Beloperone - growing and care at home, photo species


Beloperone is a perennial evergreen shrub from the acanthus family. Popularly known as the "crayfish neck" or flower shrimp. Homeland Beloperone South America. The plant is characterized by flexible, branched shoots ending with drooping, apical inflorescences. The flowers themselves are inconspicuous, white, lasting only a few days. But the bracts formed next to them in the form of a long, loose spike last for almost a year. At first they are pale and nondescript, then gradually acquire bright colors, from yellow to orange-red.

In the absence of pruning, the height of the plant can reach 1 meter. But the most beautiful are small, properly formed bushes with a height of not more than 30 cm.

Be sure to look at a plant from the Acanthus family - Fittonia.

Growth rate is average, up to 15 cm per year.
It blooms all summer.
The plant is easy to grow.
It is a perennial plant.

Useful properties of beloperone

Beloperone has the ability to improve the indoor climate by controlling the level of humidity and releasing a large amount of oxygen. Also, the plant is able to normalize electrostatics and absorb sounds. The spectacular appearance of the white perone gives the interior special comfort and coziness.

Beloperone: home care. Briefly

Beloperone at home requires some care:

Temperature modeIn the summer, indoor, in winter at least + 7 ° C.
Air humidityMedium, if necessary, the pot is placed on a layer of wet expanded clay.
LightingBright, direct light. In winter, some shading is possible.
WateringIn summer, it is plentiful, in winter no more than 2 times a month.
Primer for beloperoneHighly nutritious, loose, drainage is mandatory.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive growth, once a week, with universal fertilizer.
Transplant of beloperoneAnnual, in the spring before the start of intensive growth.
BreedingStem cuttings and seeds.
Features of growing BeloperoneIt requires constant formation.

Care for beloperone at home. In detail

Caring for beloperone at home has some features. This evergreen shrub has the ability to grow very quickly, and it also requires very careful watering.


Beloperone begins to bloom in early spring. At the ends of the shoots, spike-shaped inflorescences with large bracts are formed. The intensity of their color depends on the level of illumination. The brighter the light, the more saturated the color of the bracts. The flowers themselves are two-lipped, small, white.

On the plant, they hold only a few days. High decorative qualities possess only bracts. They form an ear more than 10 cm long. With good care and illumination in the winter, flowering can continue throughout the year.

Temperature mode

The white-perone plant at home requires a moderate temperature in the range + 23-25 ​​° C. In winter, if possible, it is reduced to + 13-15 ° C. This will prevent the shoots from stretching.


Beloperone adapts perfectly to room conditions. If the air is too dry, the pot with the plant can be placed on a pallet with wet gravel or expanded clay. Also beloperone can be sprayed additionally. At the same time, water should not fall on the inflorescences. Ugly black spots remain from moisture on them.

For spraying, pre-filtered or settled water at room temperature is used.


Homemade beloperone needs a lot of bright light. But at the same time, direct sunlight is undesirable. The plant feels best of all on the windows of the southeast and southwest orientation. On the northern side of the white perone in winter, the organization of illumination will be required.

Watering Beloperone

During the period of intensive growth from March to August, white perone is watered very abundantly. Since early September, the number of irrigations has been reduced.

In winter, the plant is watered very limitedly, not more than 1 time in 2 weeks. Irrigation water must be soft, hard, leading to quick salinization and problems with the root system.

Pot of white squirrel

For growing beloperone, plastic or ceramic pots are suitable. Their volume should be slightly larger than the size of the root system. In a too large pot, the soil from intensive watering can become acidic, which will lead to the development of root rot.


Beloperone at home is grown in a nutritious, loose substrate. It consists of 2 parts of sod land, 4 parts of peat and humus and 1 part of river sand. Drainage from clay shards with the addition of coarse sand and charcoal is necessarily equipped at the bottom of the pot.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Since the end of March, white perone has been fed weekly with complex fertilizer for indoor plants. Bred it in strict accordance with the attached annotation. By the end of summer, feeding is stopped.

