Zhiryanka - growing and care at home, photo species


Zhiryanka (Pinguicula) - a small perennial plant of the Pemphigus family, whose main habitat is marshy areas of temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Some species also live in the Arctic regions and subtropics of America. The homeland of the Gingerbread woman is Europe, where about 12 of its species grow.

Zhiryanka - predator, one of the sources of its nutrition - insects. It lures and absorbs them with its fleshy leaves, covered with thin sticky hairs. The leaves are collected in lush rosettes about 15 cm high; long (up to 40 cm) peduncles appear in spring from their center, on which small single flowers of a violet hue bloom. In nature, there are also varieties with pink, yellow, blue and white flowers.

Also see a predatory plant such as Nepentes.

Low growth rate.
It blooms in spring.
Among predator plants, a puffy fish is easiest to grow.

Zhiryanka: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the warm season + 25- + 35 ° С, in winter + 15- + 18 ° С.
Air humidityHigh, but you can’t spray and wash the leaves. You can grow a puff in a terrarium with an additional source of moisture.
LightingModerate, absent-minded. A homeworm can grow in the shade and in artificial light.
WateringModerate in summer (once every 2-3 days), rare in winter (once a week).
PrimingSour, well-permeable to moisture and air. You can use a mixture of peat and sand, in which for loosening add vermiculite or moss sphagnum.
Fertilizer and fertilizerNot required.
Transplant of girlyAnnual for young specimens, every 2 years for adults.
BreedingSeeds, leafy cuttings or division of rosettes.
Features of the cultivation of fatThe plant does not like cramped pots, if the roots have little space, the paprika will hurt and will refuse to bloom. It is not recommended to turn the flower pot relative to the light source.

Care for a fat woman at home. In detail

Flowering papaver

A home-made fierce usually blooms in spring. At this time, thin long peduncles appear from the central part of the rosettes, on which medium-sized single flowers bloom similar to violet flowers.

Usually their petals are purple in color, but there are also varieties with pink, white, yellow and blue flowers.

Temperature mode

The most comfortable temperature for a fat woman during the period of active growth is + 25- + 30 ° С, in winter - + 15- + 18 ° С. The plant can withstand heat up to + 35 ° C, but in such conditions it needs high humidity and frequent watering.


It is strictly forbidden to spray, wipe and wash the leaves of the puff, these measures can provoke damage and decay of the ground part of the plant. Since the air humidity around the pot with a ginger must be high, it can be placed on a wide tray filled with expanded clay soaked in water.

The best option would be to place the plant in a terrarium.


A homemade gingerbread girl does not need bright intense lighting, and direct sunlight is generally contraindicated to her. For indoor cultivation, a pot with a plant is recommended to be placed on the east or west window. You can even remove it deep into the room, as a little fat girl feels quite comfortable in artificial light.

Watering a fat woman

Watering a gherkin in the period of active growth should be moderate (once every 2-3 days), for winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to 1 time per week. Water is taken warm, settled. When watering, water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves - rot may develop, as a result of which the plant will die.

It is permissible to carry out lower watering (through a pan) with a constant average level of soil moisture.

Pot of fat

The capacity for growing puffy mushrooms should be spacious enough, the plant will not bloom in a tight pot. The root system is weak enough so that it does not rot, moisture should not stagnate in the soil, which means that the pot must have a drain hole to remove excess water.


The soil mixture for the cultivation of puff must be moisture and breathable, it is also desirable that it has an acid reaction. The substrate can be prepared independently by mixing peat with sand and vermiculite (the latter is sometimes replaced with sphagnum moss fibers).

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Zhiryanka does not need additional fertilizer. Excessive nutrition, on the contrary, can destroy it. It should also not be artificially fed the fat girl insects, it copes with this task during the period of active growth itself. You can attract “food” closer to the plant by spreading several pieces of fruit around a flower pot.


In the first few years, young fatwomen are transplanted annually in early spring, gently reloading the plant with an earthen lump into a new pot. Previously, you can remove part of the old soil, but it is very important not to damage the weak roots, otherwise the flower may die.

