Cucumber German - an ultra-early vegetable!


Gardeners who grow cucumbers are constantly looking for the best varieties with the highest yields, disease resistance and unpretentiousness. Hybrid Herman in addition to these advantages has one more - very early ripening.

Grade description

An early hybrid of Herman cucumber was obtained by the well-known Dutch company MONSANTO. It was registered in Russia in 2001 and approved for cultivation in all regions, as its cultivation is possible both in open ground and in greenhouses. Suitable for private garden plots and small farms.

The hybrid does not require pollination by bees (the so-called parthenocarpic).

German cucumber variety on video

The appearance of the plant

Herman cucumber plants are characterized by determinism (growth restriction), reach an average height. Flowering female type, the ovaries are laid in the form of bunches. Leaves are not too large, painted in green or dark green.

The fruits have the shape of a cylinder, saturated green, with a tuberous surface and white pubescence. On the peel there are short stripes and subtle spotting. The mass of one cucumber reaches 80-90 g, length 10-12 cm, thickness - up to 3 cm.

Zelentsy Germana small, dark green, with a tuberous surface

The pulp of greens is dense, has a solid consistency, which allows cucumbers to maintain crispness when preserved. The taste is excellent, without bitterness.

Features cucumber Herman

German cucumbers are characterized by a number of positive qualities:

  • high productivity (up to 8.5-9.0 kg / m2);
  • excellent marketability indicators (up to 95%);
  • early ripening (40-45 days after planting);
  • long fruiting period;
  • unlike other varieties, it is not affected by powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic, cladosporiosis;
  • good taste;
  • universality of use.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • poor resistance of plants to high temperatures (in hot climates, shrubs should be shaded);
  • instability to frost;
  • susceptibility to rust;
  • exactingness to food.

Features of cultivation and planting

Cucumbers are planted by direct sowing in the ground or in advance prepared seedlings (this method is most often used for greenhouse cultivation).

The soil for cucumbers should be loose and nutritious, and the site should be sunny. The beds should be placed perpendicular to the sun.

Cucumber planting

German cucumber seeds are usually sold in pelleted form and they do not need presowing preparation. For sowing in open ground, you need to wait for the soil to warm up to 15-20 degrees during the day and to 8-10 degrees at night.

For sowing, you should prepare in advance holes or small furrows that are filled with humus mixed with peat, sand and mineral fertilizers. Seeds are planted in a pre-watered substrate to a depth of 1.5 - 2 cm. It is recommended to mulch the surface of the beds with humus and cover with a film.

To ensure good lighting of each plant, you need to leave a distance of 25-30 cm between them (minimum 17-18 cm).

Sowing cucumbers in the open ground - video

In cold regions, you can sow in a warm bed. For this, a 20-centimeter layer of manure is placed inside the beds and covered with earth (15-20 cm). Instead of manure, you can use green grass, leaves, twigs that need to be poured with hot water with the addition of potassium permanganate. The top of the bed can be covered with a film so that the process of decay begins soon. After 1.5-2 months, you can sow the seeds.

It is convenient to arrange warm beds in drawers.

Often, cucumbers sown in open ground in cold areas have to cover with polyethylene at night (sometimes until mid-June).

When growing cucumbers in the open ground, the author uses the “fast” version of a warm bed. The sizes of the beds are ordinary - 20-30 cm in height and in width. She is prepared 3-4 weeks before planting. Any plant residues are used for it - old mulch, vegetable peeling, fruit tree branches. Sprigs are laid down, sprinkled with all other plant debris, covered with a layer of soil or sand. The finished bed is poured with a solution of ash (a glass of 10 liters of water), and then growth stimulants (for example, Tamair) and covered with black polyethylene. You can plant cucumbers on such a bed at the end of May, and if you cover the plantings with foil, then even in the second decade of May. In the autumn, the garden bed is disassembled and the unreacted remnants of organic matter are laid in a compost pit.

Planting cucumbers seedlings

For growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is recommended to prepare seedlings.

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be approximately 3-3.5 weeks before the intended planting in the greenhouse. Most often, seedlings are sown in late April - early May.

You can sow in peat tablets, boxes or cups. The latter option is considered the best, as it eliminates the pick, which delicate plants do not tolerate well.

Cucumber seedlings are best grown in separate containers

Prepared containers are filled with a mixture of soil with peat (2: 1) and seeds previously germinated are planted to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Containers with seeds are kept in a warm room (air temperature 23-25 aboutC) and conduct watering twice a week with heated water. After emergence, the seedlings are moved to a well-lit place (for example, on the windowsill). If necessary, you can organize lighting with phytolamps. Every 10 days, seedlings should be fed (1 liter of mullein and 10 g of urea per bucket of water).

