Kolquitia: planting and care


Charming Colquitia, named after Professor Botanist Richard Kolkwitz - deciduous shrub and beautifully flowering tree. Botanists attribute this splendor to the honeysuckle family, and gardeners dream of planting this Chinese miracle in their garden. The central region of China is the natural habitat of this plant. Landscape designers in many temperate countries are actively using the decorative properties of this culture to decorate the garden.

Description of the quake

In the natural habitat, kolquitia grows to three meters in height, and in the European part of Russia no more than 2 meters, refers to the type of shrubs. Branches grow with great growth with densely lowered hairs. The bark of the old trunks has a red-brown color and exfoliates like a honeysuckle. Bright green oval leaves (opposite - paired, length 3.5-8 cm) turn yellow by autumn.

It blooms profusely, covers the entire bush in the form of a ball, pinkish with five petals inflorescences in the form of bells. The buds look very attractive and attract attention. From such luxurious blooming of flowers, even the foliage cannot be discerned, and such a philharmonic continues throughout the spring, captures part of the summer.


In the Russian strip, only two species are known:

  • Rosea
  • Pink Cloud

Rosea (Rosea) - the most popular variety among gardeners in the country. At the time of blossoming, the flower stalks have a bright pink hue, but as the blossoms bloom, they turn white. Look spectacular in compositions, with bushes of saturated emerald green leaves. In autumn, foliage acquire a bright orange color. Flower pharynx with an orange-yellow stripe. Shrub requires careful care and crown formation.

Pink-Cloud (Pink-Ckoyd) when translated literally sounds like pink clouds, when grown in southern areas with a warm climate, in temperate zones grow up to 1.5 meters, both in height and in diameter. One of the most common varieties in Russia is Pink Clouds. The bush is resistant to both drought and frost. Shoots are well branched, easily formed.

According to the characteristics belonging to each variety, no large differences between plants are observed. Mostly differ in color saturation and the size of the petals. Throughout the first half of June, when all other ornamental shrubs have ceased to bloom, this plant continues to fragrant and bloom.

Landing of quoliquitia in the open ground

When choosing a place for planting in the ground, it is important to consider that the plant is photophilous, although if there is a slight shadow, it will tolerate positively. A fertile soil with moderate hydration is what you need in order for growth and development. The area where the bush will grow should be protected from cold winds. Despite the fact that the plant withstands frost up to -30 ° C, after very cold winters, young shoots are partially damaged.

Landing in the open ground is carried out in the spring in a well-warmed soil, when the threat of return frosts passes. If the site in the spring stands for a long time in the water, then it categorically does not fit this plant.

It is better to prepare the landing pit in advance somewhere 14 days before disembarking in the open ground, the soil in it will compact and settle. The pit should be at least 40 cm deep and 50 to 60 cm wide. The soil mixture is prepared as follows: sand, turf, humus, in proportion (1: 2: 2). A thoroughly mixed mixture is filled in the pit and after 14 days, 80-130 g of complex fertilizer or half a bucket of ash is added to the soil and a seedling is planted.

By age, a bush, it is desirable that there was 1 year old or 2 year old for successful survival. Water abundantly immediately after planting and cover with mulch, preferably from coconut.

The first time the bush can bloom already in the second year after planting in open ground.

Garden Care

Successful growth and flowering depend on proper care. It is always important to maintain soil moisture in the near-stem circle, and water only with warm water.

For good growth and development, it is necessary to feed the plant. This can be infusions of fresh manure in a proportion of 1:10, and at the beginning of summer they add double superphosphate 30-50 g per 10 liters of water per bush.

When flowering ends, the quolvcii cease to be fertilized so that the growth of new shoots does not start, since they will not have time to ripen. Forming pruning is performed at this time. Trimming the bush is necessary after the final ripening of the fruits, while all young growth is removed.

In early spring, they make a sanitary haircut, cutting off all branches and stems damaged by frost and pests. If there is a need to transplant the bush to a new place, then the survival rate will be high just at this time. In autumn, when preparing the bush for winter, they mulch well again and cover rodents with pine spruce branches.


