Gloxinia - growing and caring at home, photo species and varieties


Gloxinia (Gloxinia) is a flowering indoor plant from the Gesneriaceae family. It got its name in honor of the German botanist Benjamin Gloksin. Gloxinia has an upright stalk with oppositely spaced, bushy leaves.

Flowers are single, bell-shaped. Their color, depending on the variety, can vary from pure white to deep purple. At present, a large number of varieties with double flowers have been bred. Homeland gloxinia South America. There it grows in shady, humid places and along river banks.

Also see how to grow homemade smithiant and hirita.

High growth rate. It blooms in one year.
At home, ficus does not bloom.
The plant is easy to grow. Suitable for a beginner.
Life expectancy up to 5 years. Then the tubers lose their growth power.

Useful properties of gloxinia

Gloxinia has a neutral energy. Her wide-open bells emit energy that favors the creation of new acquaintances and communication. This plant is well suited to highly secluded, uncommunicative people. To them, gloxinia helps to become more open.

Gloxinia: home care. Briefly

Gloxinia at home requires some care:

Temperature modeIn the summer of 23-25 ​​°, after the onset of the rest period not higher than + 15 °.
Air humidityModerate, does not need daily spraying.
LightingBright, but diffused, without direct sunlight.
WateringRegular, medium intensity.
Gloxinia primerNutritious, moisture-consuming substrate of equal parts of humus, sod land and sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive growth 1 time in 2 weeks.
Gloxinia transplantAnnual, in the spring.
BreedingSowing seeds and leafy cuttings.
Growing FeaturesIt has a pronounced resting period.

Gloxinia: home care. In detail

Caring for gloxinia at home is not so complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Gloxinia bloom

Home gloxinia blooms from May to September. At this time, the plant can simultaneously throw up to 20 buds. The intensity of flowering depends on the strength of the tuber.

Well-developed, large plants can form real bouquets. With a lack of nutrition, the quantity and quality of flowers are significantly reduced.

Temperature mode

In the period from March to September, the plant is kept at a temperature of 23-25 ​​°. In hot weather, the gloxinia flowering rate is significantly reduced. Starting in October, the temperature begins to gradually decrease.

After the death of the aerial parts of the tubers are stored at + 10-15 °.


The velvety gloxinia leaves tend to accumulate dust. To clean them use a brush with a soft pile or a cloth. Do not wash pubescent leaves.


Gloxinia velvet leaves are not recommended for spraying. White spots may remain on the water. To increase the level of humidity, the pot is placed on a pallet with wet gravel or expanded clay.


Gloxinia at home is grown in bright but diffused lighting. For its placement, windows of eastern and western orientation are best suited. On the south side, the plant must be shaded.

In direct sunlight, the leaves will get severe burns. With a lack of lighting, gloxinia is elongated, while the flowering intensity is significantly weakened.

Watering Gloxinia

The gloxinia plant at home needs moderate watering. It is watered after drying of the topsoil. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that water does not get on the flowers and leaves. In conditions of high humidity, they decay very quickly.

Irrigation water must be soft. Using stiff leads to salt precipitation. They appear as white plaque on the surface of the soil.

Gloxinia pot

For growing gloxinia, both plastic and ceramic pots are suitable. The main thing is that there are drainage holes in their bottom. The size of the container should be 5-6 cm larger than the tuber. In an oversized pot, gloxinia does not bloom until it has mastered the entire volume of soil.


To grow gloxinia, a loose, nutritious substrate is required. It can be made up of equal parts of peat, humus and clean river sand. In the absence of the possibility for self-preparation, a ready-made substrate of industrial production is used, intended for growing senpolia.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

To obtain abundant flowering gloxinia must be regularly fed with fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. They are paid from March to August once every 2 weeks. During the flowering period, the frequency of dressing can be increased up to once every 10 days.

At the same time, it is very important to follow the recommended norms for each specific fertilizer. Excess batteries are even more harmful than their deficiency.

Gloxinia transplant

Gloxinia transplant takes place at the end of winter. The tubers, after a period of rest, are carefully removed from the old soil and cleaned of residual roots. After that, they are planted in fresh soil. At the same time, the tubers are buried by about half. After the appearance of sprouts, the soil is sprinkled.

Rest period

Gloxinia is characterized by a pronounced resting period. Therefore, approximately from the end of September, the intensity of irrigation is gradually reduced. After complete dying of the aerial parts, the pots with tubers are transferred to a cool, dark place. They are left there until February. During the dormant period, the soil in pots is watered 2-3 times a little. If this is not done, the tubers may wither and wrinkle.

