Maxim or Gigantella Maxi is a heroic strawberry variety. Features of planting and care


Strawberry time is adored by all, not only for the bright taste of sweet berries, but also for its wonderful aroma, flying far beyond the cottage six hundred parts. Anyone who at least once felt the magical fragrance of red fruits will never refuse to breed this strawberry extravaganza on his land. Grade Gigantella Maxi, or simply Maxim, has been known for a long time. Its main parameter is gigantic size and weight. And the disadvantages are extremely small and insignificant.

The history of the appearance of garden strawberries

Strawberry as a forest culture has been known to mankind since the XVI century. But her large-fruited relative appeared only at the beginning of the XVIII century due to pure chance.

Once, a certain officer Antoine de Frezier, after a trip to South America, brought to Europe berries of Chilean wild strawberries, which he chose for a rather large size. Knowing the passion of the Sun King Louis XIV for tasty and wholesome food, he announced the fruits of miracle bushes as "capable of relieving suffering," and their aroma as "warming the soul with love, and the mind as happiness." Of course, after such a successful PR campaign, the cunning Antoine was immediately enlisted in the service of the king as a nutrition adviser. Placing the roots of the plant in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Paris next to another wild species - Virgin strawberry, he did not expect that cross-pollination would occur, which would give rise to a series of large-fruited varieties of this divine berry.

Small-fruited Chilean wild strawberries became the progenitor of large-fruited varieties

The experimental site in Russia was the land in the village of Izmailovo, belonging to the boyar family of the Romanovs. There was also a new name for the plant - garden strawberry, or strawberry. The process of creating new varieties captivated the breeders. The botanist Eduard Regel, who worked in the Imperial Botanical Garden near St. Petersburg in the 19th century, bred more than 100 of them. Today, the number of large-fruited species has exceeded five hundred, of which almost 90% of varieties are recognized as zoned for Russian conditions.

Strawberry Maxim, or Gigantella Maxi, and its virtues

One of the most popular crops is considered strawberry Gigantella Maxi of Dutch selection. There is some confusion with the name of the variety: some directories say that it should be read as Gigantella Maxi, while others pretend to be the purely masculine name Maxim. But both of them in no way diminish the dignity of the berry.

And they certainly are. Here are just a few of them:

  • Tall and strong bushes reaching 60 cm in diameter and 50 cm in height.
  • Powerful roots that nourish and preserve the plant during periods of low moisture.
  • Numerous mustaches that make the process of propagation of strawberries simple and easy.
  • Excellent winter hardiness for the Moscow region and the chernozem zone of Russia.
  • Resistance to disease is above average.
  • Large sweet berries with juicy pulp, pineapple flavor and a delicate aroma of strawberries.
  • The average weight of one berry is 80-90 grams, while the first berries of the season can reach 125 grams, and the subsequent ones again return to their usual numbers.
  • High productivity, reaching 2 kg of fruits from the bush.
  • Excellent transportability.
  • Ideal berries suitable for all types of hot processing, including for the manufacture of jams, preserves, pastille, compotes.
  • Appearance of berries, retaining perfect shape even after being removed from the freezer.
  • Long shelf life fresh in the refrigerator - up to 5-7 days.

Gigantella Maxi Strawberry Fruits Can Be Similar to Chicken Egg

Of the minuses, there are only two:

  • Lack of repair properties. The fruiting of the crop occurs only once during the growing season - its beginning falls on the first decade of July and lasts until the end of the month.
  • Unsuitability of culture to severe frosts of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. The plant will not survive the cold winters in this climate zone.

The peculiarity of the Gigantella Maxi berries is an irregular folded shape. Part of the fruit is wider than long. With insufficient watering, a cavity may form in the middle.

The bright red berries of the Gigantella Maxi variety have a dense flesh and a ribbed surface.

