False shield: all about the pest


The vegetation that the pseudoscutis feeds on is quite diverse. Signs of lesions are: stunting and unhealthy appearance. You can treat plants with folk remedies and chemicals.

False shields or coccids (Coccidae)

This is a harmful insect that is very difficult to destroy. It got its name because of the wax shell that covers the body from above. Belongs to the order of half-winged, as well as the family of scale insects. They have common features: belong to one class - parasites, have a similar appearance. They feed on the juice of plants with nutrients. The body shape is rounded. Females lack legs and wings, so they lead an immobile lifestyle. In size - small insects. Scabies are larger than coccids.

Differences of families are in the shield. In a false scutellum or cushion, this is the skin that dies after molting. It is more convex than that of a related insect. Rising above the body, it keeps it and the eggs laid warm. It can be separated if you pry something. In a scale shield - this is impossible, because it is firmly connected to the body. A sticky liquid is secreted - a pad on which a fungus settles, worsening the condition of the plant.

These species are an example of sexual dimorphism. Individuals have quite large differences. Males are smaller than females, more mobile, equipped with wings. Their life cycle is short - only a few days. For study, they are of no interest. During reproduction, their presence is not required. The purpose of existence is to travel long distances.

In poor conditions, there will be more males, this will help to find a new place for breeding.

Types of false shields

There are several most common types.



Affected plants

SoftLength 4-5 mm. The body shape is an egg, sometimes asymmetrical. Color: yellowish green to brown. Has a picture: longitudinal and 2 transverse stripes. Fertility: up to 600 eggs. Larvae winter in the open ground. For the year: 6-7 generations in the greenhouse, 3-4 in the garden. They spoil the appearance of the plant, cause curvature of the trunk, drying of the leaves.Indoor: orchids, citrus and palm, calla, ficus.
AcaciaThe female is painted in various colors depending on her age: young - light brown with an oval body; adult - red-brown round-oval. 1 fold is located along and 2 across.

Male: a long thin body, 3 pairs of eyes, a mustache and legs are yellow, everything else is reddish-brown.

Larvae vary in shape: oval - female, oblong - male.

500-1500 eggs are laid. The female dies after laying eggs.

1 generation grows.

Fruit: peach, plum, acacia, cherry, apple tree. Berries: currants, gooseberries. Forest and decorative hardwood. Grapes
SpruceMales are rare. Females with a round brown or chestnut shield. Fertility: 3,000 eggs. Allocate a mass that attracts ants, bees and wasps.Coniferous forests: natural and cultural. Especially dangerous for young plants - up to 10 years.
TuevayaSpherical shape. Tan color. Relatively large insect (up to 3 mm). Larvae winter under the bark.Thuja, spruce.
Hawthorn or bicotypicBody shape: hemisphere or wide oval. Has 4 pcs. shiny tubercles, 2 pcs. of them are more visible. On the side there are 7-8 ribs located across. Color: light gray to brown. Fertility: up to 1100 eggs. Sticky excrement, on which sooty mushrooms grow, is secreted.

The male is hardly noticeable.

Plants of the Rosaceae family: apple tree, medlar, quince, hazel, apricot, blackthorn, cherry plum.
Hemispherical or plumThe female has a dark brown shield. The male is dull red.

The eggs are yellowish pink. Lay up to 1200 eggs. The second generation of larvae appears at the end of summer, winter in the soil.

Flower and decorative cultures.
Japanese waxThe surface of the body is covered with a thick layer of wax. Has 8 records. Color: Cherry Red. Fertility: up to 2500 eggs.Citrus and other subtropical crops.

External signs of plant damage with pseudo-scutes

Koktsid eats juices with nutrients, which leads to the depletion of the plant. Therefore, growth slows down, buds are formed extremely rarely or completely absent. A sticky coating is clearly visible on the leaves, which then blackens. The cause of the color change is the growth of the soot fungus, for the development of which favorable conditions have been created.

In a favorable climate, pseudoscutum constantly multiplies.

Measures to combat false shields

Combating this parasite is difficult, but possible. There are several ways to do this.


It consists in the removal of pests by a natural method. They can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush or cotton swab, damp sponge or rag. For delicate leaves, a more gentle option is chosen so as not to damage them. For indoor flowers, a fairly effective measure. Scraped off the tree with a knife. They try to wash off large plants with a stream of water under high pressure.

Folk remedies

An effective treatment method with a small area of ​​infection and a low number of pests.


Solution preparation


Denatured alcohol, soap.10 ml and 15 g per 1 liter of water.Check on 1 sheet. And then use on the whole plant. Thin leaves can get burned.
Garlic (onion).5 medium chopped cloves (1 medium onion) per 250 ml. Insist in the dark for several hours.Spray.
Pepper.50 g per 0.5 l. Boil, filter, stand for 24 hours.
Pepper tincture, soap.10 g of tincture and 5 g of soap in 1 liter of water.


If simple methods do not help, then resort to the use of chemicals. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out several treatments. Usually 2 times is enough, but sometimes they can be up to 4 with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. This is necessary for the complete destruction of all pests. They process the plant itself and its immediate surroundings. It is advisable to replace the soil to eliminate eggs and larvae that are not visible.

Effective drugs:

  • Aktara: intestinal contact action. Water, spray in accordance with the instructions. If necessary, apply during the growing season.

  • BI-58, Confidor. They have contact and systemic effects. They are evenly distributed throughout the plant and enter the pest. Poison his intestinal tract. Dangerous to bees and fish, can be toxic to humans (if it comes into contact with mucous membranes).

  • Actellik: non-systemic drug. Spray. Not recommended for residential use. Toxic

  • Karbofos. Organophosphorus preparation. It exerts nervous excitement, thus poisoning the entire organism of the insect.

  • Arrivo, Calypso, Fitoverm. They have contact and intestinal effects.

  • Admiral: hormonal insecticide. Use solution: 6 ml per 10 liters.

  • Uplaud: an inhibitor of chitin synthesis. Spray, diluting in proportion: 10 g per 10 liters.

  • Bankol. Apply in a ratio of 0.5-0.7 g per 1 liter.

Mr. Dachnik advises: preventive measures to prevent lesions with false shields

To prevent plants from being attacked by a pest, a number of preventive measures must be observed:

  • Inspect regularly and thoroughly. Preferably with a magnifier.
  • Water in a timely manner.
  • Spray.
  • Provide fresh air for indoor plants.
  • Apply fertilizer to increase sustainability.
  • Remove damaged branches, dried leaves, dead bark.
  • Do not plant densely so that there is no crowding.
  • Put in a sufficiently lit place.


Watch the video: Proof That Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Are A Scam: Class Action Lawsuit For Fraud. Mousetrap Monday. (October 2024).