases of young seedlings, sage or marigolds can be planted nearby.

Sage next to roses

Features of planting roses in various regions

The optimal time for summer planting of bushes varies depending on the region:

  • The middle and central parts of Russia suggest landing from April to September.
  • Siberia, the Urals allow you to plant flowers from June to August.
  • The southern regions do not contribute to the summer planting of roses, since in the summer it is very hot there. Better to wait for the fall.

Rose in Siberia

Important! You can not plant roses during the flowering period. We'll have to wait until the plant fades, and this happens no earlier than August. With frost-resistant varieties, the situation is worse - they bloom for a long time.

You can grow a climbing rose in the open ground, but this requires experience. It is important to provide the plant with decent care. The garden and cottage, decorated with rose bushes - a stunning sight, especially if the flowers are rare varieties. Any plant requires care and attention, but the end result always inspires gardeners.


Watch the video: How to Plant a Standard Rose: Summer Garden Guide (October 2024).