Plot in a Mediterranean style: the gardens of southern Europe in the Russian realities


The marvelous beauty of the nature of the southern seas leaves no one indifferent. Colorful gardens with citrus and conifers, successfully complemented by picturesque ponds and decorated with all kinds of arches, pergolas and grottoes simply amaze the imagination. But in the conditions of our latitudes, translating the Mediterranean style into landscape design is not such an easy task. Indeed, in order to revive copies of subtropic plants adapted to our climate on the site, it will take a lot of strength and patience. However, the style is built not only on green spaces. Design tricks and a whole arsenal of attributes will help maximize the similarity of the site with gardens on the Mediterranean coast.

What is remarkable for the Mediterranean style?

A feature of this style is its widespread use in the design of the site of different breeds of natural and processed stone, marble chips and sea pebbles. This is due to the fact that in natural conditions the gardens are located near the coast and often have a rocky character. The mountainous terrain has caused widespread in the design of the territory all kinds of retaining walls, stairs and terraced slopes.

The Mediterranean style, which successfully combines elements of ancient Greek, Roman and modern art, is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque styles of landscape design

The Mediterranean garden is attractive primarily for its rich colors, splendor of plants and an abundance of various architectural elements of decor

The most popular plants have always been citrus, pistachio, olive trees and palm trees, which in addition to the decorative function pleased with fragrant and juicy fruits. It was in such gardens that the art of creating topiary was widely spread - giving plants original forms through a special haircut. Hedgerows with cone-shaped and spherical shrubs act as a real "highlight" of the garden.

Against the background of colorful colors of flowering plants, comfortable garden furniture is effectively shaded. Shod and wooden benches and little tables have a pleasant pastime and rest

Of the attributes, ceramic amphoras, flowerpots, pots and all kinds of forms for planting flowers are most popular. They are placed in the garden, placed on the lawns in a horizontal position and even half dug in the ground. Strokes of "antiquity" give garden figures in the form of old vessels and broken amphoras, decorated with ampel and ornamental foliage plants.

We make the plot in the same style

Choose plants for the garden

Despite the large number of admirers of the Mediterranean style, the limiting factor in choosing it for the design of a suburban area is the difference in climatic conditions. Many thermophilic shrubs and trees that feel comfortable in sultry summers and calmly endure mild, snowy winters do not take root in our climate zone.

Fill the garden with southern charm and convey the spirit of warm countries are not only capable of palm trees, which, by the way, can be grown as container crops, hiding them indoors in winter.

The evergreen emerald conifers are able to create a unique atmosphere of the Mediterranean garden: yew, juniper, pine, thuja, spruce

They will cover decorative deciduous plants with branches from the scorching sun on a hot afternoon: viburnum, magnolia, boxwood.

Flowering flower beds planted with fragrant roses and variegated perennials will become a worthy setting for elegant trees and shrubs. At the foot of the trees lawns made of spicy herbs will look great: lemon balm, chicory, steppe onion, mint, sage.

The sunny and hot climate of the Mediterranean suggests drought tolerant plants.

Drought-resistant trees, as if defending themselves from scorching rays, mask themselves, staining their foliage in silver shades

A successful addition to the picturesque landscape will be a pear loosestrife and various types of shrub loh, which the people often call "olive." For example: silver goof is attractive with small foliage and fragrant flowers dotting branches, on the site of which olives are quite edible and sweet in taste.

To match the design with pearl foliage, periwinkle, mahonia, cotoneaster are perfect. And instead of heat-loving cypresses, junipers and colony-shaped arborvitae can be planted less demanding on light and heat.

The atmosphere of the Mediterranean will help create plants planted in small groups of purple, blue, red and orange flowers.

Lavender is an ideal option when making open glades on the site. But if climatic conditions do not allow to grow this heat-loving beauty, a veronica or a scepter-like mullein can be a worthy alternative

Well, what garden without vines? These graceful climbing plants adorn themselves with arbors, awnings, pergolas. Sun-loving southern creepers can be replaced with honeysuckle, clematis or girl's grapes.

To create a topiary on the site, instead of traditional holly and cypress trees, you can plant spirea, barberry, privet. They also easily carry a haircut, allowing you to form original “live” jewelry from the crown.

Architectural elements of the landscape

It is convenient to enjoy the contemplation of a picturesque picture, sitting in a cozy gazebo or by a graceful arch twined with a beautifully flowering vine. A suitable complement to the design will be living arches of tree crowns, canvas awnings and wooden trellis.

The paths, beautifully laid with plates, with lush greenery breaking through them, are led into the garden, inviting you to relax in the fresh air and enjoy the bewitching beauty of the created corner of nature

Various terraces will give special features to the arrangement of the relief. Hedges will help divide the site into separate zones and create an atmosphere of detachment and solitude. Low stone fences, forming an ideal background, are best done with an uneven surface, decorating them with clematis of purple varieties or painting "under the masonry".

An important element of the Mediterranean garden are water devices: streams, cascades and fountains. Spreading droplets of life-giving moisture through the garden and filling it with the sounds of bubbling water, they make the suburban area truly a paradise

Keys pounding from the ground, decorative ponds and pools bring a “sea” touch to the picturesque Mediterranean garden

A small fountain in the Roman style, decorated with figures of animals and framed by flowerpots with flowers - an ideal option that will give a unique look to the site. The wall fountain in the form of a lion’s head with open mouth will look no less colorful.

The decoration of the suburban area will serve as "ancient" sculptures in the antique style and clay ceramics in light colors

Patio as a key design element

The cozy patio is a fairly popular element of landscape design used in the design of the garden in a Mediterranean style. It is equipped on the southern slope, protected from the cold north wind. Ideally, the site should have a view of the sea. In the absence of such, it is advisable to foresee that it offers beautiful views of the emerald lawn, garden, hills ...

The stylization of the patio, decorated with white like foam, azure-blue and blue shades, will help to give a feeling of proximity to the sea.

The association with the sea will be caused by pieces of furniture decorated with covers of fabric in white and blue stripes, flower pots painted in this color scheme.

When decorating the site and arranging the roof of the gazebo, only simple materials are used: straw, reed and soft tiles. No pretentiousness, the main thing is convenience. But, focusing on northern conditions, it is advisable to provide for the arrangement of walls that will protect the site from snow and rain.

Coverage of the site is often done with masonry, if desired, successfully replacing it with wooden flooring or terracotta tiles

Wooden stairs, a rocking chair, sun loungers and umbrellas also successfully complement the design of the recreation area. Organically fit into the overall style and rough furniture in warm colors. To decorate the open area, container plants planted in large beautiful containers are used: thuja, laurel, oleander.

Finally, we offer you some more ideas for decorating your site in this style.

All garden details should be successfully combined with each other and together and at the same time emphasize the temperament of the Mediterranean garden.


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