Pink hydrangea - description of varieties, planting and care in the open ground in the garden


Pink hydrangea is a lush and beautiful shrub that can transform any garden plot. Features of the plant allow it to be planted in almost all regions of the country. This variety has some nuances in appearance and care, which are better to become familiar with in advance.

Description of hydrangea pink

Garden pink hydrangea is a shrub of the Deciduous family. Often used to decorate squares, parks and, of course, garden (country, village) plots. There are two types of such hydrangeas - tree-like and panicled. In Russian realities, the first option is most often planted.

Pink hydrangea


The plant is native to East Asia. The largest number of species grows in Japan, China. It was brought to Europe only in the XIV century - to decorate the gardens of representatives of the upper classes of England and France.

At the beginning of the XVI century, hydrangea appeared in Russia, but only in two colors - white, pink.


Pale pink hydrangea blooms luxuriantly, with large inflorescences. Small flowers in the center, larger on the sides. It is this feature that makes the plant so interesting, unusual.

Interesting fact! The hue of the inflorescences of one bush can vary from white to pink, this is due to the action of a special substance - anthocyanin. Moreover, in acidic soil, flowers can turn completely blue.

Most often, a tree type of plant is used. The shrub grows to 1 meter in height. The leaves have a saturated green color, the shape is elongated, closer to the oval, hold until mid-autumn (the first frost).

Pink hydrangea bush

Pros and Cons of Variety

Hydrangea is common throughout the country. The plant has certain advantages:

  • wide range of colors and shades;
  • withstands wintering without transplant;
  • fast regeneration (after temperature changes, pruning, other negative moments);
  • Immune to insects, diseases.

The disadvantages include care, soil requirements and other specific disadvantages inherent in specific varieties.

Winter hardiness

North American varieties that appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century, withstand temperatures up to -15 ° C. Species bred in Europe winter at -20 ° С. To frost-resistant species include:

  • Firefox Pink ("pink fireworks");
  • White Ball ("white ball");
  • Blue Haven ("blue sky");
  • Red Sensation ("red sensation") and others.

Such varieties are suitable if the temperature allows in winter. Otherwise, a transplant or special shelter is required.

Varieties and varieties of pink and pale pink hydrangeas

There are many varieties of hydrangeas with pink inflorescences. In the climate of Russia, the following varieties showed their best.


Blue or blue hydrangea - planting and care in the open ground

The official name of the variety is Hydrangea macrophilla "Kumiko". The ornamental shrub has straight stems and shoots, at the ends of which large spherical inflorescences form.

The variety is considered relatively frost-resistant (can withstand up to -18 ° C), but requires special wintering coverage in the northern latitudes.

Attention! This type of hydrangea, unlike the others, carries a small shadow, so it is permissible to plant bushes near the house, trees.

Bella Anna

The variety differs in the size of inflorescences - up to 20 cm (usually about 25 cm). The tree grows to a height of 1.3 m. The period of active flowering reaches three months.

The leaves are light green in color with clearly visible veins, after the season they acquire a yellowish tint.

For reference! The variety is picky about the choice of soil, loves plentiful watering, we love landscape designers.

Bella Anna

Sweet Fantasy

A large-leaved variety of pink hydrangea with the scientific name Hydrangea macrophylla Sweet Fantasy.

The plant reaches a height of not more than 1.2 m. The brightest color is red with saturated splashes at the edges.

It blooms on the shoots of the current and next seasons. It quickly recovers after wintering.

Hanabi Rose

Low grade - maximum height 80-100 cm. Inflorescences are flattened, reaching a diameter of 25 cm. Petals are soft pink in color, slightly terry to the touch. It quickly forms shoots, pleases with flowers on the stems of the current and last seasons.

Pink pincushion

Hydrangea tree type. The bush grows sprawling, with a large number of shoots.

Pink Pincusion blooms for three months - from June to August. Often used to decorate parks, sites. The diameter of the inflorescences is no more than 15 cm.

For reference! The decorative version of the variety withstands frosts of -25 ° C.

Outdoor landing

The rules of planting and caring for pink hydrangea in the open ground must be familiarized in advance - the plant is demanding on the choice of place, does not tolerate frequent transplants.

Selection and preparation of the place and soil

Hydrangea Grandiflora - description, planting and care in the open ground

The place is the first and rather important point. Hydrangea of ​​all varieties does not tolerate shade (some allow partial shade - a rare feature), permanent transplants, as a result - ceases to grow and bloom. The soil should be clayey, sufficiently acidic. Peat, sawdust or needles can be added to neutral soil.

Attention! The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight - in such places the flower will not have enough moisture. Therefore, it is important to choose a sufficiently lit, but not bright place (for example, next to a larger tree).

Landing hole is prepared in advance - 50 * 40 * 40 cm. Fertilizers are added (humus, river sand, superphosphates and others).

Hydrangea planting

Which plants are best planted next to

Hydrangea is a large-leaved perennial shrub, therefore, annual varieties should not be planted nearby (if there is no desire to annually update the design of the site). It is important to consider not only the color scheme of the "neighbors", but also general compatibility - similar requirements for soil, frequency and abundance of irrigation, other points. Most commonly used:

  • ferns - allow you to create an interesting leafy pattern on several levels;
  • periwinkles, ivies - undersized species frame the bottom of hydrangeas;
  • soft cuff - have lighter leaves, add shine to the composition.

Other options are incense, hosts, lilacs, mock mums, hydrangeas and many others. The most colorful combination is considered to be cereals (hakonehloa, falyaris, millet).

When and how to plant

In the southern regions and the Moscow region hydrangea is planted in the fall, in Siberia - only in the spring.

