Joan Jay - English raspberries without thorns and trick


Raspberry varieties are constantly being improved: the size of the berry is increasing, disease resistance is increasing, and the yield of bushes is growing. For pickers of delicate fruits, the appearance of ashipless varieties is important, because often during the berry picking season you have to leave the summer cottage with scratched hands and feet. Joan Jay raspberries fully meet the most demanding requirements for yield and quality of fruits.

The story of the cultivation of raspberries Joan Jay

British philosophy is reflected in the saying: "If you want to be happy a week - get married, a month - slaughter a pig, if you want to be happy all your life - plant a garden." Ten years ago, raspberries were created with exceptional characteristics: fruitful, with an amazing bright aroma and devoid of thorns. The authorship belongs to Jenning Derek, a gardener from Scotland. With the speed of good news, the Joan J variety has spread from the British Isles to Chile, finding loyal fans among connoisseurs and cultivators of tender berries.

The raspberry bush is strewn with berries of varying degrees of maturity - that means a fragrant dessert for every day is provided

Grade description

Bushes are low, reach growth from one to 1.3 meters. The stems are powerful, thick, devoid of thorns. More than five fruit branches up to 50 cm long depart from each shoot. According to gardeners, Raspberry Joan Jay is self-fertile. Even in the first year after planting, it is able to produce more than 60 berries from a branch.

Nondescript at first glance, the flowers conceal the embryo of a fragrant sweet and sour berry

The fruits are large. During the season, Joan Jay berries do not grow smaller, unlike other large-fruited varieties. The average weight of 6-8 g. The skin is dense, painted in a rich ruby ​​color. The taste is sweet-sour with a pronounced aroma. Highly appreciated by tasters.

The berry is easily separated from the receptacle. When ripening, it does not crumble for almost a week. It is well transported, but is not stored for long. Therefore, the fruits are recommended to be consumed fresh, used in canning and frozen.

A funny light tip of raspberries demonstrates the degree of maturity. For their own use, they take fully colored berries, and for transportation you can collect fruits with a lighter tip.

The light tip of the berry is an indicator of commodity maturity of the fruit.

Grade characteristics

The plant is of a repairing type, that is, it produces crops on both annual and biennial shoots. The variety is fruitful: with competent agricultural technology, you can collect 5 kg per bush. Gardeners note that already in the first year after planting, up to 80 berries are laid on the side branches.

Joan Jay raspberries are unpretentious and drought resistant, but may not tolerate frost below -16 ° C. Resistant to disease, not affected by pests.

The peculiarity of the repairing varieties is that the berries on them begin to ripen when the main insect pests are already preparing for winter and do not pose a threat to raspberries.

Advantages of Joan Jay raspberry variety:

  • lack of thorns;
  • large berries;
  • pronounced aroma and pleasant taste of the fruit;
  • transportability of berries;
  • small bush size;
  • prolonged fruiting (from July to October);
  • drought tolerance;
  • unpretentiousness in leaving;
  • productivity;
  • self-fertility and fruiting in the first year after planting.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • due to the abundance of fruits, the branches bend strongly, so they need a garter;
  • when pruning shoots to the root, the next year's crop ripens in early August;
  • bushes are "gluttonous" due to the extended fruiting, and if grown for 2 crops - the more need regular feeding;
  • does not withstand severe frosts without shelter.

Video: Joan Jay raspberries ripen

Features of planting and growing raspberries Joan Jay

Before embarking on a landing, you need to decide on a place for raspberries. Choose sunny, windless areas with light, well-drained soil. In the row between the bushes leave spaces of 60 cm, the distance between the rows of 80 cm or meter. Saplings are purchased only from reliable suppliers to be sure of the variety.

Good quality seedlings will ensure future crops

The Joan Jay variety is considered promising, therefore, large areas are already allocated for it. They have plantings from north to south, in which case the bushes receive the highest illumination during the day. Since shoots of raspberries of this variety can greatly wilt, it is worth considering the arrangement of trellises in advance.

The presence of trellis makes it easy to care for the bushes and harvest

Given the tendency of the variety to give numerous shoots, when planting, some summer residents use insulating barriers. For example, you can limit the raspberry to slate sheets by digging it half a meter in depth.