Transplant of beloperone

Beloperone transplant is carried out annually in the spring. The plant is carefully transferred into a larger pot.

Young, intensively growing specimens are transplanted up to 2 times a year.

Pruning peroperone

Beloperone grows very intensively, so it requires periodic pruning. The first time it is cut in early spring, until the moment of intensive growth. Depending on the condition, the shoots are cut to 1/3 or 2/3. To maintain shape and improve branching, re-trimming is performed in the summer. If desired, shtamb or ampel can be formed from white perone.

To form a tree on the plant, the lower branches are gradually removed. As soon as the bush reaches the required height, the crown is plucked on it. In the future, to maintain the shape of the boles, they constantly cut. To form an ampel, long branches do not prune. Lying, they form drooping shoots.

Rest period

Beloperone has no pronounced resting period. When creating conditions, the plant continues to actively develop throughout the year. If you lower the temperature, it simply reduces the growth rate.

Growing white perone from seeds

Beloperone is easy enough to grow from seeds. They begin sowing in February or March. For this, a loose, fertile substrate is prepared. Seeds are planted to a depth of not more than 0.5 cm. To create a greenhouse effect, the container after sowing is covered with a film. After germination, it is immediately removed.

As soon as the seedlings grow to a height of several centimeters, they are transplanted into separate containers.

Reproduction of beloperone cuttings

Beloperone is easy to propagate by apical cuttings. They are cut from young, annual shoots. The optimal length of the cuttings is not more than 10 cm. Cut them directly under the kidney. For rooting, mini greenhouses are prepared from cut plastic bottles.

As the soil they use a mixture of peat with perlite or sand. Especially quickly cuttings root in the spring and summer. A few weeks after rooting, young plants are already beginning to bloom. To form dense bushes, it is desirable to pluck the first flowers.

Diseases and Pests

  • Bracts turn black. When spraying, water gets on them, as a result of which dark spots appear.
  • The leaves of white perone turn yellow. The plant suffers from the bay. It is necessary to strictly observe the irrigation regime, and check for drainage.
  • The plant is stretched. So beloperone reacts to too high a temperature.
  • The leaves of paleoperone turn pale. Most likely, the plant is undernourished. It is necessary to systematically introduce the recommended dose of fertilizer.
  • Leaves of white perone discolored. Such a problem with leaves occurs with excessive watering and lack of nutrition. The earthen lump must be slightly dried, and at the next watering, add complex mineral fertilizer to the water.
  • Rusty leaf color. The problem is due to sunburn. The plant must be rearranged in a less sunny place or pritenit with a light curtain.
  • Leaves of white perone fall off. The problem is lack of moisture or draft. It is necessary to adjust the conditions of detention. For faster recovery, the plant is fed with fertilizer.
  • Leaves of white perone become sticky. The plant is affected by pests. Most likely a spider mite. It is necessary to conduct treatment with special preparations of acaricides. For example, you can use Actellik.
  • Brown spots on the leaves. Most often they are a consequence of the bay and excessive spraying. The earthen lump should be slightly dried, and spraying should be stopped. To increase the humidity level, a small container of water is placed next to the pot.

Beloperone very often suffers from spider mites, whiteflies and aphids.

Types of home white-peron with photos and names

In indoor floriculture, the following types are used:

Beloperone drip (Beloperone guttata)

Without formation, it grows about a meter high. Shoots well branched, flexible, partially lignified at the base. Inflorescences drooping, formed at the tops of branches. The leaves are deep green, medium-sized, with a slight pubescence. Bracts are yellowish pink. The intensity of their color depends on the brightness of the lighting. Two flavors of white drop peron are well known among gardeners: "Lutea" and "Yellow Queen" with saturated yellow bracts.

Beloperone Piggy (Beloperone plumbaginifolia)

Quite a rare species. It is a shrub up to 1.5 meters high. Shoots are straight, slightly branching. Leaves are lanceolate, with a smooth surface, intensely green. Bracts are bright red.

Now reading:

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