Fatsia Japanese - cultivation, home care, photo species


Japanese Fatsia (Fatsia japonica) is also called "home chestnut" or "Japanese chestnut". Such a comparison is not surprising, because large leaves in texture and shape resemble chestnut or maple. This unpretentious and persistent plant, which is especially loved by interior designers.

In order for Japanese fatsia to please its beauty for a long time, it is necessary to ensure their proper care. But first you need to get acquainted with its distinctive features.

Under normal lighting and nutrition, Fatsiya Japanese grows very intensively.
At the end of summer, small white flowers gather in panicles.
The plant is easy to grow.

Useful properties of Fatsiya Japanese

Fatsiya Japanese is used in medicine to heal the skin and joints, as well as a general strengthening and analgesic. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the leaves of the plant for overwork, colds and diabetes.

A leaf of Fatsia, previously washed under a stream of water, can be put on a bleeding wound so that the blood stops. However, this method should be used with great care, since many gardeners declare the toxicity of the plant and recommend wearing gloves when it is planned to carry out procedures for care and transplantation.

Fatsia Japanese care at home. Briefly

Listed below are the main factors that are important for the well-being of the plant.

Temperature modeThe optimum temperature level in the summer is +200C, in winter there is a rest period, therefore a temperature of +10 is permissible0FROM.
Air humidityFatsiya Japanese at home tolerates dry air well, but even she will be glad to regularly spray.
LightingThe plant is able to withstand partial shade and dark places, grows well under artificial lighting. Sunlight is optimal if it is indirect, moderate.
WateringConstant soil moisture is required, watering regime: 2 times a week in the summer. Every 3 days it is necessary to provide Fatsii 3 liters of water. In winter, you need to water once a week.
PrimingYou need to regularly loosen the soil so that it lets air through. You can use the finished soil or make it yourself by mixing peat, sand, garden soil and turf land.
Fertilizer and fertilizerWhen the plant has a growing season, it needs to be fed with liquid fertilizer once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to alternate mineral and organic types of fertilizer.
TransferThis procedure is performed every year when the roots are already visible from the drainage holes of the pot.
BreedingWidely used reproduction by cuttings, on which there are kidneys. Reproduction by seed is also permissible.
Growing FeaturesThis plant is characterized by endurance to shade and a high need for moisture. In winter, he has a period of rest. When the plant is stretched too high, it needs to be cut.

Fatsia Japanese care at home. In detail

To ensure good health, the plant needs to know what fatsia needs: home care is not too complicated.

Fatsia Blossom

The Fatsiya Japanese flower at home is valued more for beautiful leaves than for flowers. Inflorescences are quite small and collected in a kind of umbrellas. Although they have a nondescript appearance, they have a delicate and pleasant aroma. Many gardeners do not like how the flowers look, so they are in a hurry to cut them off before they bloom.

At the end of flowering, small blue berries appear. They are poisonous, they should not be tried! Seeds in them do not have time to ripen and quickly lose their germination.

Although Fatsia rarely blooms at home, there are no tricks to speed up and motivate this process.

Temperature mode

Depending on the time of year, Fatsia at home requires a certain temperature. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature range is from +180From to +250C, and in winter it is allowed to drop to +170FROM.

Fatsia needs fresh air, it is quite resistant to drafts and airing.


Fatsia Japanese. A photo

Fatsiya Japanese needs high humidity, it is not enough just watering. Regular spraying compensates for the loss of moisture that evaporates from the surface of the leaves. For spraying, you need to prepare water so that it settles for several days.

During the summer heat, the plant can even be placed in the bathroom and take a shower, irrigating at low pressure. In winter, especially if the room is quite cold, it is not recommended to spray the plant at all.


The Fatsiya Japanese plant does not object to dark places and feels good on the illuminated windowsill. The optimal place for normal growth and development is a window facing west or east. In summer, you can take the pot with the plant to the balcony or terrace, but so that direct sunlight does not burn its leaves.

Too much light will cause burns. A lack of lighting, for example, on the north window, is also undesirable, since it leads to the loss of leaves.

It is possible to compensate for the lack of natural light by adding artificial light, for example, by means of fluorescent lamps.


An important condition for the well-being of the Fatsiya of Japan is regular and moderate watering. A lack of moisture is just as dangerous as an excess. In summer you need to water more often than in autumn and winter.

Water for irrigation should be warm and soft, settled for several days. Although watering is scarce in winter, the soil should not be allowed to completely dry out.

Fatsia Pot

The size of the pot depends not so much on the size of the plant as on the diameter of the root system. The diameter of the pot should be several centimeters higher than this parameter. Excessive soil stagnates in too large a pot, as a result of which the roots of a young plant rot. If the pot is too small, the roots are also uncomfortable.

Fatsia soil

Japanese home fatsia does not have high soil requirements. You can use the purchase, but you can make it yourself from river sand, peat and turf soil. It is recommended to purchase soil in transparent packaging in order to visually evaluate its quality and suitability for planting.

