Galia - an early grape variety with delicious berries


Early grape varieties are always the most popular among gardeners. Having spent time growing and caring, I want to quickly see and, of course, try the results of my work. Gardeners also pay attention to early varieties because in the middle lane and in colder regions only such grapes manage to ripen in the open ground. One of these super-early varieties - Galia - grapes with large berries of a dark blue color.

Growing history and description of the variety Galia

Galia - a hybrid form of table grapes, developed by amateur breeder Vasily Ulyanovich Kapelyushny and tested by him in the farm "Nadezhda" Aksaysky district of Rostov region.

Gallia hybrid grapes - an early ripe variety with delicious, sweet berries

Galia was obtained by crossing the forms 1-83-29 and the Vostorg variety, the ripening period is 95-100 days, belongs to the early varieties, in the Rostov Region the berries begin to sing in late July, and in early August they are ripe and tasty.

Grade characteristics

Growth power of Galia bushes varies from medium to strong. Dark blue large ovoid berries form large conical clusters. The mass of berries - 8-10 g, clusters - about 500 g. Galia's berries are dense, fleshy, have a thin skin, but are not prone to cracking. They taste pleasant, sweet. Bunches and berries tolerate transportation well.

Galia is distinguished by large dark blue berries and clusters of medium density weighing about 500 g

Galia is characterized by a large proportion of fruitful shoots (60-70%), good ripening of the vine (3/4 of the length or more). In large formations with a large supply of old wood, yield and quality of berries are significantly improved.

Galia bush - medium and vigorous, in the presence of old wood, productivity increases

Features of agricultural technology

The main methods of growing grapes of the hybrid form of Galia are the same as for many other varieties and forms. Galia is quite unpretentious in care, but some of the features of the variety listed below must still be taken into account in order to get a quality crop.

The cuttings of the variety are easily rooted, therefore, usually no problems arise with the planting of Galia among growers and gardeners. Galia is also well compatible with stocks. Strong-growing stocks, such as, for example, Ferkal, are recommended for it.

The variety must be normalized by shoots and inflorescences. The recommended load on the bush is 40-45 eyes, pruning is usually carried out for 8-10 eyes.

In order for the berries to acquire a rich dark blue color, during their ripening, you need to open the bunches of access to sunlight - remove leaves around them.

In order for the berries to acquire a rich dark blue color, during their ripening, you need to remove the leaves that block the bunches of light

Galia has a high resistance to mildew, oidium and gray rot (2-2.5 points), therefore, for the prevention of these diseases, standard methods are sufficient: remove weeds and excess shoots in time, and treat with fungicides.

The variety can withstand a drop in temperature to -24 aboutC. Together with early ripening, this makes it possible to plant it not only in warm regions favorable for growing grapes, but also in central Russia, Siberia and the Urals.

Gardeners reviews about the variety Galia

Galia, like many other forms of V.U. Kapelyushnogo, I found both my admirers and strict critics. Among those who criticize this grape are mainly professional winegrowers, who value not only the characteristics of the variety, but also its uniqueness, clear differences from other varieties. Of the minuses, it is often noted, firstly, unstable pollination and, secondly, a tendency to berries to burn (which is often the result of poor pollination or overloading of the bush).

In positive reviews about the variety, gardeners note an early ripening period and a pleasant taste of berries.

I have Galia, 2 bushes. Yes, the berry is large and beautiful, but the pollination is not regular, one re-grafted, and on the second there are three more forms for divorce. And Galia is so for herself.

Grigorenko Alexander


I like her taste. There are some chocolate tones in the taste ... for a change, it’s even nothing. But not a bomb.

Puzenko Natalya


Galia is a very early ripening period. The taste is harmonious.

Sergey Dandyk


The variety is excellent! Taste is high. Very early. I advise, especially for northerners! The pulp is dense. On the palate there are pleasant fruity notes.

Belikova Galina


At us (in the Altai Territory) Galia began to stain and gain sweetness. Of course, the Altai Territory is only the south of Western Siberia, and the Rostov Region is the south of Russia. For three consecutive years, both the berry and the vine ripen by the end of August - beginning of September. The berry is tasty and large, the brushes are also not weak. Likes more wood.

Valyaev Evgeny Nikolaevich


Galia did not receive such wide popularity as similar varieties, for example, Richelieu. But its advantages - a very early ripening period, unpretentiousness in care and high-quality tasty berries - make the variety a welcome acquisition for many wine growers and amateur gardeners.


Watch the video: "Special Fruit in Various Strange Colors" (September 2024).