In a pre-prepared hole, a small mound is formed, where a seedling is placed - the roots are carefully distributed around. The landing pit is completely covered with plenty of watering.

Plant care

Pink hydrangea - how to care for pink hydrangea in the garden

Pink hydrangea needs a balanced diet and care. Subject to all requirements and rules, the plant will give a lush and bright flowering.


The shrub likes regular and plentiful watering - up to 30 liters every week. Before the procedure, the soil is dug up - about 5-10 cm.

In addition to moistening the soil, it is necessary to spray the foliage from the spray gun.

Fertilizer and fertilizing

It is especially important to provide additional nutrition only for planted plants. Mineral fertilizers are applied every spring - potassium sulfate is required. The second time - at the time of the appearance of the buds, then in the fall.

Mulching and cultivation

Correct mulch will retain moisture in the soil, and timely cultivation will provide the necessary amount of oxygen to the roots. For mulching hydrangeas fit:

  • crushed bark (the presence of the mark "sterilized" or "composted" is important);
  • coffee grounds - oxidizes the soil, you can take in a cafe or coffee shop;
  • peat moss;
  • pine straw and others.

It is important to consider that certain types of mulch reduce the acidity of the soil, which affects the color of the buds. Loosening is carried out regularly at a distance of 50-60 cm around the bush. Depth - no more than 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system.

Mulching hydrangeas allows you to retain moisture in the soil


The main pruning - the formation of a bush - is carried out in early spring (late March). Secateurs must be treated with a disinfecting solution and sharpened.

Important rules:

  • it is unacceptable to break branches manually;
  • the weather should be sunny, calm;
  • hemp, cuts must be treated with garden var or its substitutes.

Cut at a slight slope. If the bush has already grown, you can not cut all the branches at once, it is better to complete the pruning in stages.

Winter preparations

Most varieties of pink hydrangea need additional shelter for the winter. The main ways:

  • sprinkling with leaves or sawdust;
  • the construction of "boxes" for each bush from boards or nets, top with polyethylene or other covering material.

Attention! With the onset of spring, it is not recommended to open plants immediately - if mold is found, it is simply washed off (it does not harm the bushes).


The easiest way is to buy seedlings in special receivers. Cons is the cost, the lack of the desired variety. Hydrangea can be propagated independently by the following methods.

Seed cultivation

Plant seeds do not require pre-treatment, immediately planted in pots (boxes, etc.). Moisturize the soil, do not bury the seeds, cover with a film or glass. The first sprouts appear on average after three weeks.


The best way to reproduce pink hydrangea is by grafting. Suitable time is considered to be the formation of buds (mid-July). Use a green stalk - part of the stem with leaves and buds.

Attention! Cuttings are cut only from young bushes. If the site is "old" plants, pre-conduct "anti-aging" pruning.

Cuttings of hydrangea at home

Bush division

This method is used only during plant transplantation. It is permissible to separate bushes of all types of hydrangea (except panicled).

Period - spring (with the onset of heat, but before flowering). First, the bush is well watered, then dug up. The roots are washed from the ground and separated.


The method is used in early spring, until the formation of buds. Work Stages:

  1. Spud the bush, level the ground.
  2. Draw radial grooves, depth not more than 2 cm.
  3. In each lay one stalk, sprinkle, but leave the top on the surface.

Attention! To prevent the stems from popping up, they are sprinkled with earth or pinned with wooden cuttings. During the summer, sprinkled shoots are watered, achieving light soil moisture.

How to change the color of pink hydrangea

Petals of a plant can change color due to certain chemical reactions - white can turn pink, then blue. Home ways to change the color of inflorescences:

  • watering with diluted aluminum salt, citric acid - allows you to get blue and blue colors (the rarest);
  • adding dolomite flour, lime - changes color from white to pink.

In the first case, the acidity of the soil increases, in the second it decreases, the soil becomes more alkaline.

Growing problems

If the plant has poor growth, insufficient or absent flowering, it is necessary to check the level of illumination, the amount of watering, the condition of the roots (it is forbidden to grow deeper than 10 cm). It is early to judge if hydrangea was only transplanted.

Why does pink hydrangea bloom white? For pink hydrangea, the acidity of the soil is important - an acceptable level of 6.5 pH (neutral). Under the bush, you can add a little crushed chalk or lime, soil with a neutral level of acidity. If the soil was alkaline, the color will become normal.

Typical Diseases and Pests

Diseases appear from poor conditions - sunburn, oversupply or lack of watering, disturbed mineral balance. The main diseases:

  • chlorosis (iron deficiency, lime oversaturation);
  • spots (white, from burns);
  • dry blackening leaves (excessive sun, high water hardness);
  • wet dark leaves (from spraying herbicidal fertilizers).

Fungal rot (white, gray), peronosporosis, powdery mildew and others are also possible. Hydrangea pests - standard, garden (aphids, spider mites, gall nematodes, slugs).

In the case of diagnosing the disease, fungicides are used. If pests attacked, parasites settled on the bushes, you will have to buy insecticides.

The use of pink hydrangeas in landscaping

Hydrangeas often become central elements in the design of plots. For example, Lady Frize is used in mixborders. Take into account not only the compatibility of plants, but also the overall style. Panicled trees are suitable for landscape design in the Russian style, and they are also planted next to artificial ponds.

For hedges, several varieties of hydrangea are used, forming them by trimming to the desired size. Single bushes look beautiful if the surrounding lawn is neat and uniform.

Pink hydrangeas are lush and vibrant plants. Proper care must be taken. But taking into account the recommendations of specialists, it will turn out to decorate the site with extraordinary bushes for several years.


Watch the video: Hydrangeas - everything you need to know about growing hydrangeas in your garden (October 2024).