Growing Features

Strawberries, like any other crop, have their own agrotechnical rules, without which foliage will lose its appearance, and the berry will grow smaller and yield will decrease. The main accents of these rules are as follows:

  1. Before creating a new strawberry plantation, it is recommended to follow the laws of crop rotation, that is, do not plant it on those lands where related crops previously grew that could contribute to the infection of the soil by pathogens - viruses and bacteria. So, cereals, legumes and cereals and green manure are considered good predecessors of strawberries. The field on which solanaceous and cruciferous ones grew would be undesirable.
  2. Variety Gigantella Maxi declared by breeders as a culture that can grow in one place without compromising fruiting for 7 years. This is a kind of record, because other varieties need to be replanted every 3-4 years.
  3. Since strawberries are moderately photophilous, you should not drive them into the shady segments of the plot. A bad solution would be to plant a crop along a high fence or between the walls of adjacent buildings. The best place is considered to be a flat, well-drained plane near country paths or the ground between low shrubs. Depressions, pits, areas with constant stagnation of water or the release of groundwater to the surface will not work.
  4. The gigantella, like its cousins, is very demanding on the air-water regime. That is why it is impossible to prevent an excess of moisture, drought in the beds, diaper rash under winter shelter. These distortions can lead not only to the death of foliage, but also to decay of the roots.
  5. Regular picking of the mustache will contribute to the growth of leaf mass, because it is in its sinuses that the fruit buds are located, in which the next year's crop is laid.

Photo gallery: the nuances of preparing beds for strawberries

If you strictly adhere to the rules and instructions for growing strawberries, the Gigantella Maxi variety will show itself in all its glory, delighting summer residents with an excellent aromatic crop.

The first year in the garden

In the first year, the Gigantella should receive maximum care and attention, because this time is allotted to the survival of seedlings, laying flower buds, a successful wintering. The viability of strawberry bushes depends on the quality of the planting material. When buying seedlings on the market, one must certainly evaluate the gloss of foliage and the roots of the plant. Good seedlings have erect, slightly pubescent stems 10-12 cm tall, untwisted leaves, rhizome and fibrous roots without white plaque.

A quality seedling has at least three leaves, and the roots braid around an earthen lump

Soil preparation

A special garden bed is being prepared for strawberries in the fall. The soil on it should not be strongly acidic. To remove the existing acidity and to allow the roots to eat properly, it is necessary to make a plot in autumn or early spring. This will require 300-400 grams of ground limestone or ordinary wood ash per 1 m2 soil. Fertilizer is applied in bulk to a high-quality peat fertilizer and distributed according to a previously dug up bed.

A nutrient mixture of earth, small twigs and leaves is best applied to a strawberry bed in the fall

Such manipulation of the land is already half the success on the way to the future harvest. The soil will be enriched with basic nutrients, improve its water permeability, activate the vital functions of beneficial microorganisms, including nodule bacteria.

Landing in the hole

In the spring, it remains only to bury the bed and make landing pits. They should be deep and wide enough so that all the roots fit easily in them. For strawberries Gigantella Maxi, the distance between the holes and rows should be at least 40-45 cm. Thus, for each square meter there will be no more than 4 roots. Comprehensive fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium should be added to the wells in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

  1. Before planting seedlings, the roots in a mixture of water, soil and a growth biostimulator are soaked for 40-60 minutes.
  2. Garden scissors cut a mustache. Long roots shorten to 6-7 cm.

    By shortening the roots to a length of 6-7 cm and cutting off the existing whiskers, the seedlings can be arranged in holes

  3. A mound of earth is formed at the bottom of the landing hole.
  4. The bush is placed on an earthen mound, carefully spreading the roots so that they do not bend up.

    When planting, the roots of the seedling should be directed down, and those that are bent up are threatened with dying

  5. Sprinkle the seedling with earth, slightly tamping. The growth point cannot be buried in the soil.

    When planting strawberries, you need to remember that you can’t deepen the growth point (heart), it should be at the level of the ground

  6. Abundantly watered the garden.

Some gardeners also cut seedling leaves so that they do not pull the juice from small plants. If the soil is processed correctly, then the green mass will soon grow again.

Video: how to plant strawberries

Maxim's strawberry plantings can be renewed throughout the growing season, but no later than 2.5 weeks before the first frost on the soil.

Preparing bushes for wintering

Harvest in the year of planting is possible, but it will be minimal, because the bush survived the stress of transplanting and acclimatization in a new place. Closer to the fall, it is very important to properly prepare young seedlings for wintering. To do this, from August it is necessary to completely stop nitrogen fertilizing, affecting the growth of leaf mass. But the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is welcome.

