Fatshedera Lise - growing and care at home, photo species and varieties


Fatshedera is an evergreen vine of the Aralian family, a hybrid of ivy and shrub "Fatsiya Japanese" with petiolate, palm-shaped leaves from 8 to 25 cm long.

The homeland of Fatschedera is France, it was there, in 1912, breeders bred this type of plant that begins to develop in the form of a bush, but as it grows, turns into a vine with loose umbellate inflorescences.

Fatshedera Lise is a perennial with high developmental intensity, stretching for 40 - 90 cm per year, with a maximum total length of not more than 6 m. It is widely used for decorative purposes, not only indoors, but also for landscaping personal plots in the summer.

Also see how to grow a home dizigoteka and a sheffler.

High growth rate, stretching 40 - 90 cm per year.
Blooms in late summer in small flowers.
The plant is easy to grow.

Fatshedera: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeIn summertime - no higher than 18 ºС, in winter during the rest period - from 8 to 10 ºС.
Air humidityModerate, not less than 50%.
LightingShaded, indirect sunlight, northern windows.
WateringRegular up to 2 times a week, avoiding fluid stagnation in the pan.
Fatsheader soilNourishing, breathable and breathable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerIn the vegetative phase, alternating organics and minerals.
Fatshead TransplantYoung plants are transplanted annually, adults - every 3-4 years.
BreedingApical cuttings, seeds, less often - layering.
Growing FeaturesThe plant needs support, a decorative stand. In the summer, it is advisable to keep the liana on the loggia, balcony or other open area, since the flower does not like stagnation of air.
Do you grow fatsheder?
No, but I want to! Yes, I really like it!

Fatsheder care at home. In detail

Fatshead Flowering

The plant blooms at the very end of summer - the beginning of autumn with loose umbrella inflorescences, which in turn also consist of smaller umbrella flowers with a milky or yellowish-green hue.

After flowering, some specimens of lianas may appear small fruits in the form of inedible purple berries with seeds. As a rule, it is the home Fatshedera that blooms extremely rarely.

Temperature mode

Despite the fact that the liana is a tropical plant, it prefers cool air and a temperature of no higher than 18-20 ºС in the summer. In cold seasons, the flower is able to withstand a temperature drop of up to 8 ºС, but it is advisable to organize wintering at 10-15 ºС, which is especially important for variegated varieties.


Fatsheder care at home includes maintaining a constant humidity level of 50-60%. This level is achieved either with the help of special air-moisturizing devices, or by spraying. In the latter case, the plant is sprayed at least three times a week with soft, standing water a little warmer than room temperature.

In hot weather, you can arrange a flower with a warm shower.


Fatshedera also willingly grows in the shaded corners of the room, but for some of its varieties, namely, having any pattern on the leaves, it is not advisable to stay out of sunlight for a long time. With constant placement in the shade, the leaf plates of the plant become dark green, the light color of the core and the edges of the leaves is lost.

If the flower is placed on the southern sunny windows, as well as in open garden areas, it is worthwhile to ensure that during periods of solar activity the liana is protected from direct burning rays.

Watering the Fatshead

Fatsheder plant at home needs regular, but moderate watering, eliminating stagnation of moisture in the soil and in the pan. Watering is necessary as soon as the soil of the flower is almost half dry.

With the onset of cold weather and a drop in temperature, the liana is watered much less often, to avoid rotting of the roots. Also, as a one-time replacement for watering, periodic loosening of the soil can be used.

Fatsheader Pot

The pot for an adult creeper should be quite voluminous, deep, stable, as mature plants have powerful roots and grow very much. Young specimens are best planted in small containers, corresponding to the development of the root system. With each subsequent transplant, the pot changes to a larger one and thus an outdoor flowerpot or tub is already being selected for a perennial flower.


For fatshedera you can take any universal flower soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH. With independent preparation of the mixture, the following proportions are observed:

  • sheet land (2 parts);
  • garden soil (1 part);
  • perlite or sand (1 part);
  • peat (1 part).

A drainage layer 3 cm high is created from any moisture-permeable substrate.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Any fertilizing compounds are added to the soil during the period of active flower growth. For the Fatsheder, this is the period from the beginning of spring until the onset of the first cold weather. Feeding is recommended to be applied in liquid form, alternating mineral complexes with organic ones.


