Whitefly: All About the Pest


Whitefly is a cunning and secretive insect that causes serious damage to indoor, garden and greenhouse plants. Its white wings are usually visible to the naked eye, but the pest is located at the bottom of the leaf, which allows it to remain unnoticed.

Description of whiteflies, its reproduction

Whitefly belongs to the tiny sucking parasites. It looks like a cream-colored moth with a small body of 1-2 mm, covered with a transparent waxy coating that resembles flour. The female lays on the bottom of the leaf grayish eggs, mounted on small stems. Under favorable conditions, 300 eggs per season, 10-20 eggs at a time.

Hatched greenish larvae have an oblong shape, antennae and three pairs of legs. Having found a favorable place for their nutrition, they attach and lose mobility, resembling a whitish scale. Mostly young leaves are selected, but with a large number are placed on other parts of the plant. Their sugary secretions are dangerous because they are favorable soil for the development of soot fungus, which clogs leaf stomata and interferes with sunlight. The main harm is caused precisely by larvae. Gradually they increase in size and go through several stages of molting. At the last stage, the white coating covering the larva hardens. She is ready to turn into a butterfly.

The development cycle is 3-5 weeks.

In a whitefly-infected plant, the leaves dry out and the buds become deformed. It prefers to breed on fuchsia, balsam, begonia, lanthanum and geranium (pelargonium), but can attack other species. In greenhouses settles on cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant and pepper.

Types of Whiteflies

More than 100 species of this parasite are known in many regions. Most harmful:

  • Tobacco. Omnivore, even eats medicinal herbs. It differs in the tilt of the wings of a butterfly.
  • Greenhouse or greenhouse. Fertile, resistant to poor conditions. The body of an adult is yellow.
  • Citrus The butterfly has an icon similar to Y.
  • Mulberry. Larvae are black with white fringe. Distributed to citrus.
  • Cabbage. In its absence, it masters other vegetable beds.
  • Fringed. It settles on cotton and gourds. It features a gray body and black stripes on the wings.
  • Strawberry. Prefers berry plants (strawberries, raspberries, etc.).
  • Giant. The largest butterfly is up to 5 mm. Located on roses, tomatoes, trees and ornamental shrubs.
  • Honeysuckle. Forewings are speckled. It settles on grapes.
  • Iris. Prefers gladioli. Switches to other flowers in their absence.
  • Ash. The caterpillar on the body has a small fringe with wax droplets at the ends. It harms trees and shrubs.
  • Crowned. The larva is black with a wax crown in the head. Lives in oak forests and chestnut groves.

Causes of whitefly damage

How the pest got on the plant is difficult to determine. It can be brought by a person on clothes, along with purchased seedlings, through an open window, etc. If the room has favorable conditions, then it immediately begins to multiply. He needs warmth and high humidity, which is especially characteristic of greenhouses and greenhouses.

In open ground, active reproduction of the parasite begins in the second half of summer, when hot weather sets in. It is mainly suitable for dense landings where air movement is difficult. The high reproduction rate of this pest requires a periodic inspection, so as not to miss its appearance and start treatment in a timely manner.

Means and methods of controlling whitefly

Whitefly harms plants and carries dangerous viruses: curly, jaundice, chlorosis. Methods of struggle are based on the creation of conditions that prevent its active reproduction. The effect will be greater if an integrated approach is used for treatment and the following recommendations are taken into account:

  • In the open ground: biological and chemical preparations are best suited. They control their toxicity.
  • Indoors: biological and folk remedies that are safe for humans.

Mechanical whitefly removal

This method is applicable if there are few plants. Under it is understood:

  • Placement of trap sheets with glue, attracting the appearance of adults. Instead, they sometimes use masking tape from flies.
  • Manual collection of midges is a laborious process, but acceptable.
  • Wipe and spray with soapy water.

Trap application

They are produced by the following companies: Pheromone, ARGUS, Bona Forte, etc. Traps are yellow pieces of paper or getinax coated with special glue. It has no color and smell, is not toxic. Pests fly in color and stick. Many species of flying parasites are caught.

You can make it yourself. Take a square piece of paper, wood or composite material, paint in bright yellow color and apply castor oil, petroleum jelly or a mixture of rosin and honey. Placed above the plants using special holders:

  • 1 PC. 0.1 hectare;
  • in the room - on every window.

Folk remedies

They are represented by aqueous solutions with which plants are sprayed or wiped.




Soap100 g are crushed and dissolved in 600 ml.1 time within 7 days.
Garlic3 slices fray, add 1 liter of water. Day stand. Filtered.2-3 treatments with a small amount of pest.
Yarrow100 g of fresh grass and 1 liter. Stand for 2 days, then you need to strain.1 time in 7 days with a spray 2-3 times in a row.
TobaccoGrind cigarettes, 1 liter of hot water. Stands in an unlit place for a week.Spray every 3 days until destroyed.
Dandelion50 g of leaves and 50 g of root are crushed, 1 liter of warm water. Hold 5 days without light. Filtered.2 times at weekly intervals. Helps with the initial stage of the appearance of the parasite.
Ammonia35 ml of 10% ammonia solution per 10 liters.Treat only until flowering with an interval of 3 days.

Biological agents and chemicals

The combined use of these drugs helps to completely get rid or significantly reduce the number of pests. The following effective drugs are used:

  • Neonicotinoids: Aktara, Confidor. Contact-intestinal action with a wide spectrum of activity. They act quickly and for a long time. Affect many types of insects. They are distributed throughout the plant, but do not accumulate in the fruits. Toxic to humans and animals, but toxic to pollinating insects.
  • Pyrethroids: Decis, Spark bio or gold, Caesar. Affect adults and larvae. They have contact and intestinal activity. Do not wash off by rain. A wide range of actions.
  • Organophosphorus: Fufafon, Actellik. Safe for people and animals. Without smell. Quickly neutralize.
  • Old proven karbofos. Designed for a long time, quite effective. Processed using protective equipment. Do not use more than 2 times per season.
  • Dichlorvos. Its not high price is an advantage. New modifications do not have a strong smell. It is toxic, therefore it is better to use it only when other means do not help.
  • Insectoacaricides (last generation biologics): Vermitek, Fitoverm. Pest control regardless of their location. Cause paralysis. They tolerate plants well. You can harvest 2 days after processing.

To enhance the impact, add a dishwashing detergent or laundry soap, which allows the drugs to better stick to the leaves. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions in order not to harm yourself and others.

Mr. Dachnik advises: preventive measures to protect against whiteflies at home and on the street

Whiteflies must carry out preventive measures to prevent an attack. In the garden:

  • plants are planted at a distance;
  • provide good care;
  • use drugs to enhance health and immunity;
  • harvest all the tops and weeds in autumn;
  • dig a site;
  • place the compost heap elsewhere, as various pests like to winter in it.

In room:

  • close windows with mosquito nets;
  • do not allow moisture to stagnate in pallets;
  • Do not put close pots on the windowsill;
  • air regularly;
  • use biostimulants for growth and top dressing.

In the greenhouse:

  • Partially dismantled for the winter, because The butterfly does not tolerate low temperatures.
  • Fumigate with sulfuric smoke bombs to destroy the larvae.
  • It is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, if its material is polycarbonate.
  • In the spring, re-processing is carried out.


Watch the video: PEST CONTROL: 5 Easy Ways to Control Aphids Whiteflies Mealybugs Spider mites (October 2024).