To create a raspberry, you can choose both spring and autumn time. Landing is done as follows:

  1. Dig a hole with a depth of 45-50 cm.
  2. If the soil is clay, the upper fertile layer is separated, and the clay is removed from the site.
  3. Plant residues, last year's leaves, branches are poured at the bottom of the pit.
  4. From above, 15-20 cm are covered with fertile black earth with sand in a ratio of 2: 1.
  5. Fertilizers are added to the next layer:
    • organic:
      • compost;
      • humus (contribute in the same ratio as sand);
      • ash (seasoned at the rate of 500 ml for each bush).
    • mineral, containing potassium and phosphorus (contribute 1 tbsp. l. for each plant):
      • potassium nitrate;
      • potassium sulfate;
      • superphosphate.

        When planting, it is desirable to use granular fertilizers, they are better absorbed.

        Planting plan for raspberries Joan Jay: 1 - seedling; 2 - insulating barrier; 3 - nutritious soil mixture; 4 - clean soil; 5 - soil layer with plant residues

  6. They place a seedling in the center of the hole and add soil so as to deepen the roots by 5-10 cm. Thus, the formation of new lateral shoots is stimulated.

    The seedling is placed in the planting hole, carefully spreading the roots

  7. The soil is abundantly watered with warm water.

    Seedlings are watered at the rate of 5 liters of water for each

  8. The trunk circle is mulched, as raspberries do not tolerate weeds. In addition, mulch allows you to save moisture.

    After absorbing moisture, the soil around the seedlings is mulched with hay or straw

Video: Joan Jay Raspberry Autumn Planting

Watering and feeding

Raspberry is a famous water chowder. A repairing and long-fruiting Joan Jay especially needs recharge. Modern irrigation methods save water and provide every bush with precious moisture thanks to drip irrigation.

Modern irrigation methods are efficient and economical

Gardeners also note the need for plant nutrition during the growing season. Best bushes respond to the introduction of slurry or infusion of chicken droppings. Rotted cow manure is bred in the ratio of 1 kg per 10 liters of water, and chicken droppings are diluted at the rate of 1 kg per 20 liters of water. Top dressing is applied three times per season:

  • in early spring;
  • during the beginning of flowering;
  • at the end of summer.

Foliar top dressing, for example, spraying bushes with ash infusion, gives a good effect:

  1. Half a liter of ash is poured with 5 liters of water and left for three days, stirring occasionally.
  2. The infusion is filtered and sprayed planting.
  3. Sludge is fed into the soil.

You can simply pour dry ash into the trunk circle. But spraying with infusion will not only nourish the plants with potassium, but also help fight pests.

There is an important rule that novice gardeners should remember: nitrogen fertilizers (nitrofoska, nitroammofoska, azofoska, urea and ammonium nitrate) stimulate the growth of green mass, so they are applied only in early spring. And phosphoric and potassium mineral compounds (superphosphate, potassium sulfate) are used throughout the growing season. There are also a number of complex fertilizers, the time of use of which is indicated in the instructions for use. In addition, the mulch from mowed grass supplies the necessary fertilizing for the bushes, which, when overheated, gives moisture and organic compounds.

With proper care - top dressing and watering - you can enjoy juicy aromatic fruits until late autumn.

Among gardeners there is an opinion that the berries seized by frost have a particularly bright taste.


Experienced gardeners recommend not taking the time to trim the shoots from the repairing raspberry varieties. The bush must have time to pick up nutrients from the aboveground parts of the plant, which means that pruning is started with the establishment of persistent cold when the leaves fall. While the leaves are green, raspberries still accumulate nutrients.

Unfortunately, when growing remont raspberries, from year to year I received a small crop of exceptionally tasty large berries, watching with pain how most of the fruits go into the winter. For some reason, the simple idea of ​​pruning bushes and subsequent intensive nutrition of raspberries did not become dominant in my, full of worries about the garden, my head. And the reason for this is not clear: is there a residual principle by which you pay attention to this crop when all the other fruits and vegetables are dealt with, or a nasty belief that raspberries are essentially weeds, they themselves can survive in any conditions. After many years and tens of kilograms of lost berries, you come to a reassessment of priorities. Now I do not need to be convinced that raspberries require delicate handling, careful care, competent fertilizer and high-quality watering. This delicate berry gratefully responds to cleanliness around, and top dressing and moisture make its exquisite ruby-red fruits a valuable supplier of vitamins.

After removing the aerial part of the bush, you need to protect the root zone with a layer of mulch. Raspberry roots lie superficially and need shelter in the absence of sufficient snow cover. A layer of mulch from plant debris will serve as the first top dressing after the snow melts next year.

