Peony Raspberry Sundae


Peonies are beautiful perennial flowers that gardeners and gardeners love very much. There are many types of such a culture, and breeders continue to develop new varieties. The milky-flowered peony Raspberry Sunday is distinguished by large flowers of rather unusual shades. The plant is unpretentious, but there are some features that it is recommended to know that the culture pleases the appearance.

Peony Raspberry Sundae (Paeonia Raspberry Sundae) - what kind of variety

Peonies are herbaceous plants that are distinguished by beautiful large flowers of various shades. Variety Raspberry Sunday is especially popular among summer residents because of its decorative appearance, ease of care and ability to easily tolerate the vagaries of nature.

The variety was bred in 1968 in an American nursery. Since then it has spread all over the world and found its fans even in Russia.

Peonies begin to bloom in the first decade of June

Short description, characteristic

Raspberry Sunday is a shrub up to 80 cm tall. It differs in fairly dense and strong trunks. The leaves are dark green in color, they have a glossy sheen. The root system is powerful, very developed. The buds are large, when opened, they can reach 18 cm in diameter.

Petals in flowers have a pale pink color, smaller ones are cream yellow. Above is a terry tuft of bright pink. The smell is very pleasant, similar to the scent of roses.

The plant is perennial; it can grow in one place for quite a long time. It tolerates winter and frost. Varietal features appear a couple of years after planting.

For reference! The Latin name Paeonia Raspberry Sundae is read differently in Russia - on the forums of gardeners there are the names peony Raspberry Sandai and Raspberry Sandy.

Use in landscape design

Designers love to use this peony in the landscape. It looks great with a variety of colors.

For joint planting, calendula, clematis, irises, daffodils, tulips are suitable.

Often in the garden, plants are planted in one row to divide the site into certain zones.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Hydrangea Sunday Freise (Hydrangea Paniculata Sundae Fraise) - description

The variety has many positive aspects, for which he is so loved by summer residents. The pluses include:

  • beautiful appearance
  • easily grow on any soil, especially fertile,
  • tolerate frost well
  • do not require special care,
  • easily adapt to changing weather conditions,
  • after transplantation, the peony quickly begins to develop.

The negative sides include various diseases to which the bush is susceptible. Despite the unpretentiousness, the peony Raspberry sundae requires some care.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

To get a beautiful flowering plant, it is important to follow all the rules of planting. This process is not complicated, even if you follow all the sequences, even a beginner can cope with it.

Peony Kansas (Paeonia Kansas) - cultivation in the garden

The main way is planting root cuttings. Sprouts with single buds and roots are separated from the adult plant. Slices all must be sprinkled with charcoal to avoid the spread of fungal diseases.

What time is the landing

The best time to land is considered the end of August or the beginning of September. During this time, the young peony Rasberry Sunday is adapting to new conditions and will calmly endure the winter period.

Attention! Transplanting young bushes in the spring is not recommended - at this time, the culture is actively developing, so the procedure can greatly harm the plant.

Location selection

Peony Raspberry Sunday loves bright sunny areas without drafts. The soil should pass moisture well, and the soil should be chosen with neutral acidity.

Large flower buds, open gradually

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

If necessary, river sand can be added to the soil - this will increase its friability. Peat and humus are also added to increase fertility.

The seedling is cut almost completely, leaving only the root system, which should be pollinated with wood ash.

Landing procedure step by step

Peony planting is quite simple. The following actions are recommended:

  1. A pit is prepared up to a width of 60 cm and a depth of a couple of bayonet bayonets.
  2. Fine gravel is recommended as drainage.
  3. In the pit the earth is poured, consisting of peat, humus, sand and soddy soil.
  4. In the center, make a small hole in which I place the roots.
  5. Gently fall asleep with earth, lightly press down to seal (the kidneys should be at least 3 cm above the ground).

At the end of planting, it is required to carefully water the future plant and mulch the soil with sawdust.

Seeding (for breeding)

Growing Sunday peonies from seeds is very rare because it requires a lot of time and attention.

Such a plant will begin to bloom only in the fifth year after planting. In this case, most likely, will not preserve the properties of the mother plant.

For reference! Seed propagation is mainly used by breeders to produce new varieties.

Plant care

Peony Pillow Talk - flower features

Peony Raspberry Sunday is a rather unpretentious culture, but some care for it is still necessary. Thanks to simple actions, you can achieve good growth and lush flowering.

Watering and feeding

Watering of adult bushes is carried out as necessary, during the rainy period, irrigation is not required. During the formation of buds in the spring and flower buds closer to autumn, the number of watering increases, because the plant needs more moisture.

In spring, peonies will like fertilizing with ammonium nitrate or urea, and in autumn it is recommended to use complex mineral fertilizers, but without nitrogen.

Peony bushes are sprawling, with lots of greenery

Mulching and cultivation

The loose soil allows water and air to pass through well; therefore, it is recommended to periodically loosen around the bushes. A near-stem circle must be present, inside of which no other plants are planted.

It is important to regularly remove weed grass.

In the spring, manure is used as mulch, but not straw or foliage.

Preventative treatment

The wonderful smell of the plant attracts many insects, including parasites. To protect the bush, it is recommended to treat it with special products from pests and fungi. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Blooming Peony Raspberry Sunday

The flowers of peonies of this variety are very beautiful and emit a wonderful smell. During flowering, it is recommended to pay attention to the plant, then it will delight you with its beautiful appearance for a long time.

The flowering period of peony is approximately 21 days, begins in early June. The bush remains decorative throughout the season.

The flowers smell wonderful, the smell resembles a rose

Flowers that wilted are removed from the branches, but it is important not to hook the leaves so that the side buds develop better.

Attention! It is not recommended to cut a lot of greenery for the bouquet, the quantity and quality of flowers next year depends on it.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The absence of flowers in the plant may be due to damage by diseases and parasites, inappropriate soil and conditions for development.

Often, bushes that have not been transplanted for a long time or incorrectly pruned do not bloom. It is important to try to determine the cause and exclude it.

Peonies after flowering

After flowering, the bush is gaining strength before the winter period. In autumn, buds begin to form, from which young plants will later grow.


A flower transplant is carried out in autumn. It is important to prepare a new place, dig a hole of a suitable size.

The bush is removed with a shovel, which is stuck vertically, retreating about 20 cm from the bushes. You do not need to try to pull the plant by the stems, it is better to dig it carefully. The plant is placed in a pit, covered with earth.

For reference! After transplanting, a peony will blossom in full force only after a couple of years.

Pruning and preparing for winter

Bushes are pruned in late autumn to prepare them for the winter season. Cut shoots almost under the root, leaving small stumps. This must be done before the first frost.

After pruning, you can cover the plant with mulch 20 cm in height for better wintering. However, in general, this type of peonies tolerates winter frosts well.

Peony Raspberry Sunday is often used in landscape design because of its beautiful view.


Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Peonies are infrequently exposed to diseases, but with improper care this is quite possible. The main diseases are gray rot, ring mosaic, rust. You can cope with them with special fungicidal agents that are used according to the instructions.

Danger for peonies are ants, aphids, thrips. It is possible to get rid of parasites with the help of folk remedies and chemicals (insecticides).

Peony Raspberry Sunday is a beautiful plant that even a novice can grow. The bushes are unpretentious, but at the same time decorate any site. The growth and development conditions are quite simple to observe, and cultivating the plant does not require much time.


Watch the video: Lactiflora Raspberry Sundae. R2 Flowers BV. Peonies (October 2024).