Chlorosis of plants: types, symptoms, treatment


Chlorosis is an ailment accompanied by a sharp decrease in the activity of photosynthesis. Due to insufficient chlorophyll, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Bushes affected by this disease suffer from the death of the root system and drying out of the tops. The list of distinguishing features of the disease also includes small leaves.

The need for urgent treatment is indicated by the twisting of the edges of young plates, the deformation and flying around of buds. If you refuse timely measures to save the plant is unlikely to succeed. You can determine the type of chlorosis in specialized laboratories. Most often, owners of large farms use this method. Ordinary gardeners are guided by external manifestations.

Causes of Plant Chlorosis

The list of factors that can provoke a disease is quite extensive. Chlorosis is infectious and non-infectious (functional). The latter is called:

  • adverse climate;
  • mistakes made when cultivating crops;
  • poor drainage;
  • lack of free space;
  • the negative effects of sulfur dioxide;
  • too thick fit;
  • mineral deficiency in the soil.

An insufficient amount of protein, iron, nitrogen, magnesium is often a consequence of the high acidity of the soil. A plant planted in such a soil is not able to absorb minerals. It should be noted that the disease can be inherited. This property is used when breeding new variegated varieties.

You can understand the lack of a substance that caused chlorosis by the appearance of the plant:

  • nitrogen - slow growth, lignification of stems, fading of the plates;
  • phosphorus - thinning shoots, shredding leaves, changing the color and shape of the edge;
  • potassium - the “burnt” edge of the leaves, inside the fruit strips of black-brown hue;
  • calcium - necrosis of the upper plates, apical rot on fruits;
  • copper - flying around underdeveloped inflorescences, chopping young foliage, weakening stems;
  • Boron - a large number of side shoots;
  • magnesium - old foliage is covered with greenish-yellow spots, which after they acquire a brown color;
  • sulfur - both veins and intervein space suffer;
  • zinc - specks of different shades on the surface of the sheet.

Infectious chlorosis can be caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria. Infection occurs through insects.

The main distinguishing features of a non-communicable disease from an infectious one are that the veins on the leaves, when yellowed, remain green.

Chlorosis in the garden

The disease is often confused with scab. This is due to the similarity of symptoms. Chlorosis susceptible crops include vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers. A gardener who does not forget about prevention will significantly reduce the risk of chlorosis.

Chlorosis of Tomatoes

More than many other crops, tomatoes are susceptible to non-infectious chlorosis. Excessive watering causes fluid stagnation in the root system, which gives impetus to rot. The lack of minerals is stopped by introducing special preparations and fertilizers.

The bushes affected by the viral infection are disposed of, and the land is immediately cultivated. To do this, you can use a solution of magnesium permanganate (potassium permanganate) or fungicide. Otherwise, infection of plants nearby will occur.

Cucumber Chlorosis

Changing the shape of leaf blades and yellowing of the veins is a symptom that indicates many diseases. This can explain the difficulties that may arise during treatment.

In any case, cucumber chlorosis is easier to prevent than to eliminate. For this, two weeks before planting, it is necessary to introduce vegetable humus into the prepared soil. It contains all the necessary substances.

Chlorosis of fruit shrubs

Gardeners often call the disease pale pale. Infected shrubs (currants, raspberries, gooseberries, etc.) grow slowly and bear poor fruit. The causative agent of yellow mosaic (infectious chlorosis) is a nematode. After timely preventive measures, the gardener will protect himself from most of the possible problems.

Grape chlorosis

The development of pathology is indicated by the appearance of spots located between the veins on the leaves. Their color ranges from cream to lemon. Old plates are provided; new ones are painted caustic yellow. The fruits are small in size.

Chlorosis has a negative effect on frost resistance. Signs of the disease become more pronounced in spring and late summer. To reveal a pale illness, the bleached grape leaf is coated with iron chelate.

A positive test result is evidenced by a saturated green pattern that appears on the plate during the day. Among the varieties of grapes that are resistant to chlorosis, there are Muscatel, Limberger, Cabernet, Pinot Noir, Saint Laurent, Elebing, Riesling, Pinot Meunier, Trollinger.

Raspberry Chlorosis

This shrub can also be affected by functional and infectious chlorosis. The first sign of the disease is the appearance of pale yellow spots, which over time grow and combine with each other. Following the leaves, stems and young shoots are affected.