The plant is propagated as follows:

  • Generative method (seeds);
  • Vegetative method (layering, cuttings, dividing the bush).

Generative way

The process is long-term and not always successful. Seed germination is poor, a hard shell with hard protrusions prevents this. In order to destroy it carefully rubbed with sand or kept for several minutes in concentrated sulfuric acid. To increase germination, they must be stratified in the refrigerator on the shelf where vegetables are stored for 3 months. After this time, in April, they are sown somewhere in long containers with a good substrate: peat, sand, sod, humus. Seeds are not very large and deeply embedded in the soil is not recommended. Temperature + 20 ... 22 ° C is just right for germination. A pot of kolqvitsiya, abundantly watered, covered with a film, and kept warm. Indoors, it will grow until next spring.

Propagation by layering

The most effective and reliable way. After choosing the desired shoot, it is bent into the dug groove, a small incision is made, treated with Kornevin to stimulate root growth and sprinkled. After rooting, they are transplanted into prepared pits next spring.


Propagated both in spring and autumn. True autumn is better. The selected cuttings are cut and wrapped in a film, and then cleaned into the basement until spring, or they are coated with Kornevin and planted in a greenhouse or in pots for indoor germination. After 2 years, they can be planted in open ground. Cuttings wrapped in a plastic bag can also be stored in the refrigerator on a vegetable shelf until germinated.

Bush division

You can use such a method of propagation as dividing the bush if you transplant the entire seedling. The bush is removed from the ground and examined, removing rotten roots, then divided into parts, taking into account that each got a powerful root and a developed stem. The places of cuts must be covered with charcoal to avoid microbes and root decay. Bushes thus prepared are planted in trenches or pits.

The first years after planting, while they are still young and their branches are not ripe enough, the bark is susceptible to the destructive effects of frost, they must be covered under winter with spanbond, lutrasil.

Diseases and pests

Colquitia is quite resistant to the invasion of various pests. But in hot weather it can be attacked.

Honeysuckle aphids can cause great harm to plants, young leaves and shoots dry, fall off. If such pests are detected, they are immediately destroyed by such drugs as: Aktara, Actelik, Fufanon. Spraying should be carried out twice, three times with an interval of 7 days. Since adult insects die during the first treatment, and the eggs remain intact, the subsequent one will destroy them.

But, not only aphids, but also the caterpillar of the fingerfly, which gnaws the berries, as well as the leaf-gnaw, can harm the decorative look of the plant.

If the amount of pests is small, they are collected by hand, and with severe damage, you can spray with Biotkin, Gerold or any other effective drug. The greatest damage can be caused by a scab, which can destroy the bush completely.

Viruses and fungi can cause irreparable harm to colquitia, if it is a bacterial disease, then such a plant cannot be treated. They dig it out and burn it.

If these are just microscopic fungi that damage the foliage, and are visible in the form of various spots, and they show off from the branches, then such a disease is treated, - chlorosis. Preparations Fosporin, copper sulfate will successfully cope with such a problem.

Mr. summer resident informs; Features of the planting of Kolkvitsia in the Moscow Region

Kolkvitsi seedlings also grow in the temperate climate of the Moscow Region. Of course, the soil plays an important role in the formation of the bush. Loose, nutritious soil is the key to the success of the rapid growth of colquisition and the formation of peduncles. In the dry period, the soil is moistened, and to preserve moisture, a thick layer of mulch is laid, it is good if it will be peat and compost, and pine bark on top.

After watering, the bark wood is saturated with moisture, and if a dry period occurs, it will not allow the roots to dry out. In the suburbs, the bush is surely protected from severe frosts, so that in cold, snowless winters the plant is maximally covered, directly affects young seedlings. It is necessary to cover not only the crown, but also the root system, this is especially important in snowless winters.

Lovely colquitia is pleasant in its beauty of an airy pink cloud. With proper care, after 6-7 years, a beautiful and lush tree will form, with sprawling branches in the form of a ball.

Having planted this beautiful bush in a country house, at the cottage you can count on its gorgeous flowering and summer aroma with brightly colored autumn foliage.


Watch the video: Growing Peonies: Planting and Care (October 2024).