Cornflower: species, cultivation, benefits


The genus Cornflower (from Lat. Centaurea) consists of more than 730 species of herbaceous plants of the family Asteraceae. The name was given to him by Carl Linney, using a centaur. In ancient Greek mythology, this particular flower was used by Chiron as an antidote to the poison of the Lernean hydra. According to another hypothesis, the name cornflower has been known since the time of the famous doctor - Hippocrates and means "piercing bulls" in translation.

Cornflower Description

This is a flowering plant that has a fibrous root system, an erect or lying and branching stem, covered with hard hairs up to 120 cm high. The leaves may differ in appearance within the same stem: at the top of the shoot, whole, narrow and long, from the bottom with lobes, slightly larger.

The tops of the stems are crowned with flowers collected in inflorescences-baskets that appear in June, the plant blooms until October. The composition of the inflorescence includes real tubular flowers containing pistils and stamens, and false, reed, along the edge of the basket. They can be simple and terry. Painted in purple, burgundy, blue, cyan, yellow, pink, white colors. Cornflower is well attracted by pollinating insects.

Types of cornflower

ViewDescription / Height (cm)LeavesFlowers
BlueThe stem is straight, branched. One or two year old grass.


Different: lower with petiole, upper ones without petiole whole-marginal.Collected in inflorescences - baskets. The colors are blue and blue.
WhitePerennial. Protected view.

Up to 30.

Thin, elongated, lanceolate.Terry. Baskets of 4 cm.
MountainUpright plant.


Solid, lanceolate, smoky green.In the size of 7-8 cm. The central tubular flowers are lilac or bright pink. On the periphery - false blue or cyan.
YellowPerennial. Branched thick cylindrical stalk.

Up to 100.

Lanceolate.Yellow, 5 cm in diameter.
Big-headedPerennial with a branched stem.

Up to 120.

Rough, lanceolate, dissected.Gold, 7 cm in diameter. The receptacle is seated with small scales
OrientalWild perennial.

80 - 120.

With petiole, cirrus - separated.With a strongly overgrown receptacle covered with large scales. Yellow.
LugovoiPerennial with a stiff ribbed stalk. The whole plant is covered with silvery small villi.


Bottom with petiole. Upper without it, lanceolate. Another arrangement on the stem.False flowers are large. Mauve pink.


Narrow and long, lanceolate, gray-green. With a solid edge at the top of the plant, lobed at the bottom.Shades of cyan and blue.
WhitenedPerennial with branching stems.

Up to 60.

Lower petioles, dissected, with whitish pubescence, green above, sessile with lobed or dissected marginFalse magenta, tubular - white or pale pink
SpreadingSpreading biennial plant. Hair gives a grayish tint.


Upper with a single leaf blade, middle ones are dissected, lower ones are twice dissected.Small, up to 5 mm in diameter. Pink, light purple, white.
PinkPerennial, upright stalk, strongly overgrown receptacle.

Up to 100.

Lanceolate, softly green in color.Pink, 5 cm.

Cornflower in the garden

Prefers a free landing, a distance between plants of at least 25 cm and a sunny place. Earth needs fertile, neutral in acidity. On soils rich in lime, the flower shows a brighter color saturation. Watering is moderate, does not tolerate waterlogging.

When combined with other flowers, a cornflower is planted in front so that the sun's rays evenly illuminate the leaves.

Planting and breeding methods

Cornflowers are best planted with seeds immediately in a prepared to a depth of 2-3 cm. Germination in seeds persists for 3 years. Sprouts appear on day 15. If sown in the fall, then next year the flowering will be early.

Some people prefer to grow seedlings. Then sowing is best done in peat containers, so that, without taking out the seedlings, planted in the soil, because young roots are weak, they are easy to damage.

Perennials are also propagated by rhizomes. After flowering, the roots of the plant are divided into parts so as to contain from 3 buds each. Immediately after division, the bushes are planted.

Care and growing

The plant is unpretentious to conditions. Loose earth, moderate watering, the absence of weeds - all that is needed, and for longer flowering - the removal of faded baskets. Cornflower is rarely sick and resistant to pests.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: the use and application of cornflower

The flower is characterized by the medicinal properties used in medicine.

In folk, it is good as a urinary and choleretic agent for inflammation of the urinary system, helps with coughing, gastrointestinal diseases, eases whooping cough, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It treats diseases associated with the deposition of salts and skin, rheumatism, gout.

In gynecology, they are used to normalize the menstrual cycle, increase lactation.

In cosmetology, it is suitable for dry skin, narrows the enlarged pores, you can use the infusion of flowers with swelling of the eyelids.


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