Fatsheder transplantation is most often carried out in early spring before the onset of vegetation. It is carried out to young plants annually, replacing the soil completely.

For perennial vines, provided there is no rot or damage to the root system, only a few centimeters of the topsoil are changed with a frequency of once every 3-4 years.

Cutting Fatshead

This type of liana looks great not only in the form of a small bush on the window, but also is ideal for the construction of green sculptures and other decorative compositions. In the first option, to form a species of bush, plant shoots are cut to a length of 30 cm.

In the second case, timely trimming of the top of the fatsheder and pinching of the ends of the old lateral stems stimulate the development of young branches. Special arches and stands will fix the liana in an upright position or form the desired image of a flower from its flexible shoots.

To get a more lush vine, it is recommended to grow several copies at once in one flowerpot. Since, most often, this hybrid develops only the central branch, to the detriment of the lateral shoots, it is the group planting of the plant that will create a thick dense composition.

Rest period

Fatshedera needs compulsory rest at home, therefore, in winter, a full rest period should be arranged for the plant. To do this, place the liana in a room at a temperature of 10 to 15 ºС, provide good lighting, but exclude fertilizing and frequent watering.

Growing Fatsheder from Seeds

For a successful result, sowing is carried out in early spring or summer. On the surface of calcined and moistened soil, the seeds are laid out at a certain distance from each other. Once again spraying the crops with a spray gun, they are covered with a film and put in a well-lit place with a temperature not lower than 25 ºС.

Regular moistening and airing of the crops will provide quick shoots of the flower. As soon as 2-3 sheets are finally formed, the sprouts dive in separate containers.

Fatshead propagation by cuttings

Cuttings are a simple and affordable way to breed fatsheders. For this purpose, before the start of the growing season, a 15 cm long shoot with several “sleeping” buds is cut off from the vines and rooted in a moist peat-sand mixture or in water.

In the first case, the cuttings are covered with a film, they provide greenhouse parameters. In the second - a temperature of at least 25-27 ºС is also created, ventilation is organized. When young leaves appear, dives of sprouts are carried out in a separate container.

Moreover, amateur flower growers propagate the fatsheder by layering. In this embodiment, the appearance of the first roots occurs no earlier than two months later.

Diseases and Pests

The main problems that a grower may encounter when breeding a fatsheader are:

  • the lower leaves of the fatshedera fall as a result of the natural process of decay of foliage;
  • fatschedera leaves turn yellow with constant abundant moisture in the soil;
  • fatschedera have elongated shoots, which indicates a lack of sunlight;
  • small leaves fatshedera also a sign of lack of lighting;
  • the edges of the fatshedera leaves dry with rare watering and dry air;
  • dry spots on the leaves will appear if the plant is placed under scorching sunlight and has received burns;
  • leaves lose brightness due to the flower being in a too dark place, or with an acute shortage of certain trace elements.

Among the pests, the liana is most often struck by the mealybug, whitefly, spider mite.

Types of Fatshead home with photos and names

Fatshedera is one of a kind because it is a hybrid. But thanks to breeders, many of its varieties have appeared, the most popular of which are the following types:

"Variegata" (Variegata)

Has large dense leaves with a light edging and veins. The plant grows crown for a long time, more often susceptible to disease.

"Annemieke" (Ennmike)

It features a yellowish center of leaf blades, smoothly turning into a saturated green tint.

"Aurea" (Aurea)

This type of shrub is distinguished by the light core of the leaves and their dark green frame.

"Aureopicta" (Aureopict)

Liana with a more compact foliage than the classic view.

"Pia" (Pia)

Variety with green leaves wavy at the edges on short petioles, tightly adjacent to the vine.

"Lemon and lime" (Lemon and lime)

Fatshedera of this variety has an original foliage pattern in the form of light and dark blurry spots.

"Silver Prince"

A feature of the variety is the glossiness of the light green leaves of the creeper with a thin bordering strip at the edges.

Now reading:

  • Ivy - home care, photo species
  • Fatsia Japanese - cultivation, home care, photo species
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Watch the video: The Best Climbing Vines for Shade (October 2024).