At the bottom of the pot you need to lay a layer of expanded clay for optimal drainage.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

The most important period for Japanese Fatsia begins in March and ends in November. During these months, the plant needs top dressing in the form of mineral and organic fertilizers, which must be alternated.

It is important that the soil where the fertilizer will be placed is moist. Top dressing through dry soil is dangerous for the plant.

In winter, feeding is not necessary!

Fatsia transplant

The first few years, Fatsiya Japanese is young, growing and developing intensively. She needs to change the pot once a year, preferably in the spring. When the plant becomes an adult, transplantation must be done once every 2-3 years.

If the roots of the plant are visible from the drainage holes, this is a sure sign that it is time to transplant. At the bottom of a new pot you need to put expanded clay, so that its level reaches 1 third of the pot. Spread the soil on top.

Transplantation is carried out by transshipment method. An earthen lump that gathers around the rhizome does not need to be destroyed, otherwise it will lead to trauma to the root system. Together with the ground, the plant moves into a new pot.

How to crop Fatsia

This procedure should be carried out every 2-3 months to form a beautiful crown. You also need to pinch the upper leaves to direct their growth in the right direction.

Rest period

The rest period of Japanese Fatsia falls in the winter months, during which growth slows down. Conditions for rest need to be created appropriate: less watering, lower temperature, less watering. However, do not completely neglect the care of the plant, otherwise it will not survive the winter.

Can I leave Fatsia without leaving on vacation?

The plant can withstand several days without the presence of the owners, if it is well prepared for this. It must be watered abundantly, fill the soil with moist expanded clay and put it on the floor, away from direct sunlight.

However do not leave the plant alone for a long time, it’s better to ask neighbors or acquaintances for regular visits.

Fatsia breeding

There are three options for the propagation of Fatsia:

Fatsia propagation by cuttings

This procedure is usually performed in the spring, when buds appear on the branches, ready to bloom. Optimal conditions for rooting the cuttings - peat and sand-based soil and temperature +200C. To create a greenhouse effect, the stalk is covered with a plastic film or a glass jar.

Propagation by air layering

This procedure is also carried out in the spring, slightly cutting the trunk in several places and covering the cuts with a film. After a few days, roots will appear at the site of the incisions. They need to be cut together with the crown and put the resulting layering in a new one. The trunk left without a crown does not need to be left. With sufficient watering, new shoots will appear on it.

Growing Fatsia from Seeds

The seed germination base is a substrate composed of sand, earth and foliage. Seeds are sifted to a depth of 1 cm, and then covered with a film. When the shoots that have appeared reach a height of 10 cm, they need to be transplanted into separate pots.

Diseases and Pests

Growing Japanese Fatsia, flower growers may encounter the following problems:

  • Fatsia leaves wither and wilt. This is a sign of lack of moisture or excessive heat.
  • Long stems. If the plant is not regularly trimmed, it can quickly stretch out. At the same time, its lower leaves fall and fatsia resembles a palm tree.
  • Light spots appear on the leaves of Fatsia. These are burns, a signal that the plant is exposed to excessively intense solar radiation.
  • Slow growth of Fatsia. The plant is in a dark place, it lacks lighting.
  • Brown leaf color. So the flower reports that it lacks nitrogen.
  • Young Fatsia leaves at the top turned black. This is a consequence of hypothermia.

The following pests can also attack Japanese fatsia:

  • mite;
  • aphid;
  • whitefly;
  • mealybug;
  • thrips.

You need to deal with them both mechanically (simply removing pests from the plant) and processing with a special solution. The second method can negatively affect the plant, so it is used only in the last resort, when the first did not work.

Popular varieties of Fatsia home with photos and names

The most popular are the following varieties of this plant.

Fatsia Spider's Web

The leaves of a plant of this variety are bizarre in shape, with sharp tips. The color is homogeneous, with a small interspersed shade lighter.

Fatsia Variegata Variegata

The leaves look like a spread palm, each tip like a finger. The dark green surface is complemented by a light border that paints the sheet unevenly: on one sheet there can be a lot of light, on the other - a little.

Fatsia Aureimarginatis

The shape of the leaves is similar to the previous variety, and the color is a pattern of a dark background and a light, bright yellow border.

Fatsia Argenteimarginatis

Here, the ends of the leaves are framed by a light border that seems silvery.

These varieties have much in common: the shape of the leaf and the principle of color: a dark background and a light border. They differ in the color of the edging.

With proper care, the Fatsiya Japanese will decorate for a long time a room furnished in any style: from the loft to the country. This is a universal decoration, which becomes a bright accent that attracts universal attention.

In general, caring for this plant is not too complicated. The only thing you should pay attention to is watering. It is important to maintain a balance between underfilling and overflow, as the health of the plant deteriorates in both situations.

Florists give this plant mystical properties and believe that it improves the mood of the owners and strengthens their family happiness.

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Watch the video: Fatsia japonica - Japanese Aralia (October 2024).