Strawberry does not require special shelter. With sufficient snow cover of 25-30 cm, the corresponding varieties winter well and in the Moscow region, and in Siberia, and in the Far East. So that the snow does not dissipate by the winds during the long winter months, it is only necessary to organize barriers from dry branches, foliage or straw, which should be covered with plants when the temperature reaches 0-5 ° C. This is usually the first week of November.

The winter shelter, which will help to keep the snow cover on the strawberry bed, consists of dry leaves, twigs, straw

Straw also protects plants of the first year of life well from winter winds and low temperatures. But it is important not to overdo it with the thickness of the cover, otherwise in the spring after the opening of the culture, you can find a picture with matched foliage.

Strawberry care in the second and subsequent years

Care in the second and subsequent years should be aimed at efficiency, namely: obtaining a high yield and quality of berries. At this stage, it is important to provide plants with good nutrition throughout the entire vegetative period.

Top dressing during the growing season

Strawberries are very responsive to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers in the soil. Agricultural technology allows you to feed plantings up to 4 times a season:

  1. The first fertilizing with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers is carried out immediately after the wintering and the release of strawberry bushes from the shelter. It will contribute to the growth of foliage and strengthen the root system. It is important not to overdo it, because an overdose of nitrogen is very dangerous. It can give the opposite effect, for example, reduce the intensity of the color of the fruit, worsen their shelf life or, even worse, lead to an increase in diseases.
  2. The second nutrition must be carried out during the budding period of the plant. At this stage, the entry into the soil of potassium and calcium is important. They will not only inhibit the action of excess nitrogen, but will also have a beneficial effect on the strength of the cell walls of future fruits, which will positively affect their quality, weight, size and quantity.
  3. The third application of complex fertilizers during the growth period of the berry stimulates the plant to the process of uniform ripening of fruits with intense color in accordance with the characteristics of the variety.
  4. The fourth stage of mineralization is performed after fruiting during the laying of flower buds of the future crop. Phosphorus-potash fertilizers should dominate in this process.

Nutrivant, Fertivant, Kelkat Mix, Kelik Mix will come to the rescue with problems with growing strawberries

Mineral elements and their importance for strawberries

To properly distribute the load of fertilizers on the bed with strawberries, you need to know the effect of the basic elements of mineral nutrition.

Table: effect of mineral elements on fruiting

ElementSigns of deficiency or oversupplyImplications for StrawberriesCorrective measures
  • In deficiency: yellowed or reddened premature foliage.
  • In excess: leaf necrosis, root burns.
  • The fruits are deformed.
  • Sugar content is reduced.
  • Stability is reduced.
  • The introduction of nitrogen fertilizers with nitrogen deficiency.
  • The introduction of potash fertilizers with its excess.
PhosphorusDark green color of leaves with blue segments along the edge.
  • The amount of ovary is reduced.
  • Yields are decreasing.
The application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
PotassiumBrown spots on the leaves.
  • Fruits hinder development.
  • Cold resistance and drought resistance are reduced.
Before planting the roots - the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • Damaged leaves and stems.
  • Weak growth of new roots.
Fruits grow small and deformed.Leaf and root dressing with calcium nitrate.
Iron, Copper, ZincPale leaves with yellow veins.
  • Fruits grow small and deformed.
  • Disease resistance is reduced.
Complex fertilizers:
  • Nutrivant Plus,
  • Fertivant
  • Kelik Mix,
  • Kelkat Mix.
Boron, magnesium, silicon, sulfur
  • Deteriorated leaf elasticity.
  • Change the color of the foliage to pale green or yellow.
  • Disease resistance is reduced.
  • Weight, quality, and shelf life of the fruit are reduced.

Photo gallery: deviations in plant development with a lack of mineral elements

Thus, the balance of all mineral trace elements is very important. Without it, strawberries run the risk of undergoing fungal and viral diseases.

Video: Strawberry Bed Care

Other factors affecting strawberry yield

Of the natural factors affecting productivity, it should be called waterlogged soil, drought and sunburn. Everything should be in moderation. From these misfortunes, plants will help save traditional methods of care:

  • timely watering;
  • loosening;
  • mulching;
  • proper shading;
  • the introduction of complex fertilizers;
  • mustache removal.