Video: how to trim repair raspberries

Although Raspberry Joan Jay does not have high frost resistance, in the southern regions where last year's shoots are left to get an early harvest, rarely frosts below -16 ° C occur in winter. And in the middle zone of Russia, it is recommended, after the establishment of cold weather, to prune the bush under the root.

In order to bring the crop closer, you can leave the annual shoots of several bushes without mowing, and cut the rest radically. Thus, the next year you can get an early harvest in July from last year's shoots, and the sprouts of this year will provide the main long-term fruiting. At the same time, it is important to cover the left bushes from the cold with non-woven material, mulch the trunk circle with humus and plant debris.

Gardeners reviews

Yes, John G. handsome. This year we saw it at our site in all its glory, wonderful taste, productivity, high transportability, and the size of the exhibition berries.



We harvested a rich crop with JJ all season and still under the frost all the berries were gone. On the eve of frost. According to the results of tests of several seasons, the variety is definitely one of the best for the south of Russia as well.

Alexey Torshin


Joan JAY gives the whole crop to the first frosts, growing as an underground bud since April, the one that does not have time has grown from the end of May, by the end of September there are no berries left on the shoots, it also grows for 5 years and I haven’t seen a better variety (well, maybe Bryce is on good land). She may not have time to give the crop if she leaves last year's shoots, but then there will be incomplete summer and incomplete autumn fruiting, it can be convenient for herself all year with berries, for the market - horror. A raspberry bush is placed on a running meter of a trellis, up to 10 shoots are left per running meter of a trellis, therefore with calculation I have everything normal. Collect 5 kg from the bush - without mineral water, but naturally, drop by drop, it is quite possible that this is an average yield indicator, cutting off completely for the winter and removing all the leaves and branches from the plantation.



It is better to buy repairing raspberries of modern varieties, as, for example, Joan Jay, and cut it to the root in the fall, have a crop of 5 kg from a bush and never mess with varieties such as Raspberry tree, Raspberry giant and other miraculous varieties of folk selection.



Everything is comprehended in comparison. The variety is not bad. For an amateur who loves a dark berry, who loves to collect, water, tie up every day. I personally like DD less than Himbo Top, which is more unpretentious + does not darken + more yield.

Himbo Top has withstood 40 days of drought and heat. DD I can’t stand this.



The promised report on the test of the raspberry variety Joan J. The seedlings were obtained of very high quality, with a very good root system, planted on April 18, for two weeks they grew under agrospan on arches. Fertilizers of prolonged action + foliar top dressing with microelements in chelated form + potassium monophosphate were used. Mulching with black agrofabric along a row. Watering once a week with water from a well without heating. Insecticides: Fitoverm. Fungicides were not used.

During the growing season, each seedling on average gave two shoots of substitution. Growth is very active. The height of the shoots is approximately 1-1.3 meters. Not studded. Thick, and thicken so quickly that the skin has cracks. Each shoot has 6-8 branches, with branches of the second order on which fruit branches are located. In this connection, the shoots are rather unstable and even without load they strive to lie down, that is, the variety needs trellis. Flowering and ripening of berries (on annuals) in my conditions 5-6 days earlier than Polka. The productivity of seedlings is already very high, higher than the two-year-old Shelf. The berries are large, weighing about 6-7 grams or more, do not fade during fruiting (My shelf fades), the appearance is very appetizing, and the taste is not inferior to appearance. Overripe drupe maroon.

A characteristic feature of the variety: an unripe berry has a light top (part opposite to the stem). Although, if the berries need to be transported, it is recommended that the daily collection of slightly ripened berries, that is, with a slightly light top. The berries are transportable, dense, easily transported for 100 km, they do not crumble when harvested, they are easily removed, but do not crumble. It seemed to me a few hours after the harvest that the taste of the berry becomes better than that of the Regiment, while from the Regiment's bush it tastes a little tastier.

Gray rot is affected during long rains minimally. According to the description of the originator, berry freezing is possible without loss of taste. Conclusion: although it is believed that the first year is not indicative, the variety nevertheless has the right to exist in the middle zone. Definitely remains on my site.



English gardeners distinguished themselves by smooth lawns that have been mowed for three hundred years. But mowing the grass is not their only occupation: graceful roses are the unchanging pride of the Albion gardens. And the unique raspberry flavor of Joan Jay, received by UK breeders, recalls another British tradition - tea drinking, flaunting in the form of jam on our tables.


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