Peony Miss America


Peony Miss America is one of the representatives of grassy species of culture. Despite the fact that this variety was bred a long time ago, it has not lost its relevance so far. Such a popularity of the species is due to long and lush flowering. It is an indispensable perennial in landscaping a personal plot, because the peony bush retains its decorativeness throughout the season.

Peony Miss America (Paeonia Miss America) - what kind of variety

This type of culture was obtained thanks to the efforts of two American breeders. In 1956, this variety was appreciated, for which he received a gold medal from the American Peony Society. And after 15 years he repeated his success and re-won this award for abundant flowering and beauty.

Peony Miss America is distinguished by its boiling white flowers

Short description, characteristic

Peony Miss America is characterized by a compact semicircular bush. The plant forms upright strong shoots that easily withstand the load during flowering and do not lean to the ground even after rain. Therefore, this variety does not need additional support.

The height and diameter of the American hybrid varies between 60-90 cm. Shoots are slightly branched, large leaves are located in the lower part. Plates three times triple dark green with a glossy sheen. With the advent of autumn, they acquire a bronze tint.

The Miss America peony, like other grassy peonies, has 3 types of roots: thick tuberous, medium adnexal and thin absorbent. Thanks to this, an adult bush is able to provide itself with moisture and the necessary nutrition on its own. In the upper part of the root system, there are recovery buds, from which new shoots grow each spring.

Important! This variety is able to grow in one place up to 50 years, but to maintain maximum decorativeness of the plant, it is recommended to divide the bush every 10 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Paeonia Miss America flower has certain pros and cons. Therefore, when choosing this variety, they must be taken into account.

The main advantages of the species:

  • long flowering period;
  • high decorative qualities;
  • does not require garter;
  • suitable for landscaping and cutting;
  • not picky about leaving;
  • Does not suffer from low temperatures.

The disadvantages of the variety include sparse flowering when planting in partial shade and non-compliance with the rules of care. But this can be avoided if you adhere to the basic rules of cultivation.

Use in landscape design

This peony is an excellent option for gardening. He can act as a tapeworm on a green lawn or participate in a multi-level composition.

The plant looks good in combination with other types of culture, characterized by bright red or wine shades of the petals. At the same time, it is recommended to plant different varieties in a checkerboard pattern.

As an accompaniment for this peony can be:

  • primrose
  • heichera;
  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • cloves;
  • bells;
  • Lilies
  • irises.

Important! When combined with other plants, a peony should have enough space for full development.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

In order for a peony to be able to fully grow and eventually bloom magnificently, it is necessary to initially properly plant. Any disregard for cultural requirements may adversely affect the development of the bush.

Planting with root cuttings

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This method is considered the most common. Planting with root delenki ensures the preservation of all the species qualities of the peony.

It is necessary to choose a stalk with well-developed large and small roots. And also pay attention to the presence of kidney recovery, from which shoots will subsequently grow. In this case, the root stalk should not be overdried and not have cracks and signs of damage by diseases.

What time is the landing

It is recommended to plant this grassy peony in the first half of April or postpone the procedure until September. The second option is preferable, since this gives the plant the opportunity to put all its strength into rooting and not waste them on building shoots.

Important! Autumn planting of a peony should be carried out at least 3-4 weeks before the onset of the first frost.

Location selection

This perennial prefers open sunny areas. Therefore, it can not be planted near tall crops that will create a shadow for him.

This variety negatively reacts not only to a deficiency, but also an excess of moisture in the soil. Therefore, when planting, it is necessary to take into account the level of groundwater occurrence in the area. It should be at least 1.2-1.5 m.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The plot for the peony should be prepared in advance in 2 weeks. To do this, dig it to the depth of the shovel and carefully select the roots of weeds. Then dig a hole with a width and depth of 60 cm. And lay broken brick on the bottom as drainage.

The variety prefers to grow on loam.

The remaining space should be filled with nutrient mixture. To do this, mix the following components:

  • peat - 1 hour;
  • sod - 2 hours;
  • sand - 1 hour;
  • humus - 1 hour

In addition, you need to add 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfide.

Important! Nitrogen fertilizers can not be applied during planting, since they have a depressing effect on the root system.

The root stalk of a peony must also be prepared. For this, it is necessary to withstand it in water 10-12 hours before planting in order to activate growth processes in the tissues.

Landing procedure step by step

Peony planting is carried out according to the standard scheme. But, it is important to observe some features.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Place the handle in the center of the pit so that the recovery buds are 3 cm below the soil level.
  2. Spread the roots.
  3. Fill the voids with earth.
  4. Tamp the surface.
  5. Water abundantly.

Important! Peony Miss America blooms in the third year after planting.

Seeding (for breeding)

This method is recommended to be used if there is a desire to get completely new types of peony. Indeed, when planting seeds, the species qualities of the mother plant are not preserved.

This method is laborious, therefore, requires patience and endurance. To do this, you need to collect ripened seeds or purchase them. After that, they must first undergo thermal stratification, and then cold.