When 3-5 real leaflets appear on the seedlings, you can transplant them to a permanent place in the greenhouse. If you subsequently decide to transplant cucumbers into the open ground, it is advisable to sow corn next to the future bed in advance (it will protect the plants from sunburn).

Growing cucumber seedlings - video

Outdoor cultivation of cucumbers

For the successful cultivation of cucumbers, you need to follow the simple rules of care - timely water, feed, process against pests and diseases.


German cucumbers do not tolerate drought, but they also do not like excess moisture. Moderate, but frequent (up to 4-5 times a week) watering is recommended. The number of waterings is increased in hot weather and reduced in cloudy weather. Use should be pre-settled water.

Make sure that water does not fall on the leaves and does not erode the soil around the roots.

Top dressing

Hybrid cucumber Herman F1 responds well to feeding, their composition should be as diverse as possible.

For the first time, a cucumber is fed before flowering to enhance plant growth. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers (e.g. urea) are predominantly required. You can use organic fertilizers (infusion of horse, cow manure or chicken droppings). The second top dressing is aimed at improving the formation of fruits (carried out during the formation of the ovary). The necessary elements for this are phosphorus and potassium compounds. If necessary, this procedure is repeated after 7-8 days. During the entire growth period, cucumbers must be fed with ash.

Remember: cucumber does not tolerate chlorine, so do not use chlorinated fertilizers for it.

The formation of mustaches on the bushes indicates the normal development of the plant. Nevertheless, too many mustaches take away the strength of the plant, so part of the mustache must be constantly removed. Bushes of cucumber often begin to bloom too early, so for the best development of the plant, it is advisable to remove flowers from the first 4 sinuses of the leaves. When removing unnecessary side shoots, be careful and pluck out just next to the ovaries.

If top dressing is done only with organics, to increase the yield, it is recommended to pinch the tops (the crop can grow by 30-35%).

Features of growing Herman cucumbers in a greenhouse

Growing Herman cucumber in a greenhouse has several advantages compared to growing in open ground:

  • the crop is formed stably regardless of weather conditions;
  • the fruits ripen faster than in the open ground (approximately 35-36 days after planting);
  • in the greenhouse, you can economically use the place by growing cucumber bushes vertically.

In general, the technology for caring for cucumbers in a greenhouse is similar to caring for outdoor plantings. The peculiarity is the need to monitor the microclimate in the greenhouse - it needs to be ventilated in a timely manner. In addition, increased humidity in the greenhouse contributes to the development of various fungi. Therefore, the soil should be cleaned annually of all plant debris (even grabbing 3-4 cm of soil) and disinfected with copper sulfate (tablespoon in a bucket of water, 5 l for 7-10 m2).

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse - video

Features of the formation of a bush of cucumber Herman

Cucumber Herman grows in rather compact bushes and it is not necessary to form it. Most often, the cucumber is grown in one stalk. To increase the fruiting area of ​​planting, you can use the ability of the cucumber to wander and grow it on trellises.

When growing in greenhouses, it is more convenient to lead the stem along the twine (preferably from natural material, so as not to damage the stems). The twine is tied to the racks, providing for each bush a separate thread. To tie the side shoots, additional harnesses of 0.45-0.5 m in length are needed. When the bush reaches a height of 0.35-0.4 m, its stem is carefully wrapped around the twine. Then this procedure is repeated. In this way, stems up to 5 m high can be grown.

As already mentioned, the first 4 sinuses are blinded, and in the next two you can leave only 1 ovary and remove all the side shoots. In the sinuses of the following three sinuses (7-10th), 2 ovaries can be left, and the shoots must again be removed. On this, the formation of the bush is stopped.

The formation of a cucumber in a greenhouse - video

Reviews gardeners

Good and reliable grade. It tolerates temperature extremes, amicably and stably bears fruit. Cold pickling is just perfect. The skin is a little rough. But I will plant 2-3 plants always, like a lifesaver.

LenaVt, Moscow


this hybrid under the name Herman F1, will give huge returns and with a simple content.

Sergey Prazdnichnov


Previously ripening, high yield, self-pollinated, short-fruited cucumber Disadvantages: Weak taste, no aroma, rough skin, not suitable for pickling Cucumber "German" grew several seasons, more precisely - three seasons. Even 10 years ago, when the boom came for a new Dutch novelty. It seemed that the variety was better at that time and was not among the new products. Of course, such advantages as very early ripening, unpretentiousness to growing conditions both in the soil in the beds and in greenhouses, high productivity - all this is true, and there are no words not to praise this variety of cucumber. I grew it both in beds and in a film greenhouse.



German cucumbers are able to grow even beginner gardeners. They will not require a large investment of time, but they will thank them with an early and tasty harvest.


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