The transplantation of a fat woman who has reached adulthood is performed every 2 years or less, as the root system grows.


Caring for a puff at home does not provide for any pruning of the plant, you can only remove wilted and damaged leaves and peduncles from time to time so that the puff does not lose its decorative effect.

Rest period

A fat woman rests, like most plants, in the autumn-winter period. At this time, they reduce watering and provide moderate coolness, lowering the air temperature to + 15- + 18 ° С.

Growing butterwort from seeds

A homemade papaver plant can propagate by seed, but This process is rather complicated and not always productive. Seeds are sown in a light moisture-permeable substrate, without deepening and not sprinkling. The container with crops is covered with film or glass to create the desired microclimate inside.

At an air temperature in a greenhouse of about + 22- + 24 ° С, bright diffused lighting and high humidity, seedlings usually appear within a few weeks. The main task at this stage is to preserve them without allowing decay.

To do this, the greenhouse should be regularly ventilated, water the plants moderately and avoid sudden changes in temperature. After another 2-3 weeks, the grown seedlings can be peaked in separate pots.

Propagation of leafworm leafy cuttings

Leafworm usually propagated in autumn. The cuttings are carefully separated from the mother plant, the places of the cuts are processed with crushed charcoal, and the resulting material is sent to root in peat or other light substrate. After the appearance of strong roots, cuttings are planted in individual pots.

For the first time, greenhouses made of polyethylene or glass can be created for young plants to maintain the necessary humidity. When the cuttings start to grow, the greenhouses are removed.

Diseases and Pests

Zhiryanka is quite unpretentious, diseases and pests affect it when gross violations in the care of the plant are allowed. The most common problems:

  • Gingerbread leaves dry or dark spots of burns appear on them due to being too long in the open sun. From direct sunlight, the plant should be shaded.
  • The leaves of the paprika dry and frown also due to insufficient watering or too dry indoor air.
  • Zhiryanka does not bloom, if she does not have enough light, she needs to be moved to a more lighted room. The reason may also be a cramped pot.
  • Zhiryanka rot in the winter due to improperly organized care during dormancy (excessive watering).
  • Opal leaves in winter - This is a signal of the transition of the plant to a dormant state. For a while, a fat woman needs to provide coolness, very moderate watering and bright, but diffuse lighting.

Pests are not particularly interested in puff, but when grown in too dry air, spider mites or aphids can settle on the plant.

Types of homemade gingerbread girls with photos and names

Common Zhiryanka (Pinguicula vulgaris)

A plant of the northern and temperate regions of Europe and America. Forms medium-sized rosettes from oblong sessile leaves of a light green hue. Blossoms in single drooping blue-violet flowers.

Alpine Zhiryanka (Pinguicula alpina, Pinguicula albanica)

It grows in the northern and mountainous regions of Eurasia. In the process of growth, it forms dense leaf rosettes of sessile fleshy leaves of a yellowish-green hue. The flowers are single, straight (rarely drooping), white or light yellow with a bright yellow spot on the lower lip.

Morana fierce (Pingucula moranensis)

The South American plant variety, which has the following distinctive feature: the life cycle of this parsnip is divided into 2 periods - wet and dry. During the first (in summer) carnivorous leaves of yellow-green or maroon shades grow, forming medium-sized rosettes.

Peduncles appear in the summer and bear 1-7 single lilac or white flowers. With the advent of cold weather, the second period of plant life begins, when the summer leaf rosette is replaced by a winter one, formed from smooth elongated leaves that do not have glands for catching insects.

Balkan Zhiryanka (Pinguicula balcanica)

Distributed on the Balkan Peninsula. The leaves of a juicy green hue on short petioles are collected in dense rosettes, from the center of which long peduncles with single blue or whitish flowers appear in the spring and summer.

Now reading:

  • Violet - home care, photo
  • Eonium - care and reproduction at home, photo species
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Watch the video: Хищное растение Жирянка. Красота в деталях. Carnivorous plant Pinguicula. Мухоловка Flytrap (October 2024).