Goose bow or yellow snowdrop: description, planting, care


Goose onions are often called yellow snowdrops. It belongs to the Liliaceae family. Beautiful large flowers can often be seen in the garden. The popularity of a long-standing culture is due to its unpretentiousness.

Due to the lack of strict soil requirements, a yellow snowdrop can grow among shrubs, in parks, forests, rocky areas and ravines. The distribution area includes Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Far East and Siberia.

Description of goose onions

Culture differs in the following features:

  • short stature - from 3 to 35 cm;
  • inflorescence - an umbrella;
  • corollas are stellate;
  • lanceolate leaves - about 18 mm long, greenish in color;
  • fruit - a box of spherical shape.

The flowering period begins in April. Fruits appear in May-June. The inflorescence is collected from 16 corollas. The upper side of the flower is painted in yellow, the lower - in green. Perianth is surrounded by pointed leaf blades. The length of each of them is 1.5 cm.

Goose is considered an ephemera. The oblong bulb is a modified shoot. The scales that covered it formed from a stem and leaves. Daughter tubers sprout only in the third season after emergence.

The ability to vegetative propagation disappears in the sixth year. In the future, in order to get new plants, you have to use seeds.

The widespread prevalence of grassy culture is explained by its "migratory" activity. Bulbs grown from seeds during the flood cover a considerable distance. The daughter heads are fixed at depth. In this way, yellow snowdrop is propagated in a limited area.

Pollination occurs through insects. The plant lures them to itself with the help of nectar, which is formed between the leaves and stamens.

Varieties of goose onions

There are many varieties of this bulbous herbaceous plant. The most popular is the yellow variety. It is reckoned among primroses. Culture loves warmth and sunny color, therefore, in cloudy weather, inflorescences do not open.

The list contains about 90 varieties. They grow in North Africa and Eurasia. The species got its name in honor of the botanist T. Gage.

YellowHeight does not exceed 25 cm. On a single head there are no small bulbs. The upper part of the basal leaf resembles a cap. The outer side of the plates located near the perianth is painted in green.
GreekThe length of the lanceolate leaves is from 4 to 12 cm. The inflorescences consist of 5 white corollas, which are decorated with purple streaks. Due to the low winter hardiness, they grow in greenhouse conditions.
SmallReaches 15 cm. Reproduction occurs through small bulbs ripened at the base.
FibrousUmbrellas are formed from erect corollas. The perianth is yellow inside and green on the outside.
ReddishHeight - 15 cm. Small onions are absent. Leaves are painted in a reddish tint.
PubescentOn each stalk-arrow there are no more than 15 star-shaped flowers.
GrainyUmbrella inflorescence collected from 5 corollas. The fruit is a box, the length of the petals is 1.5 cm. There is no foliage on the stem.
LugovoiUp to 20 cm. Bright star-shaped flowers can be seen under the hedges.
ShelteredBright corollas bloom only in sunny weather.
BulbousHeight not more than 15 cm. The characteristic features include pubescent pedicels and many small heads at the base of the bulb.
FloriferousThere are only 7 yellow corollas in the inflorescence. The length of the leaf blades is from 6 to 30 cm.

Growing requirements

First you need to decide on the landing place. Bulbs and seeds are planted in moist, loose and fertilized soil. It is desirable that it be sandy clay. If necessary, complexes are introduced into the soil, which include calcium and nitrogen. Acidity should be moderate.

Goose onions are most often placed in borders and holes. Among the main requirements highlight good lighting.

Yellow snowdrop propagates through seeds and bulbs. Start dividing the latter only after the foliage withers. The heads must be held in potassium permanganate solution before planting. Then they are dried.

Prepared bulbs are stored in a darkened cool place. Landing is carried out in the period from June to September, guided by a specific scheme. Until this time, seed should be stored in special containers. Between the heads should be at least 10-15 cm. They are buried by 2-3 cm.

Despite the unpretentiousness, goose onions need moderate watering. With excessive moisture, the flowers will begin to rot. Irrigation is discarded after the foliage begins to fade. Transplant problems usually do not occur. This procedure is allowed to be carried out at any time. Before this, you will have to cut off the inflorescences. Thus accelerate the process of engraftment.

If the planting is too thick in the open ground, the yellow snowdrop turns from a garden crop into a weed. The same will happen if the landing rules are not followed.

Wintering occurs in vivo. Goose onions can tolerate low temperature conditions. To prevent freezing, the plant should be covered with dry leaves, spruce branches, peat and compost. Before sheltering landings, you need to mulch.

Yellow snowdrop fits well into floral arrangements. To get a bright "carpet" of star inflorescences, the plant needs to be planted on lawn grass. Many gardeners place bulbs in rocky crevices. They have enough soil for the normal development of flowers. Such kindergartens look quite original.

Yellow snowdrop is resistant to pests and diseases. Difficulties may arise if the gardener could not find a suitable place. Signs of malaise include weak flowering and rotting of the bulbs. It is recommended to plant goose onions in groups, otherwise it is unlikely to achieve the desired decorative effect.

When carrying out agricultural activities, gloves should be worn. This will prevent an allergic reaction.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: medicinal properties of goose onions and its various applications

Goose onions contain many useful substances. Among them, saponins, phenolic acids, glycosides, coumarins and flavonoids are distinguished. The list can be supplemented with essential oils, vitamins, tannins and alkaloids.

Due to its unique composition, yellow snowdrop has antipyretic, antibacterial, diuretic, antiviral, expectorant, healing and diaphoretic properties.

In the preparation of medicinal mixtures, you can use flowers, bulbs and leaf blades. For example, to create a tincture, which is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you will need dried grass and alcohol. The ingredients are taken in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting composition is insisted for a week. The finished solution must be filtered. You need to add honey to it.

A fresh broth is prepared from fresh bulbs, which can help with bronchial asthma, swelling and hepatitis. First, the heads are thoroughly crushed, and then pour one glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is simmered for 5-10 minutes. The medicine should be kept in the refrigerator. Useful properties are stored for 14 days.

An ointment is made from onion gruel, fish oil and butter, through which bacterial and fungal infections are prevented. Yellow snowdrop is a powerful tool, so it is strictly forbidden to use it in the absence of experience and relevant knowledge. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

A significant reason for the use of drugs prepared from goose onions is the pathology of the respiratory, urinary, musculoskeletal, and digestive systems. The list can be supplemented with skin ailments.

For medical purposes, apply bulbs that were harvested before the flowering period. Yellow snowdrop is also considered an edible plant. Both leaves and bulbs are eaten. The latter is baked and boiled.

Bright primrose is often used to decorate various flower arrangements. Due to the fact that goose onions are not picky, it can be combined with cereals, herbs and deciduous plants. The main thing is that the neighbors do not obscure the yellow snowdrop. Otherwise, its growth will slow significantly. The same thing happens if garden crops planted nearby need abundant watering.


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