Cineraria - growing and caring at home, photo varieties


Cineraria (godson, senezio) (Cineraria) - herbaceous flowering plant of the Astrov family, in nature it is a perennial, but in indoor and garden floriculture it is most often grown as an annual crop. The birthplace of cineraria is the Canary Islands, the flower is also quite common in the Mediterranean and tropical regions of Africa.

The shoots of the plant are erect or drooping, covered with soft dark green leaves, the surface of which is slightly pubescent. Cineraria blooms in medium-sized, but numerous chamomile-shaped flowers collected in lush basket inflorescences. Flower petals can be painted in a variety of shades of blue, pink, raspberry and other colors, depending on the plant variety.

Also see how to grow indoor gerbera.

High growth rate, up to 30 cm per year.
It blooms from January to April.
The average difficulty of growing.
They grow 1 year, after flowering they throw it away.

Useful properties of cineraria

In addition to its attractive appearance, cineraria also has the ability to purify and ionize the air in the room where it is located. Absorbing toxic compounds and enriching the environment with oxygen and phytoorganic substances, the plant significantly improves the microclimate of the home, which ultimately has a beneficial effect on the well-being of its owners.

Cineraria: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn summer - indoor or slightly higher (but not more than + 25 ° С), in winter - lowered (about + 15 ° С).
Air humidityModerate. The plant can be periodically sprayed, protecting flowers and buds from moisture.
LightingIntense but distracted.
WateringRegular, moderate, without overflows and overdries of soil.
Primer for cinerariaLoose nutritious, slightly acidified or neutral.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFor plants, one season is not required. Bushes older than a year are fed during the period of active growth 1-2 times a month.
Cineraria transplantAnnual when growing longer than one season.
BreedingSeeds or stem cuttings.
Growing FeaturesCineraria at home does not tolerate stagnation of air and moisture, therefore, it needs regular ventilation and strict adherence to the irrigation regime.

Caring for cineraria at home. In detail

Flowering cineraria

A cineraria plant at home with proper care can bloom at any time of the year, but usually the flowering period occurs in the spring months.

Inflorescences-shields are located on the tops of adult shoots and consist of many medium-sized red, purple, purple, white or pink flowers, similar to daisy flowers.

Temperature mode

During the period of active vegetation, cineraria prefers moderate heat and develops well at a temperature of + 22-25 ° C. In winter, the plant needs coolness and an air temperature of no more than + 15 ° С - only under such conditions is it able to form flower buds for the next season.


Caring for cineraria at home may include regular spraying of the plant with warm, standing water, although the flower develops normally even with normal room air humidity.

When spraying, it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the flowers and buds.


Cineraria is photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it is best placed on the eastern or western windowsill. A southern window is also suitable, but the plant will need to be shaded from the midday sun.

Watering cineraria

Cineraria is watered very moderately throughout the growing season, while not allowing any overflow or drying out of the earth coma.

For watering, you should use only warm, settled water, otherwise the plant will hurt.

Pot for cineraria

Cineraria at home is building up a rather voluminous root system, so you need to select a spacious tank for growing so that the plant has the ability to develop normally. At the same time, the pot should not be too big - in such a cineraria it will “refuse” to bloom.


For growing cineraria, any loose nutrient substrate with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is suitable. You can buy a mixture of soil for flowering plants in a flower shop or prepare the soil yourself by mixing sheet soil with peat and compost in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.5.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

In a properly selected soil, home cineraria, which grows as an annual, does not need top dressing.

Plants older than one year are fed 1-2 times a month with liquid floral fertilizer during the period of active growth.

Cineraria transplant

Plants of one season after flowering are thrown away, so it makes no sense to transplant them.

Cineraria bushes can be preserved for the next year, for this, after all flowers have wilted, the stems are shortened a little, and the plant itself is carefully transplanted into a new pot with a diameter slightly larger than the previous one.

Transplantation of cineraria is performed by the transhipment method.


The cinerarium forms a compact and dense crown on its own, so it does not need additional pruning. However, to keep the plant as decorative and attractive in appearance as possible, it is recommended to regularly remove wilted flowers and yellowing leaves from it.

Rest period

Most often, the faded cineraria is simply thrown away, but if the plant is planned to be grown as a perennial, after a wilting of flowers it organizes a short rest period. At this time, the plant is cut about half and transferred to a cooler, but well-lit room.

Watering is reduced to the required minimum, top dressing is temporarily stopped.

Growing cineraria from seeds

Seeds are sown in light, well-moistened soil, without deepening or sprinkling (sowing can be done at any time of the year). Shoots appear under the film or glass in 10-12 days. Seedlings are scattered in separate pots after unfolding 2 sheets. Flowering usually occurs 7-9 months after sowing.

Diseases and Pests

Cineraria is easily infected with various viral and fungal diseases and painfully responds to errors made during the cultivation process:

  • stalks of cineraria are pulled in low light. The plant should be rearranged on a lighter window sill, not forgetting the shading from the hot midday sun.
  • Fluffy gray spots on the leaves. - A sign of damage to the plant with gray rot, which most often appears due to increased humidity in combination with low air temperature. The infected parts of the flower are immediately removed, the cineraria itself is transplanted into fresh soil and treated with a special preparation against rot, which contains copper.
  • Cineraria doesn't bloom if she is too hot or not enough light. Another reason - systematic violations of the irrigation regime. Having corrected all the mistakes in caring for the plant, we can hope for the early appearance of buds and flowers on it.
  • Cineraria leaves turn yellow with poor watering or keeping cineraria in a cold room. Fading leaf blades need to be removed, indicators of temperature and soil moisture adjusted to optimal.

Cineraria is often attacked by various pests, especially the plant is "loved" by spider mites, whiteflies, aphids. In the fight against dangerous insects, modern insecticidal preparations for indoor plants are very helpful.

Types of home cineraria with photos and names

Bloody Cineraria (Cineraria cruentus)

The most common hybrid species in indoor floriculture, combining many varieties with straight, highly branched stems and lush green openwork foliage. Varieties of bloody cineraria differ in the color of inflorescences: flower petals can have red, purple, blue, white and many other other shades.

Popular varieties of Cineraria Bloody


A medium-sized variety with lush inflorescences-baskets of many medium-sized flowers with bright raspberry or lilac petals and dark cores surrounded by a white border.


A tall variety (up to 90 cm) with simple star-shaped flowers that have dark cores and narrow petals of a deep blue or purple hue.

Multiflora nana

A compact plant with numerous flowers that have bright raspberry, white or pink petals and cores of a contrasting shade.


A medium-sized shrub blooming with simple chamomile flowers, collected in lush basket inflorescences. The color of the flowers is two-tone, contrasting.

Cineraria Graceful

Bushes of the plant are densely branched spherical in shape. Bright green dissected leaves are slightly pubescent with thin sticky villi. Simple or double flowers with red-scarlet, purple-pink or white petals are collected in lush corymbose inflorescences.

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Watch the video: Gamalon mein Khoobsurat Cineraria flowers. Growing and care. UrduHindi (September 2024).