To avoid such problems, you must:

  • use only healthy seedlings for planting;
  • regularly loosen aisles and remove weeds;
  • treat bushes with solutions that prevent the appearance of sucking insects;
  • pour raspberries with water heated in the sun;
  • introduce nitrogen-containing fertilizers, forest litter, peat, humus or compost into the ground.

Strawberry chlorosis

The causes of the ailment in this plant are the same as in raspberries: mineral deficiency, infectious infection, and increased soil acidity.

With viral chlorosis, in addition to discoloration of leaf blades, the formation of short internodes occurs. In this case, getting rid of the disease will not work. The only way out of the situation is the destruction of the affected strawberries and the immediate processing of the soil. Non-infectious chlorosis is treated with special drugs.

Fruit tree chlorosis

The development of chlorosis is indicated by the appearance of pigmentation on the leaves. Pale yellow spots form on their surface. It should be noted that the color of the veins does not change. The lack of treatment entails a gradual twisting and death of the foliage.

Chlorosis of apple and pear

Apple trees and pears affected by iron deficiency are sprayed with medicinal solutions. They are also given iron sulfate injections. The hole that is drilled for this in the trunk, then must be covered with cement.

With an insufficient amount of nitrogen, the foliage located below starts to lose color. In this situation, gardeners recommend the use of organic fertilizers containing nitrogen. Potassium deficiency is manifested by yellowing of leaves on young shoots.

Necrotic border and dark spots on the leaf plate indicate a deficiency of sulfur and oxygen in the root system. Therefore, the gardener will need dolomite flour and wood ash. The longer non-infectious chlorosis progresses, the more difficult it is to identify the cause of its occurrence.

The viral variety of the disease is expressed in two forms, among them a mosaic and chlorotic ring spotting. The first affects the stems, fruits and leaves. Bright spots and stripes appear on them. The list of symptoms can be supplemented by a delay in bearing fruit and a decrease in yield. Ring spotting is manifested by a pointed yellowing of the foliage, growth retardation, shortening of shoots. Sick trees do not tolerate temperature extremes.

Chlorosis of flowers

There are no cultures capable of withstanding chlorosis, so this ailment can appear on any site. This applies to both garden and domestic plants. Particular attention should be paid to the state of clerodendrum, azaleas, gardenias, ficus, hibiscus, phlox and abutilon.

Hydrangea chlorosis

Flowers most often suffer from a lack of iron. And due to improper metabolism, foliage in plants fades, curls up and falls off. The most effective therapy is timely prevention. Source:

Means in which iron is present are used for spraying or applied under the root.

Rose chlorosis

The signs of infection are the same: yellowness and veins, which stand out against a faded background for their rich color. Among the factors that can provoke an ailment, there are:

  • insufficient amount of iron;
  • chemical fertilizer abuse last season.

Usually weakened plants fall ill. Roses, characterized by a developed root system and having a more favorable location, most likely will not suffer.

Affected bushes should not be abundantly watered, trimmed and fed with nitrogen fertilizers until they recover. Treatment begins before the growing season. A mineral substance is introduced into the prepared soil, from the lack of which the plant is sick, and humus. The latter can be replaced with mullein.

Treatment of chlorosis with drugs and folk remedies

To prevent the appearance of chlorosis, you need:

  • feed plants with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • timely kill pests that transmit the infection;
  • mulch the aisle;
  • acidify the soil containing a large amount of carbonates.

Drugs are selected based on the data obtained during the inspection of the plant. The causes and treatment of the disease in any case are interrelated.

Required itemThe drug / folk remedy
Iron chelate
MagnesiumMagnesium sulfate
Dolomite flour
SulfurPotassium sulfate
ZincZinc oxide
Zinc Sulfate
CalciumSlaked lime

With the infectious type of chlorosis, treatment will be a waste of time. The fight for a plant infected with a virus and fungus is lost in advance. In any case, you will have to get rid of it.

A universal solution to the problem is the destruction of diseased plants and spraying the remaining drugs against chlorosis and the use of complex fertilizers to enhance immunity. The list of possible options includes top dressing such as Uniflor Micro, Reasil, Kemir Lux.


Watch the video: Identify the Leaf Yellowing Pattern & Treat Nutrient Deficiency with the Best Fertilizer (October 2024).