Poisonous Mushroom Bloody Tooth


A mysterious and unique representative of the mushroom kingdom is the bloody tooth mushroom, which got its name because of its unusual appearance. It was first written about it in 1913, although it was discovered much earlier, back in 1812. Interestingly, scientists have not yet fully studied its properties.

Appearance (description)

Some representatives of nature on our planet amaze and horrify. These include the unusual bloody tooth mushroom. It occurs in coniferous forests in European and North American territory. It’s hard not to pay attention to this mushroom, because its bright color immediately attracts the eye.

The name "Gidnellum Peck" was given by the name of a US mycologist, Peck, who first discovered this species. The size of the mushroom is medium, the hat is slightly larger than 5 cm in diameter, looks like chewed gum with a thin strawberry smell, the leg is about 2 cm high. Bright blood drops appear on the surface of the hat, it is as if stained with the blood of a wounded animal. This red liquid is produced by the fungus itself through the pores. "Hydnellum peckii" is somewhat similar to boletus with spilled wedge or currant juice. The body is white, velvety, turns brown with aging.

The main characteristic of a "bloody tooth" is the absorption of water from the soil and the nutrition of small insects that inadvertently fall into it. The word "tooth" appeared in the name not by chance. When the "Hydnelum Peck" grows, pointed formations appear on its edges.

Edible or not?

"Gidnellum Peka" refers to the order of agaric mushrooms (Agaricales), but unlike the same champignon is not edible. There is no poison in the fruit body, the danger comes only from the pigment in the hat (atromentin). Its toxicity is still being studied and it is not yet known whether it is mortally dangerous to humans. The mushroom is bitter on taste - it is necessary for him to scare away people and animals.

Where and when does the bloody tooth mushroom grow?

As we said above, this mushroom grows in the coniferous forests of Australia, Europe and North America. In the Russian Federation, you can see it extremely rarely and only in the autumn season from September to November. Not so long ago, it was discovered in Iran, North Korea and the Komi Republic.

Mr. Summer resident: healing properties of a bloody tooth

In the course of the study, scientists found that the fungus juice contains the substance atromentin, which belongs to a specific anticoagulant. It can be used to prevent blood clots and improve blood coagulation. It is also believed that the use of alcohol tinctures and bright poisonous liquid of the fungus helps to heal bruises, since the latter has pronounced antibacterial properties.

In medical practice, anthromentin is not yet used.

Some doctors hope that in the near future, drugs based on the purple substance will be created, akin to penicillin, which was obtained from a fungus of the same name.

Similarity with other species

The fungus has close relatives:

  • Rusty Hydnellum (Hydnellum ferrugineum). It can be easily distinguished from a "bloody tooth" during aging; initially, a white body with liquid red drops in hue begins to resemble rust.
  • Blue hydnellum (Hydnellum caeruleum). Grows near white mosses in the forests of Northern Europe. On its pulp, the same drops stand out with a bloody tint, and its distinctive blue color is distinguished. With aging, the center of the hat is brown.
  • Odorous Hydnellum (Hydnellum suaveolens). A light fruit body with blue spikes darkens with aging, has a pungent odor. Red liquid does not stand out.


Watch the video: Bleeding Tooth Fungus (October 2024).