Rosa William Shakespeare (William Shakespeare) - characteristics of varietal bush


Rosa William Shakespeare is a beautiful garden flower, tall, with lush buds. It stands out among other roses. This is a hybrid that was obtained by crossing representatives of the floribunda group and tea-hybrid flowers. The plant appeared at the end of the 20th century, but still remains extremely popular.

Rosa William Shakespeare and William Shakespeare 2000 (William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare 2000, AUSromeo)

Rosa William Shakespeare, as she is sometimes called, was first introduced to florists in 1987. It is a sloping bush up to 120 cm high. The leaves are dark green. Even during dormancy, when there is no flowering, it adorns the garden.

Shakespeare - the matchless classic of red buds

In 2000, the Shakespeare William 2000 rose was bred. The flower differs from the primary version in that its petals are painted in carmine shade of red, which turns into a purple color. Rosa William 2000 Shakespeare is characterized by resistance to diseases and pests, she has a more branched bush.

Short description, characteristic

Description of Shakespeare climbing roses:

  • large buds with a diameter of up to 15 cm;
  • the shape of the bud is cup-like, when opened it becomes flatter;
  • bush width - up to 100 cm;
  • the aroma is pronounced, alluring, in English aristocratic;
  • the color of the petals is a velvet shade of red.

Rose Shakespeare 2000 recognized as the most beautiful flower with red buds

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

A flower has many advantages that have made it so popular among gardeners:

  • long flowering;
  • frost resistance;
  • the splendor of the bush;
  • active and fast growth;
  • strong, pleasant aroma;
  • unpretentiousness in leaving.

There are practically no flaws in the flower. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that the rose does not like heavy and prolonged rains.

Use in landscape design

The plant is magnificent both solo and in combination with other flowers and plants in flower beds, rose gardens and in private areas. It looks best in combination with the following colors:

  • aconite;
  • delphinium;
  • phlox;
  • sage;
  • bells;
  • geraniums;
  • Veronica.

In the garden, a flower is planted not only in open ground, but also in tubs and flowerpots, which are placed at the entrance to the house, porch, and gazebo. Due to the height of the bush and its width, a hedge can be formed from a rose.

In the garden or on the plot, this flower will become a bright accent

Additional Information!Flowering undulating, lasts all season, until the end of August. In warm autumn weather and a temperature not lower than +6 ° С, the rose will bloom until the end of September, beginning of October.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Growing a rose is not difficult, even a beginner can do it. Planting is carried out by seedlings. The best time to land is from April to May.

Location selection

Rosa William Morris - Cultural Characteristics

English rose William Shakespeare loves ambient light. Direct sunlight should be avoided. There should be no drafts or strong winds in the place of placement of the bushes. It is recommended to plant seedlings on a small hill.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Traditional seedlings preparation:

  • the roots are buried in water for 4 hours, a little growth stimulator can be added to the liquid;
  • the shoots are cut to 1/3 of their length, the cut is done at an angle of 45 ° towards the upper kidney.

Drainage mixture is introduced into prepared wells:

  • 2 parts of fertile land;
  • 3 parts of manure;
  • 2 parts of sand;
  • 1 part peat.

The size of the holes for planting an English aristocratic rose is 40 * 50 cm.

Landing procedure step by step

When the holes are ready, landing is carried out:

  1. Carefully untangle the root system.
  2. Lower the seedling into the hole for the entire length of the roots.
  3. Sprinkle with soil, slightly compact around the bush.
  4. Water abundantly and then spud.

Attention!If the soil is light, the grafting of the seedling should be deepened by 4 cm, if the soil is heavy - by 7 cm.

Saplings take root well and quickly

Plant care

William Shakespeare - the rose is quite unpretentious, not requiring the creation of specific conditions for it.

  • Watering rules and humidity
Rose Lady Bombastic (Miss Bombastic) - characteristics of a spherical bush

Water in spring and autumn - 1 time per week, in summer heat - every 3 days. The volume of water for the bush is 10 liters.

Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening. When water is absorbed, the soil needs to be loosened.

Attention! Do not allow stagnation of water, because increased soil moisture will lead to rotting of the roots.

  • Top dressing and soil quality

The rose grows quickly, because it needs regular top dressing. The first fertilizer is introduced in the spring, when young branches begin to form. Manure or complex mineral fertilizers are used for top dressing.

In summer, fertilizers must be used every 2 weeks from spring to the last days of July. At the same time, organic and minerals alternate.

To stop the process of branch vegetation, in the fall potassium monophosphate is introduced into the soil. The tool will help the rose easier to endure the winter.

  • Pruning and transplanting

Cleansing pruning is done in spring. Bad and weak shoots that poorly survived the wintering are removed.

To give the rose a bushy shape, it is necessary to periodically cut the thickest branches. After each flowering, wilted buds are removed.

After the winter, bad, darkened branches are removed.

If necessary, transplant the bush to a new place, he carefully digs out a clod of old earth on the roots. The plant is transplanted into fertile soil, watered abundantly.

  • Features of wintering a flower

With the onset of the first frosts, the lower branches need to be covered with sand or earth to protect the roots. Unripe shoots are cut off.

Above the bush, you need to make a frame on which a non-woven fabric is pounced. The rose needs to be covered in 2-3 layers of fabric. Finger over to create an air cushion.

Attention! During the winter thaw, the lower part of the shelter must be raised to open the rose fresh air. If the rose inside overheats, a bacterial cancer may develop.

Flowering roses

Rosa Salita (Salita) - characteristics and features of the bush

Flowering undulating, lasts all summer.

The rest period begins in mid-September. As soon as the snow melts, the active growth of shoots begins.

In the phase of active flowering, fertilizer is applied every 20 days.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

If the Shakespeare park rose does not bloom well or the buds do not appear at all, this indicates improper care for it.

Possible reasons:

  • lack of watering;
  • lack of nutrients in the soil;
  • lack of regular cultivation.

To restore flowering, the rose is provided with proper care.

Flower propagation

Rose William Shakespeare propagated only by cuttings.

Attention!Seeds are not used because they do not preserve the characteristics of the grade of the flower.

The optimal time is June-July, before the first flowering.

High-quality shelter of bushes helps them survive the winter without loss


Detailed description

The shoots of the first flowering are cut. A suitable length is up to 15 cm. There must be at least 3 internodes on the handle:

  • the lower cut is done under the kidney;
  • only 2 top sheets are left, the rest are removed;
  • the place of cut for 4 hours is placed in water with the addition of a growth stimulator;
  • place the stem in fertile, well-loosened soil, cover with a plastic or glass bottle;
  • do not water;
  • for winter cover with spruce branches or straw.

With the onset of winter, transplant to a permanent place.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat it

Possible diseases:

  • Powdery mildew - cut and burn damaged branches, treat the bush with 30% copper sulfate.
  • Rust - remove damaged parts, spray with a decoction of wormwood or nettle, or treat with copper sulfate.

If aphids have appeared on the bushes, they are sprayed with a solution of laundry soap. If it doesn’t help, pesticide treatment.

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of the garden. Its purple bloom is mesmerizing, and the refined aristocratic aroma intoxicates. A bonus to this magnificence is easy care and flower resistance to diseases and pests.


Watch the video: William Shakespeare o Rosa Cruz (October 2024).