Vanilla orchid: description, all about leaving


Vanilla orchid is the only member of the Orchidaceae family to produce edible fruits. Distribution area - Panama, Mexico and Antilles.

Description and Features of Vanilla Orchid

Included in the number of vines and in natural conditions can reach 30 m, with home cultivation - 3 m. Flowers are snow-white, yellow or light green in color. On the flower, the bud lasts only 24 hours. There is dense green foliage, the root system is airy.

Due to the presence of a delicate aroma, it is widely used in the perfumery field. It is this vanilla flavor that has been considered trendy for several years now.

Care for vanilla orchid at home

This vanilla is variegated, therefore, when caring for it, a number of nuances should be taken into account:

Location / LightingScattered light. Located on the southwestern or eastern window. Protect from direct sunlight and provide good air circulation.
Temperature+ 25 ... +30 ° С at any time of the year. Permissible minimum value is +18 ° С.
Humidity80-90%. To achieve this indicator, the plant is constantly watered and sprayed (use soft warm water).
WateringUse a shower. Abundant, drying of the topsoil should not be allowed.
The soilBreathable and rich in useful components. Suitable substrate: garden soil, pine tree bark, chopped fern roots, moss. The components are taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 1.
Top dressingOnce every 21 days. Apply a special fertilizer for orchids.

Transplant, pruning

Orchid pruning is carried out at any distance; in the cut zone, branching and fluff can be noted in the future. After this manipulation, flowering can be expected only after 3 years.

The transplant is performed once every 2-3 years, it is to this period that the roots become crowded in the old pot. Optimal spring time.

It is not difficult to transplant a flower, you just need to remove it from the container in such a way as not to injure the root system.

If the part is still damaged, then these places are sprinkled with charcoal, and only after that the plant is placed in a new pot.

Breeding methods

The most popular method of propagation of vanilla orchid is considered to be cuttings. For this, a process is selected that has at least 3 nodes with an air root system.

To speed up the rooting process, the stem is treated with any growth stimulant; heteroauxin can be used.

The shoot is placed in a container with a moistened substrate, it is recommended to use sand. Then the container is covered with a film and provide greenhouse conditions. Sprouts are aired daily. After the stalk begins to grow back, the film is completely removed. After the appearance of 3-4 leaves, the plant is transplanted into the soil for adult orchids.

Diseases and pests of vanilla orchids, how to deal

The plant is resistant to pests (only scabies are an exception), but improper care can cause the development of a number of diseases:

Root and stem rot.Excessive hydration.The orchid is replanted, replacing all the soil in the pot, reduce watering.
Dry foliage.Moisture deficiency.Increase the frequency of watering and spraying.
Light spots on the leaves.Burn.In the midday, the plant is moved to partial shade.
Blackening of aerial roots.Excessive feeding.Adjust the frequency of fertilizer application.

If you avoid mistakes in care, then a healthy and beautiful plant will delight with its aroma and long flowering (vanilla orchids have many flowers that bloom at different times).


Watch the video: Caring for Vanilla Orchid Plant Planifolia (October 2024).