How to fight off slugs

Sweet berries are loved not only by children and adults, but also by all sorts of inhabitants of soils and soil. For example, slugs and snails can turn ripe fruits into completely non-marketable products. Chemicals in the fight against slugs will not work. The best tool will be to mulch the soil under the bushes with sawdust or bark. The snail's body is very delicate and sensitive to rough surfaces and, most likely, they will not risk crawling along such an emery cloth. Non-woven material is also suitable - it is quite unpleasant for various creeping animals. In addition, it will protect the beds from clogging with weeds.

Photo gallery: hay, straw, shavings and sawdust - friends of strawberries

Mulching the soil under the strawberries is a lifesaver not only to scare away slugs and snails, but also to protect the soil from cracking and dehydration under the summer sun. Moreover, soil calcined by the sun loses its nutrients and often does not provide plants with all the necessary minerals.

Unmulched soil under strawberries may crack and lose its beneficial properties.

How to get rid of strawberry ticks

Strawberry leaves and fruits were enjoyed by strawberry mites. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but colonies-settlements can be recognized by the silver film on the back of the sheet. When ticks invade, the plant dries up and turns yellow ahead of time, and the roots remaining in the ground lose their winter hardiness.

Mite fighting is difficult, but possible. If seedlings are purchased from an unfamiliar seller, then the fight begins already at the stage of preparing the roots for planting in the ground. The roots need to make a contrast shower by holding them for 15 minutes in hot water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C, then in cold water at a temperature of 10 ° C. This will help to destroy ticks if they are there.

Leaves affected by the invasion of strawberry mites should be treated with special preparations

If traces of ticks are found in the flowering or ripening stage of the fruit, it is recommended to use a solution of onion or garlic husk at a rate of 200 grams per 10 liters of water for spraying. Excellent tools among experienced gardeners are:

  • 70% colloidal sulfur solution;
  • 3% solution of Bordeaux fluid.

Video: Straw Pest and Disease Control

Gardeners reviews

Reviews for this variety range from the most abusive to the most enthusiastic. But all gardeners agree on the large size of the berry. Only for some, it has been smaller since the third year, and for others - those who update the bushes in time - gigantic dimensions still remain the main characteristic.

Maximus struck the bush of the Gigantella variety with its power. When we purchased it, we were warned that this variety can be grown in one place for up to 7 years. When huge berries appeared - it was actually a curiosity. I remember making a dish for my daughter’s birthday. Delight knew no bounds. But three years passed and I refused this grade. His berry is not so fragrant, there is sourness. Very large seeds give a roughness on the tongue. In general, after three years, I can’t call him fruitful.

Svetlana K.//

When fully ripened, the taste is good, but not outstanding. At the same time, on a high bed in my Gigantella, the berries are sweet, and the one that is just on the ground has a rather fresh taste, there is almost no acid, and sweets too. But the jam is the same.


I want to share information about an unusual and unlike other varieties of strawberries. A certain red giant, Maxim Gigantella variety. My first impression of what I saw was amazement. I had never seen anything like it before. At first I thought, suddenly a joke - the berries are plastic or made of wax. But nothing like that! They are the real ones - Melitopol, not the Chernobyl mutant. They even joked on this topic, before that I could not believe it.


Gigantella bushes differ from other varieties in larger size and good transportability. The leaves on them are large and dark green. Berries are not few, which is rare for large-fruited varieties. Berry ripening begins later than, say, on the "Festivalnaya" variety. But everything has its own charm. When the main berry passes, the Gigantella enters into force. And further! Gigantella flowering almost never comes under spring frost. The only feature of the Gigantella variety is a more frequent renewal of plants, in order to avoid grinding. If you observe this, you will always receive gigantic harvests of large-fruited strawberries.


It is impossible not to love strawberries. Especially if the berries are large and sweet, like the Gigantella Maxi. Size, as follows from a well-known saying, matters. Even fairy tales are composed about this. For example, the well-known Dunno, so justified his interest in strawberries:

Strawberries in that meadow are huge, well, every berry - with a plum! No, with an apple! An apple-sized berry, you know? Under each bush lies a kind of hefty strawberry.

Nikolay Nosov The book "Dunno Island" //

Apparently, he just collided with a variety of Gigantella Maxi.

Seriously, all that remains is to wish all summer residents to plant this amazing strawberry in their plots. Of course, you will have to carefully work with it, but the shape, size and taste of the berries will pleasantly surprise and delight. I would like to have them on the table all year round in order to feast on my own and treat friends.


Watch the video: Plant cARe Features - Augmented Reality (October 2024).