Growing gloxinia from seeds

Gloxinia is very easily propagated by seed. Their sowing is carried out from February to March. To do this, prepare a plastic container of a suitable size and a loose, moisture-absorbing substrate. For example, you can use industrial soil for universal use. Gloxinia seeds are very small, they are sown on the surface of previously moistened soil without subsequent planting. After that, the container is covered with a piece of glass or film.

Shoots appear after 7-10 days. They must be periodically ventilated and watered. After 10 days, the glass is removed. After the appearance of this leaflet, they are carefully dived into a more spacious container. In general, from the time of sowing to flowering, about 6 months pass.

Gloxinia leaf propagation

Gloxinia can also be propagated vegetatively. To do this, leafy cuttings are harvested from the bottom of a healthy, well-developed plant. Leaves are cut with a sharp, pre-sanitized knife.

The resulting slice is dried for about 30 minutes.

After that, the sheet is fixed in a vessel with water. Its lower part should only slightly touch the surface. Water must be added as it evaporates. As soon as the baby begins to develop on the base of the stem, the leaf is planted in a loose substrate.

Root leaf cuttings can be directly in the soil. A mixture of peat and vermiculite is prepared for their planting. Cuttings are buried no more than 1 cm. To create a greenhouse effect, the leaves are covered with a jar or plastic bag. If everything was done correctly, in 1-1.5 months sprouts appear on the soil surface.

Diseases and Pests

When growing gloxinia, you may encounter some problems. Most of them arise when non-compliance with the rules of care. The most common ones are described below.

At gloxinia buds fall. The problem arises with sudden temperature changes or excessive air dryness. Gloxinia must not be left near an open window or radiator. To help the plant recover, they use growth stimulants: Epin or Zircon.

  • Gloxinia leaves turn pale. With a lack of lighting or power, the leaf plates become faded. The plant must be rearranged on a lighter window and make the recommended fertilizer.
  • Stems and buds rot. The reason lies in the increased level of humidity. Perhaps the plant is flooded or watering is carried out directly on the leaves. Dry the substrate as soon as possible. In this case, all rotten leaves and buds must be cut.
  • Spots on gloxinia flowers. With moisture or the development of fungal diseases, brown spots appear on the flowers. To save the plant, the affected flowers are gently plucked. After this, gloxinia is sprayed with a fungicide solution.
  • Gloxinia leaves curl. Excessive light and nitrogen can cause the sheet to curl. Gloxinia must be rearranged in a place with diffuse lighting. If the reason is an excess of nitrogen, fertilizer application is temporarily stopped.
  • Brown spots on the leaves. Damage of this type occurs when cold water gets in or as a result of sunburn. It is necessary to adjust the conditions of care and maintenance. Gradually, the plant will recover.
  • Gloxinia leaves turn yellow. With excess sunlight, leaf blades may turn yellow. The plant must be shaded or rearranged in a less lit place. It should also be borne in mind that the leaves may turn yellow due to natural causes. For example, at the onset of a dormant period.
  • The plant stretches, the leaves are small. With a lack of light, the gloxinia stem stretches, and the leaves begin to fade. To eliminate the problem, the pot with the plant must be rearranged in a well-lit place.

Of the pests on gloxinia, the most common are: spider mites, aphids, scale insects, whiteflies. To destroy them use specialized insecticides.

Types of gloxinia home with photos and names

At the moment, a lot of varieties of gloxinia with flowers of various colors have been developed.

White gloxinia

Amizade Variety with a miniature outlet. The flowers are white with a dark purple middle.

Connect the dots. On a white background is an intense lilac speck, the two upper petals have a purple hue.

Fantasy tau. Original variety with white flowers with a wide pink border.

Pink gloxinia

Piglet. Flowers are bright pink with darker edges and a speckled throat.

Super pink. Terry flowers are pale pink.

Crazy lace. Miniature variety with salmon pink flowers and petals with wavy edges.

Red gloxinia

Cardinalis. Miniature natural look with small flowers of intense red color.

Scarlet sunset. Terry variety. The flowers are bright red with white edges.

Purple gloxinia

Black hill. Compact variety with dark purple almost black flowers.

Black magic. Flowers are simple or semi-double saturated purple.

Blue gloxinia

Black magic. The flowers are blue with a dark throat and numerous dots.

Martha lemke. Miniature terry gloxinia. The flowers are light purple or lavender with white spots and specks.

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