Test: what a summer resident you are


Do you look forward to the first snow falling? Do you just imagine how you will pack up and rush to the cottage? Then we offer to take a test and find out which type of summer resident will be your type.

  1. Well, the winter has come. Such a long-awaited spring is coming. And in complete impatience, you set out to ring up your friends to invite them to your summer cottage for a vacation. You get out of the car with your family, and a terrible picture appears before your eyes. Fallen tree branches in the yard, a thick layer of foliage covering the lawn, the smell of dampness and mold in the house. Everything around was chilly and dank. What will you do first.
    • Distribute tasks among all family members so that everyone can get to work together.
    • I’ll call my friends and tell them that their help is needed, let them come quickly.
    • Armed with the most modern appliances for cleaning the house - it will be faster.
    • I will take advantage of what is at hand and slowly and methodically begin to clean.
    • A neighbor in the country should not refuse me, I’ll go and call him for help.
    • First of all, I clean the lawn in front of the house. Last year’s sheets have a very unattractive look.
  2. If a tree fell, how will you begin to get rid of it.
    • A fallen tree can really amuse cats. And besides, the kids climb it so well.
    • This is a great option to stock up on firewood.
    • It is better to burn it, and use ash in the garden as fertilizer.
    • Wood is a good material, something can be made from it.
    • Better consult with designers. Maybe from this snag you can make an art object.
    • It can adapt it to rest - there is enough space on it for everyone.
  3. There are children's swings that have already failed or no one is using them. What will you do with them.
    • Save somewhere in the dark corner of the closet. Roads are like a memory.
    • They have a place in the trash. Better to free this place for something worthwhile.
    • I’ll get rid of the old ones, buy new ones.
    • Well, I don’t have any hands. I'll fix it now.
    • The neighbor’s boy has none. I'll give it - let it be repaired and used.
    • Well, let them stand on. To whom they interfere.
  4. Work on the site is completed. But the house still needs to work hard. What are you going to do.
    • Now hang the balls and decorations. Children in such a play area will be fun and comfortable.
    • I have to clean everything - cleanliness is the most important thing.
    • There is not much time left before guests arrive. I have time to tinker in the greenhouse with seedlings.
    • Well, you need to hang out the decor. Yes, and bookshelves do not hurt.
    • Yeah, and here is a car with new furniture for a summer residence. Now I’ll unload and arrange everything. Guests will be envious.
    • Now I will prepare a room for my guests so that they can comfortably spend the night.
  5. At work, hunger broke out. What do you have a bite to eat?
    • There is nothing better than borsch, now I’ll warm it up.
    • A couple of sausages thrown into hot water - and all the solution to problems.
    • Salad from your cucumbers and tomatoes, and even with a green onion - solid vitamins.
    • What a snack there - people on the doorstep.
    • From vegetables and greens smoothies and tortillas - you should always monitor your health.
    • As a matter of fact - the neighbors called to themselves - there I’ll refresh myself
  6. Well - our guests are late for a couple of hours. What do you do now?
    • Yeah, the idea, we have a trampoline. I’ll go and put it - let the kids frolic.
    • Okay, we get a barbecue and start cooking barbecue, otherwise suddenly the guests will arrive all the time.
    • Well, good. Now there is time to prepare everything for planting.
    • You can patch up what went into disrepair for the long winter months. There’s some kind of stain on the fence - you need to refresh the paint.
    • I’m going to sit on the Internet, maybe I’ll choose something to give.
    • That's good, there is time for yourself. You can take a book and sit comfortably in a hammock.
  7. And still a little time remains. And then the thought arises - and not to plant flowers along the fence? Which varieties do you prefer?
    • Oh no, it's not mine.
    • Sorry for the meat does not grow like flowers, otherwise I would ....
    • Yes, what flowers, there are tomatoes, peas, zucchini - this is the thing.
    • Now I’ll build a small flower hill - here the neighbors will envy.
    • I’ll plant the ranunculus and eukomis. I don’t know how it will look, but it sounds original.
    • Better not to plant flowers, but to sow grass for the lawn. Minimum hassle, but you can lie on it.
  8. A large caterpillar sits on a currant leaf. Your actions?
    • I will take it and collect the children. Let them enjoy it, and then you can release it.
    • Let’s put her in the neighbor’s garden. They have so many things there.
    • I’ll take folk recipes and I will know these gluttonous insects.
    • Now I’ll look for a stronger chemical, or else to breed throughout the garden.
    • Well, just lovely. You can take a photo on macro photography and put it on your page.
    • Mummies, what a nasty thing, I’ll go away.
  9. Wow, what is this lying around in the barn. And why is this tool needed?
    • Who knows what it is. Let it lie where it lay.
    • I wonder how to handle it.
    • Wow! In my opinion, these are our friends. That year they forgot it here.
    • Bah, this is a pruning shears.
    • Well, why the Internet, now we all know.
    • I will appeal to a neighbor. He’s a jack of all trades, for sure, and he will know that.
  10. Well, the day is drawing to a close. All affairs are redone, everything is cleaned, planted, painted and nailed. What will you do now.
    • I’ll rest by making a little audible music. So it will turn out to be relaxing and I will not bother anyone.
    • Now I’ll turn on the music and start hanging out.
    • Yeah, the moon is full, no frosts are predicted. Now is the time to plant onions. So there is something to do.
    • There are lanterns for garden paths in the trunk. Now I’ll just install it.
    • It's time for a jacuzzi.
    • The best rest is a healthy sleep. Now is the time for him.


The predominant answers are at number 1. In this case, you are a family summer resident. All weekend you are ready to disappear in the fresh air at your favorite summer cottage. And besides, and with his beloved family. Long gone into oblivion rest with friends in a bar.

Answers prevail at number 2. You are a summer party-goer. Even this quiet and peaceful place you can easily turn into an active zone, with music to the fullest and kebabs. And even the neighbors do not mind, because they are hanging out with you.

Number 3 answers prevail. Super agronomist. Nothing is a secret for you in processing, planting, harvesting. You know absolutely everything about how to grow a particular plant and get rid of pests. Every year you harvest beautiful crops.

The answers prevail at number 4. You are a summer resident crazy hands. Everything in your home is in place and working properly. To fix a broken thing, you never resort to the help of a master. But the neighbors very often turn to you for help.

The answers prevail at number 5. Summer resident at the peak of fashion. All the most modern equipment you have in the country. You carefully monitor all the new products and immediately buy them. This becomes the envy of everyone in the area. Therefore, guests often ask you to take a closer look and take a selfie on the side of a cool jacuzzi.

The answers prevail 6. Summer clerk-seal. Well, why do you need a vacation with a rake in hand. It is better to arm yourself with a can of beer and lie in a hammock, enjoying the fresh air and the twittering of birds from the heart. This, in your opinion, makes sense in spending time in the country.


Watch the video: Medical School vs Residency Comparison (October 2024).