For sowing, wide but shallow containers should be selected and filled with moist sand. Then spread the seeds on the surface at a distance of 1-2 cm. Sprinkle them with sand and slightly moisten with a spray bottle. Cover containers with glass or film and place in a warm place. The temperature during this period should be 25-30 degrees during the day and 15 at night.

Attention! This regimen should be maintained daily for several months until the roots of the seeds appear.

After this, the plants must undergo cold stratification. To do this, you need to get seedlings from wet sand, pinch the root and transplant into nutrient soil. Then the plants should be kept for about 3 months at a temperature of 6-10 degrees. After this time, shoots should begin to grow.

Only now seedlings should be rearranged in a warm place until they are strong enough for transplanting into open ground.

Plant care

Peony Yellow Crown

When growing this peony, standard care rules should be followed. If you ignore them, lush flowering can never wait.

  • Watering and feeding

Peony does not tolerate drying of the roots, so the soil should always be slightly moist. In the absence of rain, the plant should be watered 1-2 times a week, pouring 2 buckets of water under the bush.

Irrigation recommended

Topping the bushes should begin with 3 years of age. Fertilizer must be applied three times per season. The first time in the period of active escalation of shoots. At this time, nitrogen and organic fertilizers should be used. The second and third time - before and after flowering. During this period, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

  • Mulching and cultivation

Regularly it is necessary to loosen the soil in the root circle of a depth of 2-3 cm, so as not to damage the roots. This will improve the breathability of the soil. And in order to reduce moisture evaporation during dry periods, it is recommended to use mulch 3 cm thick.

  • Preventative treatment

Peony Miss America is highly immune to diseases. But, in order to avoid possible problems, it is recommended to treat the bushes 2 times per season with such fungicides as "Skor", "Strobi".

Peony Blossom Miss America

Peony Julia Rose (Paeonia Itoh Julia Rose)

This species belongs to the category of semi-double peonies. It forms light, airy flowers with a diameter of 20-25 cm. When the buds open, they have a soft pink hue, and then turn white.

In appearance, the flowers resemble giant rounded bowls, along the edge of which there are folded light petals, and in the center are bright yellow stamens and light green pistils. This beauty is perfectly complemented by a pleasant sophisticated aroma.

Period of activity and rest

Peony America is considered mid-early. The flowering period begins in the second half of May or early June, depending on the region of cultivation. Flowering plants lasts 1.5-2 months.

Each flower retains its decorative effect for 7-10 days

At the end of this period, the bush retains a presentable appearance due to beautiful foliage. And only with the advent of frost does the aboveground part die off. At rest, the peony stays until the end of March, and then begins the vegetation.

Care during and after flowering

Miss America requires care throughout the development period. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is always slightly moist, since the growth of shoots and buds of the current year, but also of the next, depends on this.

During and after flowering, this perennial must also be regularly fertilized, loosened the soil at the base and, if necessary, treated for diseases and pests.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Sometimes you can hear that this species has poor flowering or is completely absent. The main reason for this is the non-compliance with the requirements for the maintenance of the plant.

The lack of flowering can lead to:

  • landing in a shaded area;
  • drying of the roots;
  • lack of nutrition.

If problems began only with time, then most likely the bush needs rejuvenation.

Every 7-10 years, a peony bush needs to be transplanted to a new place.

Peonies after flowering

At the end of flowering, you need to perform a series of actions that will allow the peony to survive the winter painlessly. During this period, it is also necessary to carry out, if necessary, dividing the bush or transplanting. Since this will allow the plant to adapt to a new place much faster.

  • Transfer

Peony America needs to be transplanted in late August or early September. To do this, you need to dig a plant, thoroughly clean it from the ground and rinse the roots under water. Then you should put the bush in a shaded place for 2 hours, so that it is slightly limp.

After the time has passed, with a sharp knife, divide the mother liquor into several parts and put it in a permanent place.

  • Pruning

Each year, the aerial part of the peony dies away by winter. Therefore, in late autumn, you need to cut off all the shoots of the plant at a height of 3 cm from the soil surface. This will redirect the strength of the plant to deepen the root system before winter.

Winter preparations

According to the description, the Miss America peony is highly frost resistant. But in the event of a snowless winter, the recovery buds may freeze. Therefore, in order to prevent this, it is recommended to cover the roots with a layer of humus with a thickness of 7-10 cm.

Important! It is necessary to remove the mulch in the early spring, without waiting for steady heat.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Peony Miss America is rarely affected by pests and diseases. But sometimes, when conditions do not match, his immunity weakens.

This leads to the development of such diseases:

  • gray rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • rust.

To prevent damage, it is necessary to remove weeds in the near-stem circle throughout the season, and in autumn to remove foliage and plant stems from the site. Also in the spring to carry out the treatment of young shoots with fungicides.

During flowering, ants and bronzes may appear on the peony. To scare them away, it is recommended to use a saturated garlic solution. If necessary, bronzes should also be collected manually.

Peony Miss America is a wonderful snow-white flower, which can become a real pride of a gardener. Looking after him is not too difficult. Moreover, any work will be rewarded with a beautiful plant.


Watch the video: Пион MISS AMERICA (October 2024).